He hasn't started HRT yet

>he hasn't started HRT yet
user, why would you do this to yourself? its like you WANT to get the rope!

Attached: hrtgen.jpg (2819x2658, 1.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll do it if someone nice adds me on discord and teaches me

Stop spamming /lgbt/ shit on Jow Forums.

I probably deserve this anger for always coming back here, it's like an extension of my life cage.

This Is How It's Done!
Just steal it from /lgbt/
Thank you user!
Also I think I'm too fat and stuff

I'd only do that shit if I had a bisexual gf that begs me for it

I just neeed someone to force it one me, because I'm a spineless bitch that won't do it on their own

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Also me too

>OP hasn't killed himself yet
gee its like you self awareness about your existence being parasitic

>>he hasn't started HRT yet


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heads up summer fags, you can FILTER threads, so go ahead and filter this gay thread and other threads, stop giving rage bumps.

no one cares about your discord cabal reiko, go back to crying on Twitter after playing yourself and incriminating yourself like a retard

This is why we need Reiko

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reiko is based uwu

Attached: reiko.jpg (706x460, 76K)

>This is why we need Reiko
Probably, anyone could do it really

show more pictures of you now

whaa/!??? asking for MORE Pictures of me? how greedy!

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>letting a fetish ruin your life

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keep em coming you slut

don't pretend like that wasn't a stealth bump

>Another day, another day of Reiko's tricks...

Attached: days without reiko's tricks.jpg (600x396, 55K)

>these traps never show their face and always post anime girls anyway
Hmmmm I wonder why

PIease go back to /lgbt/

no we don't that inbred little amerishit can fuck off

HRT will make you a limp dicked, impotent, weak faggot and it will mentally fuck you up even more than you probably are if you actually want this shit. And if you transition your "vagina" is gonna be a disgusting pus filled windsock and you will immediately regret it. Think of how you'll look years on as well, sure you might look good at the time but you don't think those years are gonna add up? I think you can do the math. You're gonna be a 40 year old in your thigh highs and shitty cosplays? I sure fucking hope not. Find some other shit to occupy your time that isn't sex oriented you wild fucking gay animals.

- sincerely, an actual faggot

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B-BUT user!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no u

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tell me you are trolling, tell me you aren't this mindlessly controlled by your sexual impulses.

i like big titties and ass but i don't talk about it all day every day.

perhaps posting about traps just for the sake of it is park of the fetish.

i'm sorry user but we have a mission to accomplish

look, it's not my fault you're so god damn sexy.

thanks now orbit me on twitter uwu

>two CRT monitors

I must say user, you've got quite the rig

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Alright now show your horrifyingly obvious manface you stutterposting queer

In case anyone wants to know more encyclopediadramatica.rs/Lord_Foxworth

I didn't know Reiko took in trash

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p--ic related!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AHAha thats me desu

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Wait so if I take HRT I become a cute anime girl?
Nice looks like I'm gonna do it

yes maam, anything you say queen

turn everyone into faggots? Thats really gay.

it's like magic desu

all it takes is some time and money and you'll be looking cute in no time!

Attached: untitled copy.jpg (681x568, 112K)

Friendly reminder that even IF you are NOT a FAT looser you will still 99.9% of the time look as ugly as your fully male face after transitioning. So enjoy being a 2/10 female and only able to fuck guys who either smell like shit and/or are ugly af aswell.

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why would i want to orbit a mentally ill metrosexual? I've learnt about you to know you aren't actually gay

Okay now screencap this post and send it to Reiko

depends on what you consider "gay"
i like other trans girls, traps, and femboys
we're already in kahoots uwu

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My bf likes otters so imma stay an otter.

so you're just so beta that you failed at getting even cheap bootleg females to want you?

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Look it's the push you need! You won't do it your self obviously


just realize you're a girl already, anons!

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/lgbt/ the post

Rate my progress.

Attached: HRTigor.jpg (2048x1340, 443K)

would drink vodka and get AIDS with

You will kill yourselves when you hit 30 and you start looking like a hon tranny clown.

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Wow I can't believe that I can BE an anime character just by taking pills
Okay, this is epic

JUST take HRT user you will be a cute girl!


Ooops forgot pic.


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t-try it and see for yourself

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Assuming I wouldn't already. Shoulder width, rib cage, and dont get me started on the brow. God I wish I could tell a younger me to either avoid the internet or start then.

you looked better as a guy user

Wait show me a slow transition
Will I be anime slowly like I look like a jrpg and then 3d anime or is it almost immediate
I'm joking I won't take those fucking pills you dunce

>come stuff my boy pussy uwu

everyone will laugh at you if you do this shit.

no one will take you seriously (even more now) and you also risk getting murdered more.

Attached: Unga bunga grug is now grugga.jpg (2592x1944, 1.38M)

This is you in a couple of years.

Attached: c50ea563f43e15ba787139389dc03eb390df3f528d5725d7eb49c73c4fdf4cbd.jpg (1693x2256, 707K)

Holy shit is that Nicolas Cruz?

Okay but where do I get these magic pills user?