
Welcome to the machine edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for delete /britfeel/.

I am the greatest.


Pls delete my sadness too

can't we delete some of the user base instead?

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Delete all the anonymongs and make tripcodes mandatory.

Why does he keep making such awful posts?

/britfeel/ radio will be on air this evening

what's made you flee Jow Forums tonight hen. too many based anons for you?

New game if anyone wants one lichess.org/7xQ1oXuc

you're a psychopath please remove yourself

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Goodnight you sexy lads and lasses, think of me resting in my double bed and how you could be along side me anytime you wanted.

Big kiss from ol' Junners and enjoy the night.


lets not!

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we're already past evening and into nighttime now

>Goodnight you sexy lads and lasses
but it's just me here and those ugly cunts


Anyone use seasoning packets from supermarkets on chicken? Getting very, very bored of my plain salt/pepper seasoned chicken and rice now.

Looking for a nice one and some recommendations would be nice.

>moth flies into my room
>lands on a cup and goes inside it
>i look inside the cup
>its somehow not in there
nani the fuck

get some of that nandos peri peri blud

AII stand for the /britfeel/ anthem


Yeah nah I think we're done with the radio.

hostlad said it will be back on friday,

This is why we can't have nice things. Although to expect a sound mind from this thread is quite a long shot.

>tfw no Alice clones to triple team muh dick

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images lol

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>double bed
>tfw based single
Anyway, na night lass.
I could smash any of you lads on Connect Four.

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Do the job centre provide a p45 lads? I've been overtaxed by nearly 200 pounds. I just submitted a form to the HMRC explaining the situation. Will I need to wait until next months payday until I get the money back once they sort it?

gutted desu

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original comfy non cancer one is

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>10 years ago
>"wow this fag is probably a teenager or something..."
>"wow, i bet this fag is like, in his 20s or something"
>10 years in the future
>"fucking fag, definitely in his 30s, maybe even younger"

i hate people like this so much, segregating themselves in a way that they are always the superior group. fuck off

91% humidity here, can't fucking sleep. i hate the summer

>Welcome to the machine edition
[Xenomorphs towards dolphinself]

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>Do the job centre provide a p45 lads?
they should do. Might need to request it

>he actually saved my discord message

Th-thanks for getting the message out I guess.
It'll be back on next friday.

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We dont want you back. It destroyed the thread and several lads were extremely upset

anyone else broke their hand before? i broke my hand about 5 months ago but it still hurts a bit if i knock it. Will my hand permanently be fucked? i have already been the hospital and everything, they never said if it healed wrong or ought

You're the soul carer for britfeel? your time spent here must be exhausting.

>It'll be back on next friday.

Good lad, most of us will be looking forward to it.

i second his motion

CronaBritfeel Because /britfeel/ are the only friends I have and if I trip it feels like other people know/care about me I guess
[black]They clearly don't care for you
CronaBritfeel Maybe not :/
CronaBritfeel It's hard though, when you otherwise have nothing
CronaBritfeel Like, no friends at all
[black]Why not leave and find a new place were you can have a fresh start
CronaBritfeel I kind of have some friends now though, but I only met them through /britfeel/
CronaBritfeel Well, /britfeel/ is my place
CronaBritfeel It's my home
CronaBritfeel What boards do you like to browse?
[black]Abit egotistical
CronaBritfeel I don't mean that /britfeel/ belongs to me
CronaBritfeel I just mean that it's the place where I feel like I belong
[black]Sounds like it
CronaBritfeel Sorry if I gave the wrong impression
[black]Didn't you shit up the thread for ages?
CronaBritfeel Some people just didn't like my presence, that's all
[black]Heard it was more serious than that
CronaBritfeel There was some drama with some other trips

His own little proganda cave :-x

Alright zeus lad? You know he's just using you right?

