I fell for the dont need to do ab exercises if doing compounds meme and paying hard for it. What's Jow Forums's favorite ab exercises?
Ab exercises
Other urls found in this thread:
Cable crunches
Ab wheel
>burn fat
>maintain muscle mass
Hanging leg raises and Dragon Flags are my personal favourites although the latter is hard as fuck to do especailly if you don’t have much abdominal strength
Weighted decline crunches
Hanging leg raises
EMG studies suggest that in order to properly hit your abs you need some sort of crunch and some sort of leg raise. For obliques some sort of spinal flexion or torsion, like Russian twists
This thing is my fucking JAM. Jow Forums, is this thing retarded?
ab wheel is GOAT
Name of this thot?
front squats or sprints
ab isolations will fuck up your spine and/or digestive organs
I really like this thing too. Makes me feel like I'm riding a roller coaster.
ab exercises he said you mong
ab wheel
>especailly if you don’t have much abdominal strength
yeah no shit an ab exercise is hard to do if you have weak abs...
>Hey kids you wanna do L-sits but even more hardcore and nearly impossible?
Dragon flag is much more than just an ab exercise though and it’s clearly not for beginners or even intermediates.
Leg raises for lower abs
Cable crunch for upper abs
Front squats for "holy fuck the burn" abs
You can get away with tucking your legs in as much as needed to get good form and over time work your way to proper flags.
Everyone who uses this looks like an autist no matter what
yeah, sprinters always have shit abs lol
Can I do SSB squats instead of front squats?
sauce on the azn slut(Im from /b/ btw)
Bicycle crunches and hanging leg lifts
Crunches will snap you back up
Vyvan Le
>i'm from mlp btw
Ab wheel
show vid on how it used
Anne-Wong Frank
>i'm from /his/ btw
what mode is this?
>when tyrone shows up