Who here /lonelydriver/? just went out for a midnight drive in my abarth for a purple sip.
What car do you drive?
What do you guys do on your /lonely/ drives?
Why won't wymen like our cars?
Who here /lonelydriver/? just went out for a midnight drive in my abarth for a purple sip.
What car do you drive?
What do you guys do on your /lonely/ drives?
Why won't wymen like our cars?
Other urls found in this thread:
>earlier heard sister say that she feels safer in the car when I'm driving as opposed to one of our parents
>tfw no gf to compliment your driving
I know that feel bro. I am the best driver in my family and everyone wants me to drive because of my skills
Are you the Abarth guy I was talking to on here like 12 hours ago? I'm the Fiesta ST guy who was gushing about how much I love Porsche 911s.
I miss being a tougeman. Shit's too damn expensive now, with the one good canyon 30+ miles away and gas almost at $5 a gallon. I used to have a WRX with coilovers and shit and was a regular at SoCal's most popular/infamous canyon, and was one of the fast guys there. I was even in a documentary about it once, and another time got into a Japanese magazine when they did an article about our road. I miss those days. I just can't drive like that on a public road anymore.
Yup this is me. Nice fiesta ST by the way.
if you have a car your not a robot
Haha, thanks.
Also, on the subject of women and our cars, I actually met this QT nerdy asian girl who was gushing like crazy over my ST a while back, and thought I'd won the fucking lottery until she started asking me about my old cars and when I mentioned the WRX she said "oh, my boyfriend has one!" Feels fucking bad, man.
No, if you don't drive a manual you are not a robot. less than 10% of the population can drive stick afterall
I wish I hadn't already had a few drinks, now you've got me wanting to take the S2K for a spin. I put some pretty sticky tires (Achilles 123S) on it a while back and still haven't taken it to my favorite road on them yet.
>takes additional teaching from your patient and caring family or friends to initially learn
not robotic
Once a month I drive 4 hours across the Sonoran Desert to go see my wife, who lives in Mexico.
It's always comfy.
I taught myself to drive stick. It was kinda rough at first but it didn't take that long. Once I understood how a clutch actually worked it was pretty straightforward.
I actually taught myself. Currently drive a bmw e36 m3. Put a lot of work making it nice and clean. Women don't care but it makes me happy.
I dont have a license and havent tried driving since last year when i had a panic attack while trying to learn to drive
>Currently drive a bmw e36 m3
Nice, what have you done to it? I had one for a bit, it was a track car project but I never finished it and I ended up selling it off. (I worked for a BMW/Porsche tuner when I bought it and after I left the shop I didn't have anywhere to store or work on it.)
I thought driving automatic was a meme. Is it an america thing? Because here we have separate licenses for normal and automatic shit tier car.
Got it with tein coilovers, dinan cold air intake, dinan exhaust, dinan stage 2 chip tune, dinan front tower brace. I've since done power steering cooling and new stainless steel lines with AN fittings, uuc m5 clutch with lightweight flywheel, uuc short shift kit, rebuilt shifter bushings and detents, new headliner, recovered vader seats, mishimoto aluminum radiator, fan delete, metal impellor water pump (replace plastic grenade pump), all new radiator hoses with expansion tank, dinan camber plates, and currently replacing most of my bushings with polyurethane. Also have fixed just a bunch of little electrical shit like the infamous power windows. It's a coupe, not a sedan. Currently in the works I plan on getting the under drive pulley kit and some rims.
Nice car, really like it.
Could you handle this atmosphere /drivers/?
Not a bad setup. Which TEINs? Have you had them corner balanced? If you're ever looking for new coilovers, I strongly recommend Status Gruppe, they're ridiculously good for how cheap they are, especially if you pair them with Swift springs or a similar upgrade option.
If you want a really decent affordable wheel, get APEX ARC-8s. (Just don't slam any rumble strips or curbs too hard with them, but nothing else in the price range will survive that kind of driving any better.)
I just bought my car as an impulse buy and learned how to drive stick on the way home. It wasn't that difficult
Are people in america really that bad with manual cars?
They are so fucking degenerate. They give us /lonely/ drivers a bad name.
>tfw will never have the chance to drive this god tier machine
>tfw honda won't give us the s660
why even live?
It's a great car but it's not as great as it's been hyped up to be. The ergonomics are particularly terrible if you're not exactly the size of the Japanese designers. It's also a godawful daily, can't see shit out of it with the top up and I don't enjoy sitting in stopped traffic with the top open and the sun beating down on me and everybody else in the jam staring at me. I had to drive it to work for a few weeks while the FiST was in the shop waiting for parts (If the license plate frames didn't give it away, and are both me) and it fucking sucked on my hour-long commute.
In the right situation, though, it's fucking amazing to drive. I just wish I had sole custody of it so I could throw my bucket seat in it and actually be comfortable. (My dad is the original owner and still drives it sometimes, and he's in his 70s and can't really handle getting in and out of a bucket.)
>Why won't womyn like our cars?
Don't ask, just be grateful, user.
