ITT specific time periods you're interested in

I'm obsessed with nostalgia, specifically 1984-1991 and 2007-2012. Every other time period doesn't deserve to exist.

What's wrong with me?

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.u3.jpg (600x800, 40K)

I wish I could just type autism but robot


Renaissance court intrigue

1800's all the way to 1950 interest me

I miss 2005-2010.
Kaka, ronaldinho

I really like looking at our modern times as if they are the "end" of history (or before the end)

December 23rd, 2016 - January 8th, 2017

I literally try to spend the whole day reliving those days.

That was like two weeks user, what happened?

I imagine that the present is the past. I imagine myself a man of the twenty-first century, a person with an historic sense, whose prayer that he should behold the London of a hundred years ago has been granted.

1940s, specifically just after WWII
I listen to music from that era a lot and fantasize about living in that time

Attached: d6228b5d8525b7c7df189ce839f99567.jpg (385x506, 34K)

I love the sixties, specifically before the hurrdurr hippie stuff went in full swing in the seventies

Attached: bobdylan1.jpg (782x439, 60K)

Honestly most of the 20th century has a comfiness to it

18th-19th Century France
Bourbon Restauration specifically

I have a whole folder dedicated to the 1950s. If I wasn't on Jow Forums I would dump it.

Attached: ac3f7a3dd55ed64df19e333d69124094.jpg (736x731, 109K)

What a coincidence, I have one dedicated to the mid 20th century in general
You should post some more, maybe we should trade images

Attached: Amaral_DDay_C.jpg (1200x993, 1.34M)

Every society has believed they're at the end times

But humanity does have the power to annihilate itself now (as opposed to 200 years ago)

Here's another.

And a lot of them were right on the money.

Attached: tumblr_mvu86oTxa11s8siaso1_500.jpg (468x353, 187K)

Nice one user
I'll return the favor, this time with a 50s image as apposed to the 1940s one

Attached: watching plane take off.jpg (1700x1137, 278K)

I've got bad news for you user...hippies were in their way out once the 70's broke what is you saying?

I'm already running out of original things to say for these.

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1975-1985 The Golden Age of Porn

I'm also a big fan of pre-Adamite civilization.

Weirdly specific. Say more now.

I know what I'm asking for isn't 50s but, by any chance do you have the one with JFK walking with his family to a car in some neighborhood
I've been looking for it and can't find it

Attached: after church.jpg (566x761, 164K)

I just so happen to have that one!

Attached: 1480723131560.jpg (1600x1102, 186K)

Thanks so much user this is a good image

Attached: old airline.jpg (800x590, 143K)

WWII-era Britain. My autistic fantasy is being a dashing Spitfire ace in the Battle of Britain.

Oh good so I'm not the only one with fantasies of fighting in WWII

I think it's pretty common, especially for those of us who grew up with Battlefield 1942 and Saving Private Ryan and shit. What's weird for me is that I'm obsessed with British shit despite being a fifth-generation American with no Anglo roots.

>What's weird for me is that I'm obsessed with British shit despite being a fifth-generation American with no Anglo roots.
That is kind of strange but not in a bad way, for me it's either American (usually this) or German (i like the uniforms and marching songs)
Have you seen Dunkirk user? And if so did you like it?

It's strange to look at old pictures and think "these people are all dead now."

I haven't seen it actually, I think I have a copy around somewhere (my dad gets pretty much every movie sent to him because he works in the movie industry and gets to vote on awards), I ought to watch it. I DID see Darkest Hour and fucking loved it.

Electricity was a mistake.

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2011 was pretty much the GOAT as far as I'm concerned.