Why is Chad entitled to women when he's a lazy faggot who hasn't done shit?

Why is Chad entitled to women when he's a lazy faggot who hasn't done shit?

But when we bust our asses for 10 years we're not entitled to women?

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Genetic entitlement, granted by nature. We lost that when we were developing, you just need to accept it.

becasue he has better genetics

women by design select for best genetics for the sake of humanitys betterment

you and I on the other hand are genetic trash destined for failiure the moment we were born

easier to accept and live rest of our days not caring about the 'unfairness' of it all, trust me on this. only leads to sadness

Not true. Chads are usually dumb and unproductive exploiters. Good genetics means high intelligence and capacity to work productively. If women selected for good genetics, the average robot would be today's chads.

>equate romantic success with hardwork
bruv that ain't how this world works, grow up

That's how literally everyone is telling us the world works though.

Chad's have to do alot as well
They can be seen more as an object than a human by women
They obviously have to work out
Probably the most difficult, they have to deal with multiple women chasing them at once. It's a whole lot better to be a chad.

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>better genetics
>dies at the age of 20 from heart failure

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The normies and chads tell us over and over that success is the result of hard work and all the betas are just "lazy".

you blue pilled af

but ill concede that in a patriarchal society, men can somewhat guide genes towards intellect and traits useful to civilisation (civilisation = monogamy = man made structure)

on the otherhand with hypergamy (we live in feminist / matriarchy times where women decide atm) inferior female brains seek good looking chiselled dudes which denotes strength and power... because these dudes can club ugg over the head from rival tribe and protect m'lady. women operate on a really primitive level they couldnt care less about 10 years, 100 years later. they live in the NOW, they want chad NOW, who give a fuk if society collapses

most people in this world don't know shit about shit, not sure why you haven't learned to see the truth of the world by yourself, looking at concrete evidence or examples

chad here.

women are motivated by unconscious instincts and emotions. if you trigger those with height, facial aesthetics, and dominant/competitive high-test behavior, they essentially offer themselves to you.

Any positive physical attributes signal you can defend and protect them from other males or danger. Doubly so if you show a need and willingness to dominate other men socially and otherwise. this signals to her that other men have deemed you the most alpha and worthy for insemination of her womb

I'm not turbo chad but I've fucked 45 girls starting at 17. I've fucked entire friend circles of girls, had threesomes, etc. I've only been on a few real dates in my life and they were usually just being nice to girls who i just fucked. most of the time i had sex it was fucking some girl at a party or telling them to come over with overt sexual tension implied.

dating is for beta faggots

Thats because what women say isn't what they mean. And we are living in an emasculated culture since the (((sexual revolution)))

go to reddit Jow Forumstheredpill read the side bar it'll all make sense

>But when we bust our asses for 10 years we're not entitled to women?
I didn't bust my ass at all and I have never had any problem getting women, and I'm married to an amazing, gorgeous 25-year-old. And I'm not even a Chad.

Just learn how to connect with people.

>Why is Chad entitled to women when he's a lazy faggot who hasn't done shit?
And he isn't "entitled". Women are entitled to find attractive anyone they like. He is vested with a lot of characteristics for immediate attraction. Stop over complicating shit.

i mean thats what everyone wants to believe, because otherwise their success would not be something they can be as proud of, everyone is this way to be honest, but for most people even when they get a little bit of an edge due to their RNG birth, they still gotta put in the minimum work required to fultill their potential, so theres that

>being nice to girls who i just fucked
nigguh this so much, for a world with billions of people, word sure gets around quick lol

>Haha just accept your genetics bro
No. Humans have evolved past that. We recognize that nature is unfair and needs to be modified.

Maybe because Chad doesn't think of women as due rewards

>girl says she won't date anyone below 6'2 (i.e like 95 percentile)
>you go gurrl, slay queen, you deserve it, completely socially acceptable
>virgin complains about never having a romantic partner or wanting a virgin gf
>lower your standards, you're not entitled to sex, you're probably a misogynist
Yeah it's almost as if normies were complete hypocrites.

>chad's so entitled
>thus us losers are entitled to shit too
fuck people like you who keep wanting the rest of society to change because you got the short end of the stick, fuck you and all the americunts who want to nerf the world, youre all entitled pieces of shit.
Everyone in this world is equally undeserving, some of us just got lucky, anything you get is a bonus from the baseline. BE FUCKING GRATEFUL
Theres already enough handouts in todays world, free food, free housing, free educations, even free healthcare, nigger HEALTHCARE, its incredible that such a luxury is now handed out to the poor, can you fucking imagine.
Seriously what the fuck have you provided to society that society has to bend over backwards for you, shut the fuck up and accept that some people just have it better, and work towards getting more than you have now, instead of comparing what other people have.

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You are a worker ant built to keep your female relatives supplied with $. they breed not you

I'm friends with a couple of Chads and that's exactly what they do.

>Good genetics means high intelligence and capacity to work productively

That would mean chicks would prefer a guy like Stephen Hawking to pic related.

Chads can have the intelligence and productivity of a rice cooker and still get 100x the pussy of your sorry ass. Look at yourself. Do YOU give a flying shit how intelligent or productive a girl is? Would YOU prefer a greasy ham beast that is super intelligent and works in a productive job, rather than a super model airhead? Don't lie to yourself.

Genetics are EVERYTHING!

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"Chad" isn't entitled to shit. Things are hard for everyone user. Especially dating.

>Genetic entitlement.
No such thing.

Where do you guys get this shit from?

Please leave, Chad.