Hey lads, any of you guys manage to progress to weighted wide grip pull ups. My usual 4 sets of pullups is pretty lame 9-6 -5 -5. How did you guys get to the next stage for pullups and how many could you do before adding weight? Cheers. Also don't really want to hear from anyone under 75 kgs(165 pounds) because you are not lifting any weight anyway.
Weighted Pullups
I can do 5 @10kg but it really strains my shoulders. Not worth it atm. They are a lot harder than weighted pull/chin ups but don't force it brahp
>Weighted Pullups
Only tards do those.....
I do them ghetto style with a dumbell between my legs
t. weak man
The fuck are you talking about they're the best exercise for your lats.
Just do sets of 5 like it's a real lift. Recent workout:
Don't do WIDE weighted pull ups you autist you will rip your shoulders out of the socket. Do them shoulder width or narrow
Btw i'm 185 but repping 2 plates on pull ups, do wide only if it's bodyweight
how do I progress mang?
stuck on 30kg for about sets of 3 or 4
just what worked for me but I do FB 3x a week with A&B days, A is 3x3 weighted, B is 3xF unweighted and as soon as I started doing those my triples shot up
Stay mad OP, i weigh 70kg but can do 6x with 40kg added weight.
I got there by doing at least 20 non weighted every day.
If you want to progress on pull-ups, do pull-ups you numpty.
Yeah, I moved to weighted when I was flat-lining my pull-ups at 8-10.
Did weighted getting back to 8-10 reps then kept at that for a few weeks before adding more weight, go around 20% added weight, so 10kg becomes 11kg.
Can do 8-10 with 20kg at mo, can now do 18-20 reps with no added weight.
A good way to get past any flat-lining is also to do eccentric pull-ups with added weight.
I have done grease the gears, but it often led to overuse injury.
autist fucktard detected
thanks man
is FB full body? because im doing that already (madcow5x5)
Cheers boys
>t. fatass who cant pullup
I'm training them to get to one arm
I usually mix bw and weighted and pullups and chins
also I ditched wide grip although I still keep and slightly wider grip on heavy weighted pullups
got to 50kg at 95bw, a lttile lower right now after I injuried myself and had to slow donw training in general
>Also don't really want to hear from anyone under 75 kgs(165 pounds) because you are not lifting any weight anyway.
t. eternal bloatfag
there's a still a large span of weight before getting too fat
I weighted 75kg before starting and I was skinny
I'm 6"2' 191 pounds, I just don't want to hear from some tiny guy about doing exercises that require you to lift your bodyweight when it is completely different for someone with a bigger frame. I wasn't even being a dick about it, why did you egt so butthurt?
as much as I agree with you , you were slightly being a dick telling them they don't lift any weight
Height/weight is mostly a factor with advanced calisthenics/gymnastics moves like planche/front lever etc. Pull ups and dips are almost the same for everyone
at least when it comes to height*
Progress them like any other exercise. Start with 2.5 Kg, then 5, 7.5 and so on. I can do 8 @20 Kg right now, it goes pretty fast.
lmfao i guess body weight pull up is still weighted pull up for fatties like u
started doing weighted pullups when I was 17, worked up to about +20kg for 5 reps at 80kg BW
I stagnated there for a few years, so I switched it up by doing chinups instead, my best set so far was +40kg for 5 reps at 87kg, currently
Did doing chin-ups improved your pull-ups?
yes, but I don't train them regularily enough to evaluate exactly how. I think my best set of pullups was 5 reps with 30kg added at 87 kg BW after only training chinups
> Also don't really want to hear from anyone under 75 kgs(165 pounds)
There are people under or at that weight that can do pull ups with tremendous amounts of weight.
If you weigh more, you can do do a heavier total weight (bw + weight added). Lighter people can do higher % or relative strength as is in most lifts.
I think I got a little weaker when I cut. Went from bw of 180 with 115 pounds on me (total 295) for a 1 rep deadhang chinup, to 120 pounds added at a bw of 173 (total 293).
Definitely worth being leaner btw, much more mires.
Once I achieved 10+ chin-ups (or pull-ups) i started to do weighted
currently at 52.5lbs for 3 reps (BW approx 185lbs)
still a long way to go.
how to add tiny increments of weight to pull ups
You have to mix in different grips to hit the weaks spots.
You don't. Instead just hold yourself at the top for a second and do slower negative release
My gym has 2.5Kg weight plates
>Dont want to hear from anyone under 75 kg
Insecure pulluplet. Cant even 10 i guess
if he's training weighted he most likely is able to do at least 10 or he wouldn't be able to do 9 weighted