Why has there never been a single girl that was interested in me?

Why has there never been a single girl that was interested in me?

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because girls only want guys they consider to be above them

There was one, user, you just never noticed

You are probably ugly.
Good thing is that means you've never found a girl worth loving, because they weren't able to look past that so they're trash.
Unless you're ALSO a shit guy to be around (obnoxious, oblivious to others' feelings, etc.) then you're just fucked.

Because you aren't Chad. Women are really shallow and will biology will always win in the end.

Hey cutie how are you doing?

Assuming you were active in school and events, even just a little, there has to have been at least one. Think about it carefully.

There's a minority of people on the planet, I'm one of them, who people are just incapable of giving a shit about. I'm just gonna go back to isolating myself.

Fat girls and ugly, long face, huge nosed, oily faced girls don`t count

Beggars can't be choosers, user. Don't you know that?

Then I`ll be a refuser.

I'd go the opposite way. I'd use a couple of goblins for practice. And then get myself together. You have to start somewhere and build some experience.

Some girls were interested in me, but they didn't understand or share any of my interests. It's really hard to find a spergy girl. I met one, orbited her for a while and then gave up when she called me "too slow for her" when drunk.
You're not missing out on anything lad.

cuz u gay niGGa

The truth about incels, ladies and gents.

t. deformed """""female"""""

Not a one in my case

haha fucking funny nigga gay nigga funny nigga gay !!!!!!

I'm into spergy guys. They're always so passionate about stuff. It's extremely cute. The guy I like now talked to me for 2 hours about d&d today. Hearing him go on and on about all the cool things his characters have done just makes me smile.

This, but unironically. Why should I settle for the 2/10 uggos just because I'm a little awkward.

The only girl that showed some interest in me was so fucking dumb she didn't understand Rogue One when I took her to the movies. And she's a 4/10 at best.

There has but you always look away when a girl looks at you. You also might have bad eyesight. You also might need a few drinks to loosen up and approach girls.

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because you're as fat, short, and ugly as me

I bet there have been many, they were just much, much more interested in other guys at the same time.

Nice false flagging normie

Because you're not interested in you.

Kek, I can relate, and the last girl I dated kissed so badly she licked all my face, I even thought she was trying to eat my head