/mommy + fantasy general/

>son, stay behind mama and let mama take care of these monsters
will u stay behind or fight by her side?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Trick question, by the time I get to her side the fight's already over.

>no dick
that's what that body type is for, though

thats what u expect from the legendary mommy warrior

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>such shit taste
no wonder ur mom ran away with the chad from neighbor tribe

I meant because I'd have to run two miles, but sure.

>hey, can you stop stroking your cock while mommy and me do our training?
your sister raises this complaint.
what is your answer?

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Grug hit Grug sister with assault club, then Grug make Grug baby with Grug sister. Grug genes strong, make strong Grug child for Grug tribe.

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yes i have mommy issues

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yesterdays thread was great.
>futa mommy warrior
as much as this sounds interesting, please no.

>son, can you ask that slit eyed slave girl to scrub the floors harder today
whose side are you on?
slave girl or warrior horny momy

Attached: BwhvTEJ.jpg (917x1400, 86K)

No worry Grug mommy. Grug put Grug meat club in Grug mommy slave girl as punishment. Then she scrub Grug mommy cave floor harder. Later Grug tribe feast in clean Grug mommy cave.

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I think I'll just leave this fucking board

based grugposter

your mom is defeated by another based warrior.
do you switch the loyalty

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mommy visiting the forest guardian to pray and perform "rituals"

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Grug pray for guardian blessing on Grug tribe.

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ritual in progress

Attached: 1568648 - Alika Greek_mythology InCase Varossion mythology satyr.jpg (975x1074, 118K)

Grug weak. Grad challenge Grug for tribe chief. Now Grug dead by Grad club. Grad new chief. Grug mommy slut banished from Grad tribe, Grad tribe god Grad himself, no puny guardian.

Attached: Grad.png (485x443, 18K)

Sorry mum, I like her hair and those thighs were made for licking.

>Grug brings semi-automatic club to learning cave

son, hop on. we are going to fight some bandits

Attached: 180.jpg (605x800, 124K)

Not fast, Grad. Grug Brug blood brother, raised by Grug mommy self. Brug avenge Grug death in single combat. Brug strong, no need club. Grad soon no chief of tribe.

Brug sorry Grad mommy, but Brug need avenge Grug honor. Grad mommy spoils of war for Brug, make Brug babies to honor Grug memory.

Attached: Brug.jpg (600x680, 30K)

grug didn't deserve this


>you want to ride and pound mom's puss like a bull rides a wet cow right? u precum leaking degenerate
ur sister raises this query?
ur response?

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Aunt why always want make baby? Should take care Grug Jr. Where Grug daddy? Grug Jr. hear Grad challenge Grug daddy for tribe chief, where Grug daddy?

Attached: Grug Jr..png (225x224, 3K)

mommy is a slut and sleeps with grad on weekends mate

Attached: 11.jpg (657x865, 60K)

Sadly Grug dead, but no fear, Grug Jr. Take long time but Brug beat Grad single combat bare hand. Grug Jr. safe now, Brug face swollen, need rest and woman to make victory Brug baby.

You come to Brug cave make Brug baby now.

Attached: Brug2.png (645x729, 147K)

Hrug only one satisfy tribe women with big Hrug meat club, Grug Jr. not believe lies told in image cave.

Attached: Hrug.png (406x438, 46K)

I want to take my mom on a lewd vacation. One day.

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same here man
>keep mom almost naked throughout the vacation

Tribe member wait long time before, Grug back from realm of dead with message from gods. Gods say prepare war with big nose tribe.

Brug good blood brother, defend Grug honor in combat. Brug make babies blood brothers Grug babies, Grug and Brug lines endure strong.

Attached: Grug5.png (485x443, 31K)

looks like evil mage has defeated your warrior mother
kek kek kek

Attached: Glamurno_257.jpg (800x1087, 219K)

Brug so happy see Grug alive lead tribe after many moon! Brug follow Grug anywhere, Grug strong tribe chief prepare for war. Brug bring fully automatic club to training cave.

Brug think foul shaman long nose tribe shaman. Shaman make long nose baby with Grug tribe woman, shaman pay for this soon.

Attached: Brug3.jpg (211x239, 8K)

I love my new mommy! I hope she sends my old mommy to the slave pits so I never have to see her again and can focus all my devotion on new mommy!

Oy vey shaman, Grug tribe prepare automatic assault clubs for war against chosen tribe! Shaman tell chosen tribe what to do please!

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your mother should not have picked the wrong fight
breed the mothers and sisters. spread incest and ntr propaganda

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I knew it
I remember you dirty longnose
Where are the oogas?

Chosen warriors go image cave spread cave painting of Grug women meat club sluts. Thank for guidance great shaman.

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Brooga will help chosen warriors. Chosen warriors give Brooga tribe Grug women and free Grug cave as payment.

