New cbt:

New cbt:
20yo 6'1 81kg/178lb, bf I'm guessing over 17% but should probably get scanned.
OHP: 140
Bench: 200
Squat: 250
Deadlift: 375

Been training consistently a little over a year, roast me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what song is that


faggy tattoos

what i've done - Linkin park

Logan Paul you faggot

there are tattoos and theres that


Try lifting bro xDDD! Also, on a serious note, train your core and do more hypertrophy.

Are your traps huge or is it just weird lighting?

20 y/o
80 Kg/178 lbs
184 cm/6'1"

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Train your legs more

On a serious NOTE! Damn dawg you slay me man.

>that horrible tattoo


Squat 140 Kg
DB Bench (Haven't done Barbell in ages) 40 Kg DBs for 5 reps
Weighed Pull-Up /w 20 Kg for 8 reps
T-Bar Row /w 80 Kg for 10 reps
Not doing OHP nor Deadlift

kill me

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Is this achievable natty?

19/154lb/5'9" manlet
Bench: 275
Squat: 315

Been lifting for 5 months, arms still feel pretty dyel

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bro i could lay you down on a table and do my homework on your chest

that's one big ab

6'1", 204 lb. Been an out of shape fuck for a while and just recently trying to fix it. I'm diabetic(type 1) so figuring out what to eat is kinda hard. Thinking about keto. At 1600 calories atm. Trying to not be fat.

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Send uncendored pic pls

i have pectus carinatum
should i even bother trying?

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that has to be the worst tattoo design ever


could always try to make it less worse

Jow Forums newfag here. what does cbt stand for? obviously i know the prupose of the thread

Current body thread

that's already my less worse pose

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>5'8" 160lbs
>Bench: 265, Squat: - Deadlift: -

Been training for 3 years, cant lift heavy due to back injury, feels bad man

thank you

Forgot to attach pic

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that tattoo is shit

Attached: 7e7.jpg (600x516, 62K)


350 lbs
need help losing weight, lost 10 lbs but ive plateaued

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you can't fucking plateau at 350 you dumbass.

how come i cant loser more weight then i walk on a treadmill at the gym everyday and watch what i eat

you're eating too much.

Weight loss should be very easy at that size

worst tattoo I've ever seen

What type of back injury? Im a dyel who was doing SS but i injured my back as well. Nothing drastic, pain didn't last long but I wonder if i should continue with SS. Also looking juicy.

Stop eating

Holy fuck that tattoo is gay

en vild libbe dök upp




Looks to me like most of your weight comes from muscle so I'm not surprised that you're struggling to get it off. I'd recommend lowering your protein intake and focusing on carbs for the majority of your energy intake, that way you'll lose both muscle and fat.

Cut sugar and other unhealthy foods, just bought a fucking membership today. Enough is enough I'll report back when I lose this disgusting gut

Attached: 1226262.jpg (662x772, 95K)

Hit my cut goal today @ 83Kg.. pre stoked

Is this a troll?

OP is literal dyel. What compels you to post

get a cover up

>that tattoo


no, he knows his shit
follow his advice

Pic related

Attached: Screenshot_20180511-204038.png (1080x1920, 2M)

Cutting weight atm, down from 91kg to 82kg.
Deadlift 210kg
Squat 170kg
Bench 115kg

Attached: IMG_20180511_183437.jpg (1557x2212, 846K)

Pls don't post sideways

6'3" 200

Bench 195
Squat 320
DL 355

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really nice. especially delts and traps. lifetime natty?

God damn I'm the hugest choir fag and that's just distasteful

Thanks bruh
Lifetime natty, heavy deads and farmer's walks for traps.
Been training on and off for like 5 years

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pls tell me you've never lifted

you gonna look amazing around 78kg

Those lifts for reps or 1rms?

Thank you, this is my first real cut and I can't believe I didn't do it sooner. Very excited to get lower ab and leg definition.
I am 5'10 btw

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1RM, yeah my bench has always been shit, long ass arms bruh


nah, i dont mean it to put you down. It just gives me hope that i can one day achieve that level physique.

My current lifts are
>180kg dead
>140kg squat
>140kg bench

and you look miles ahead of me. Bench is a meme

Whats your OHP?

whats your routine, my man?

cute boy thread

if you just go for looks then you shouldn't care less about your bench stats. you're heading to peak aesthetics, bro.

>10 lbs
>plateau after taking a shit

mirin bloat

Yikes, my OHP was 70kg for 1 rep before I stopped doing them. I get a sharp pain in my shoulders
Cheers buddy. I was all about heavy DL and squats for a while but loving the new aesthetics

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are you doing iso ab exercises while cutting?

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Mirin hard
Height? Probably about 5’10?

About ten months between the two, have I escaped Auschwitz?
We’re all gonna make it r-right guys?

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The past 3 years I haven't done any abs exercises until recently.
I now do like 4 to 5 exercises for abs on my rest days now, feel like an idiot for not starting way sooner.
I follow this guy's ab routine

exactly mate

OP are you that fucker vegan cheetah?

I realised you had already said after I asked you

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Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


Push Day:

1 Upper Chest Exercise (Incline DB Bench Press/Incline Close Grip DB Bench Press/Low-Pulley Cable Flys/Incline Chest Press Machine)
1 Middle Chest Exercise (DB Bench Press/Close Grip DB Bench Press/Chest Press Machine/Cable Flys)
1 Lower Chest Exercise (Usually just High-Pulley Cable Flys)
1 Front/Side Delts Exercise (Some variation of shoulder press/laterall raise)
1 Rear Delt Exercise (Face-Pulls/Bent-Over Raise)
2 Triceps Exercises

I haven’t done Barbell Bench Press in ages since my chest was nonexistent and ever since I’ve switched to DBs, my pecs exploded.

Pull Day:

1 Vertical Pull Exercise (Weighed Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups/Etc)
2 Rows Variations (T-Bar/Seated/Wide-Grip/Etc)
2 Biceps Exercises
1 Traps Exercise

I’m not doing Deadlifts since they are strength focused and honestly fuck strength, I’m all about looks.

Leg Day:

Squats (Holy Grail of Legs)
Leg Press Variation Exercise
Leg Extension
Leg Curls
2 Calf Exercises
1 Abs Exercise

Forgot to mention I’m running it 7 times a week

holy shit thank you. PPL twice a week or once? (PxPxLxx or PPLxPPLx)?
any cardio?

what a fucking gay tattoo

7 times a week? how does that work out?
just rotating PPL with no rest days?

whats your rep scheme? 3x10 or something? how do you determine progression?

This, kill yourself.

If I was dictator I would hang tattoo "artists" in the streets.

May a newfag ask what cbt stands for

Frig off Randy

Cool boys thread
Users post pictures of themselves and we all decide if they are cool or not. No girls allowed obviously

cumshots boners trannys

I want to believe this is true

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Reminder as a warning to everyone that if you get a stupid ass tattoo like his you will never have a successful marriage