The majority of /britfeel/ does not want that shitshow back

Fuck you cancerous faggo

What type of prepared chicken are we talking lad?
>Stir fry
>Roast chicken
>Plain grilled
Because I know quite a few pre sold sachets that are good when combined with other stuff and can also recomend some good herb combinations that go great together.

when you have heyfever and blow your nose does the snot turn brown? mine has

The end is near guys I have to stop being a NEET

Should I apply for Amazon Warehouse Operative job?
how easy is it to apply and get the job anything bad I should know

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not zeus, i was seconding this

Bit rude of you lad
Crona's a nice gal as well

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>loads of lads posting about how the radio show depressed them and made them feel /britfeel/ wasnt a place for robot lads anymore
>lmao stfu you virgin loser we're gonna get drunk and ring up prostitutes this is what /britfeel/ is all about!

amazon has a high turnover rate so you should get in pretty fast, its fucking hellish in there though lad, last resort tackle

>Should I apply for Amazon Warehouse Operative job?
>how easy is it to apply and get the job anything bad I should know

gimme the inside scoop

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We're going live in 5 minutes lads

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>woah we're so controversial this is great!
eat shit

they have you running around like a blue arsed fly and the supervisors are looking for any time problem, any reason to give you a strike or sack you, it isnt just a work thing either, they are arseholes as people, its just depressing

thanks for ruining the thread lad. place used to be bearable before 12, then this shitty radio brought out the worst in everyone. you clearly never even browse the thread, so why make your own "britfeel" radio? oh because you're an attention whore, somehow just as bad if not even worse than a trip. fuck off lad

If you go on the radio anymore or listen you're a dickhead.


Lads let me on as a guest. I will tell you all the secret to getting laid.

This. Dont even click on it, all he wants is views because he's a mentally ill faggot and even negative attention makes him feel better

Can we alert youtube of copyright infringement or something for playing songs. Always see joe rogan saying about not playing stuff when live, or something to that effect

>joe rogan
started watching this lad on youtube recently, he has some great shows


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Wouldnt posting the link count as advertising and be worthy of a ban? Just saying

That he does. Watched a good 1 about egypt n sheeit the other day

Well, i went and had a few drinks with my brothers mates. it was ok, i only wanted to spend a few hours with them but they nagged me to stay for longer.

tuning in lidd

/britfeel/ radio certainly separates the men from the soiboys

He's some newfag aswell who knows nothing about the lore

/britfeel/ live radio
Live now

tuning in lid

would it possibly be smoking thats turning my snot brown?

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It unironically does especailly if it's done on mass

>lose superpowers
>fly a zillion miles an hour into the side of a mountatin
>walk away fine
ok then.

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Can you make an effort not to discuss anything related to any tripfags? I'm mainly talking about HC or Andrew, it derailed the entire show last time.

I think these two radio people know each other IRL.

Womans, always like to exagerate for sympathy. She knew she still had em all along

DM senapi you're not a part of this radio meanieness are you?

>you would doubt him for even a second

That's all it sounds like. It's like I'm listening to two mates in the pub.

She's not like other grils user
I will not be tuning in, no.

Who the fuck is this host? What a loser.

Has she got 3 boobies?

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try Zazen zeus, it might help you.

do duty dew it

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Love seeing cute traps with raging boners, lads.

>Who the fuck is this host?
Fuck off

His parents must not of Iiked him

she's a stronk independant woman why kills mean omnoms

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>who kills mean omnoms
I mean

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>destroy /britfeel/
Newfags thinking they can destroy such an institution.

Just did a nice read port, team effort guys

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You're welcome zeus. i am looking forward to you looking into Zazen. I managed to cure my insomnia with Zazen and it might not work for you but i think its worth a try.

These two have clearly never seen a pair of tits between them.

>woah I hate these guys, I'm gonna listen just to hear what they say next!
just click off lads

It's them shilling, they pretended to be anons and spammed thread whn it 1st came on

>It's them shilIing, they pretended to be anons and spammed thread whn it 1st came on

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>my home

He only fucking started posting last year. Tilde and ebin were here from the start. It was their home and he had no issues bullying them out

What a fucking cunt, hope he necks himself

onions meme audience noice or is the host the one doing it?

>Tilde and ebin were here from the start.
Not really but deffo longer and fuck them too tbqfh

>ywn form a ragtag group of /britfeel/ lads fighting to survive the zombie Apocalypse

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They were not here from the start matey.

Best zombie movie?
day of the dead 2001