Attached: Brooga.png (719x664, 90K)

breed ur own mother too, long nose warrior
also shaman will visit to suckle ur mother's kkhazar milkers.
pic related is me btw

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Gruhmed also help chosen tribe in exchange for Grug women and caves and spread Gruhmed gods to Grug tribe.

Attached: Gruhmed.jpg (484x441, 57K)

Grelin tribe enter coalition against Grug tribe, give resource to coalition for free. Grelin tribe hate Grug tribe, Grug tribe no mix with other tribe.

Attached: Grelin.png (1420x1299, 300K)

you neggers are krazy

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Grurk tribe *click click* help also coalition against *click* Grug tribe.

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Now is time, Grug brothers! Tribe coalition made by long nose tribe against Grug tribe ready to attack and take Grug women and caves. Existence of Grug tribe at stake, Grug shall lead to victory as only chief of tribe.

Attached: Grug6.png (485x443, 22K)

rally behind me,
we will invade the grug village, make them breed their own mother and sisters.
after that, we will breed their mothers and sisters in front of them..........
lets go

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Me simple farmer tend land for Grug tribe. No want long nose tribe to ruin Grug tribe. Me stand behind Grug in battle!

Attached: GrugFarmer.jpg (485x443, 63K)

Me purebred Grug many generation Grug cave dweller. Stand behind Grug battle long nose coalition!

Attached: PureGrug.png (485x443, 23K)

Grug make Grug tribe Grug again! Grug lead battle against long nose tribe coalition lead Grug tribe to victory! Grug build palisade keep long nose tribe out!

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creamed one grug mommy

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Yes Grug time is now for Grug war against other tribes, stand behind Grug for purity of Grug tribe. Hit all non-Grug with gas mace!

Yes, Grug brothers, Grug lead to victory. One tribe, one chief, one Grug!

Attached: GrugSS.png (502x446, 80K)

Sigh... Why Grug torture self with vision of glorious impossible future? Well... Time go mom cave for dinosaur tendies...

Attached: GrugVR.jpg (225x224, 8K)

>ah son, you are awake
>you were murmuring mommy, fuck, some tribal shit in the sleep

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I don't know who's more autistic, the Grugposter or the OP who endured all this while still brainlessly posting his fetish. Fucking kek either way.

ever wondered what ur mom thinks and fantasises while rubbing her clit?

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What I would give to see my mom come out of a pool wet.

Its ok, grug. One day.

>tfw all mommies are lewd as fuck inside and want a fat cock to stretch them out

Attached: tit_handjob_g.gif (400x565, 1.53M)

embrace the horny side of your mothers

damn that grug guy.
OP here.
anyone wants to chat and share weird stuff/fetish and shit on discord? no homo shit tho

>Imagining mom's bathrobe slowly sliding off in the morning
Goddamn it, lads.

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>having a hot mom
hello underage

forgot my id

Really want to see her wearing a string bikini again.
On the contrary, my mom looks 10 years younger than she actually is.

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>uses xxoom's glorious art for a shit post.


>keeps smut drawings on pedestal
your mom in pic

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>completely blank screen

Oh wait, it loaded. Neat. Not sure how it's relevant to the thread but I like it.

I"m assuming a shit ton of these threads recently means one thing, time to make a game and rake in some gib moneys on patreon

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Go ahead, user. Even the laziest devs get hundreds on patreon. Just include incest.

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is summertime any good now, last time i played i only got through the main mom ones and they kinda sucked, i only want to play it through if they made the mom/ other milf scenes better

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They removed incest, though you can still find patches here and there. There were a couple of new mom scenes that were decent but the dev has moved onto other girls.

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stay mad bro. least I have a mommy gf.

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>tfw tribal incestual island
>every morning, plowing mom in the comfy garden of comfy cottage
real life sucks

Yeah... I don't wanna be here anymore either user...

atleast leave ur moms here to play with us

nice trips
alright better go try the latest version

nobody on discord?

i thought i was posting in the listening thread

>slightest hint of an areola showing while mom cooks you breakfast
It's the little things.

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I want to lick their armpits, feet and assholes

not going to save ur defeated mother?

I cling to her butt with my penis inside her like a parasite while she fights

Lucky guy. Do you sniff her bra & panties? I would be in heaven

I can't fucking help it, i realise how degenerate and disgusting it is but i get fucking diamonds every time i see mature women or mom incest porn.
I don't fucking get it, is there any cure for this shit?

>brother, mom is gone to fight ghouls
>you want to slay my pussy until she returns
do you say yes or is your sister laying a trap?

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>tfw mom knows I fap often and has asked what kind of porn i'm into

whip out ur cock and reply - i fat to bitches that look like you and get fucked in the ass

orginao slutty mothers

Should I? I didn't tell her what I was into, but I think her question may have given me an incest fetish.

i once told my mom that getting married to bit older woman might not be bad.
idk. we were having a weird chat

Mine just asked me what I was into out of the blue.

>son, mommy is back from monster slaying and bounty hunting
>can u scrub orc blood from mom's backside?

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would grind mom's puss/10

mommy bois rise