>tfw he fell for the money meme
Tfw he fell for the money meme
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So where would a Zyzz/Elliot Rodger hybrid fit on this chart?
Would he transcend it?
Where is this from, OP?
Interesting that confrontative is rated.
Source on graph?
Chart should read "Preferred for Beta Provider / Preferred for actually banging"
I read this study. Truly fascinating albeit exactly what you would expect if you pay any attention to the world around you.
end yourself
>"Relative to women low in conception risk, those high in conception risk particularly preferred as short-term mates men who appeared more confrontative, arrogant, muscular, socially respected, and physically attractive. When high in conception risk, women were also more attracted to men who were viewed as lower on faithfulness as short-term mates."
I sure as hell don't do this for the chicks.
Top kek
how is this news to anyone on Jow Forums of all places
>alpha fucks, beta bucks
>dual mate strategy
>monkey branching
>human females are selective but promiscuous maters
etc etc etc
it's not necessarily news, just scientific data to strengthen peoples beliefs.
>all this hatred over a question asked anonymously on a Japanese cartoon debate website
I love you, though.
Guys like different types of girls for short and long term relationships.
>The girl who can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, does the degenerate sexual shit you like, and has enough Cluster B Personality disorder for that monkey sex that only unhealthy people are capable of
>The girl who doesn't do drugs, volunteers, not sexually promiscuous, and can hold a conversation.
One of them gets taken home to meet mom, the other gets 2 am texts.
This, but the virgins here dont realise it.
I don't see what the problem is.
Better than just fucking everything with legs like men do, least we have standards.
it's the dynamic describe by the OP combined with a loosening of social mores on female sexuality that is currently fucking over the West by massively disincentivising long term monogamous relationships. this fucks over everyone: men in the family courts, children in broken homes and women by depriving them of meaningful family and community interaction. everyone is more miserable than they were 100 years ago because women have been "liberated".
That's fine and all & I agree somewhat. But why the double standards?? This pisses me off so much, as if it was acceptable for men to be permanently promiscuous like now 100 years ago. It's a two way street.
Also the people who complain about this on here are basement dwelling porn addicts anyway take a look at yourself for once instead of blaming society. Like Im seriously sick of this bs
biology doesn't give a fuck about your feelings. women are not designed to be promiscuous, men are.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex and have more to lose by having it. Men have to put in more effort and overcome more obstacles to get sex. That's why it looks like a double standard; it's not a symmetrical playing field.
b-but what about the nelly furtado song user??
If you want your relationship to last you must let your slutty girlfriend do whatever she wants without saying anything.
they aren't double standards, men and women are different so they need to be held to different standards. women were held to standards that sort to maximise the chances that the children she bore were her husband's (don't be a cheating whore) and men were held to standards that obligated him to financially support his wife and family (don't be a cad and a deadbeat dad).
>look at yourself for once instead of blaming society
the reason that they lack the introspection and are porn addicted basement dwellers is that this is calibre of man that our shitty society produces. that society also produces the sluts and gold-digging whores that these guys are complaining about.
>women are not designed to be promiscuous, men are
Thats just bs
Prove either is the case
Besides we werent even talking about biology we were talking about standards in society.
>That's why it looks like a double standard; it's not a symmetrical playing field.
It is a double standard no matter the way you twist it. Just because guys have to put in more effort they should be allowed to have sex with anyone they want while holding women to a standard they cant hope to meet? lol yeah fuck you
>women were held to standards that sort to maximise the chances that the children she bore were her husband's (don't be a cheating whore)
Okay, fine, I agree with all that.
>and men were held to standards that obligated him to financially support his wife and family (don't be a cad and a deadbeat dad).
Partially true probably but its not just financially, how can you even have a stable household if your husband cheats all the time?? Its not just financial.
Im missing a lot of arguments that I just cacnt formulate right now but I just know Im right
This. In the short term, it's sex. In the long term being intelligent is preferable.
This guy is playing devils advocate and already knows he's wrong. Trust me.
You forget that rich people quite often have the personality traits on the right too
>literally PROGRAMMED to be a single mother
Vaginal jews were a mistake.
You will see what the problem is when you're pushing 40 with no husband, let alone children, in sight.
C'mon user, that's clearly a butthurt roastie.
>I'm missing a lot of arguments but I know I'm still right!!
classic wild roastie behavior, shit's as pathetic as it is entertaining
Nice lack of arguments yourself. I guess I won then, good luck in life bye.
you're attempting to argue against biology. you haven't won anything.
>not mentally ill
Was not mentioned but implied
> thinking literally ANYONE gets money just for women
What, so you can be an ATM and do nothing for yourself? Also
Holding a lock and key to the same standard is retarded. Just as retarded as your whining about a gender double standard.
Source requested and then given as a proper PubMed paper and not a shitty popsci article. Color me pleasantly surprised
Wouldn't an alpha also be successful financially? Why is this stupid saying even a thing?
You're laying on the 'pretending to be female' bit to much. Your typing style is changing, Capitalizing the first word but only sometimes using commas, periods, or apostrophes. The 'lol wat does it matter' is forced.
2/10 bait. I can't believe anyone actually replied to this, regardless you should pick another board to troll on?