Who here /mr2/? I forget who but it was one of the characters cars in Initial D First Stage.
Kai Kogashiwa, and it was third stage IIRC.
Good cars though, I had a first-gen for a while. I miss that thing. I can't believe that was almost 12 years ago, fuck I'm old.
As an American, yes. Literally no one drives manual besides illegal Mexicans and arabs
1st gen MR2s are a pain to find here
They've gotten pretty hard to get here now too. The car world is in a pretty sad state nowadays, all the good cheap cars of yesterday have either been wrecked or are locked away in collectors' garages and there's not much to replace them. I guess at least we'll have cheap GT86/FRS/BRZ to fuck around with in a few more years, but that's only a small consolation.
Here's another of my old cars that I wish I still had because they're unobtainable now, S14 240SX. It was less than 10 years old and had under 100,000mi on it when I bought it, seems crazy to imagine that now. Shame I drove it into a wall as an idiotic 18 year old.
You better keep that car clean. They are getting rare these days.
And I'll also post this one, since I still think it's fucking awesome almost 15 years later, this is when I was in a Japanese magazine with it. I have a copy buried somewhere at my parents' house, I need to dig it up and scan the whole article.
> using literally in place of practically when there's nothing literal about what you just said
You mistyped "as a normalfag female" in your post opener, buddy.
It's long gone, sadly. I popped the motor and had too many other projects at the time (IIRC I had a GDA WRX, E30 325is, NA Miata, S2000, and something else I don't even remember at the time), so I sold it off to somebody with more time and space for it. It was damn clean too, wish I still had it.
Here's the E30 in question, cool car but the damn thing was a fucking money pit. I only sold that one off a couple of years back. Speaking of shit I regret, when I bought this thing back in '08 I could've had an E30 M3 for like 10-12k and had the money to buy one, but I decided I'd rather have a cheap E30 to fuck around with and not worry too much about. If only I'd gotten that M3 and kept it for a few years I could've sold it for 50k+ profit.
Gf enjoys rides even if I go a bit hard
Is there a better feeling?
the FUCK outta here, and your grear grinder gf, too.
Ay spaghetti gang.
Pic related, I own this
Anyone /nightride/ here? I'd argue its more robotic... Cheaper than cars for all the neets and more solitary cuz sadboyz dont have pillion gfs.
I've always wanted one, but I keep wasting my money on cars instead, and I'm kinda terrified of getting smushed by a soccer mom in an SUV.
Fucking soccer moms I swear. My friend's friend died in a really bad crash because a soccer mom tried to pull out of the lane while he was lane splitting. The dude turned to a pancake. Women should not be able to drive.
Its dangerous but its worth it. I wouldn't really care if I died anyway since Im not doing anything meaningful with my life.
Also if you manage to avoid getting hit, smashing some hoe's mirror or revving the piss at some asshole on the phone is pretty entertaining.
Lol it's not the dying the scares me it's the high chance of being a vegetable for the rest of my life that scares me.
Also you don't even have to ride on the street. Get a dirtbike its just as fun. I picked up pic related recently (not mine I don't have any good pics of it yet) and its a hoot.
Being braindead is the same as being dead so what difference would it make? Being alive and stuck in a paralyzed body would suck though.
I'm the other guy who replied. A dirtbike might be cool, the idea of going on adventures on a dual sport especially appeals to me, but carving canyons and tracks is what I'd really want a bike for. It's a shame we get so few of those high power small displacement two strokes in the US, those look like a ton of fun.
As for fears, it's definitely the thought of being maimed or paralyzed that freaks me out.
Wanted to pick up my oneitis with the fiesta but she refused. Guess im driving alone
Gotta upgrade to an ST man, that's what the QTs like.
No, seriously though, I had this cute azn glasses girl start gushing over my recently. I was so excited until she started talking about her BF and his WRX...
ikr but i am still studying so this is the best i could afford.
And i dont know about the new wrx. the old ones are better imo
Totally agree, that's a big part of why I got the ST instead of another WRX. I loved my bugeye but the new ones are just so boring.
The WRX is too much of a money pit for my taste. Too many god damn normies riced them out and put mods in without knowing what they are doing.
If i but a Subaru i would go for this one.
What are some nice cars that aren't super popular? Not to shit on then but every other car bro has a subie or a mustang and I just want to be hipster. Though I can't talk shit I have a miata... Still don't see many of them though.
I was looking at a 3000gt and some 1st gen Mazdaspeed3s the other day.. seem breddy cool.
I sold mine for pretty much exactly that reason. It was great until I hit around 10 years old and 100k, and then it turned into a hole in the road that sucked up hundred dollar bills. It was particularly bad on axles and wheel bearings, oddly enough. Of course, it didn't help that my WRX saw more airtime than some Cessnas do...
Pic taken the last night before I sold her. I wonder where she is now, and if she's even still on the road or got crashed into a tree and ended up in a junkyard somewhere.
3000gt is known as one of the most unreliable cars due to how everything breaks on it
2000s mazdas rust like hell
Just got back from a night drive actually, used to drive a protege5
But now I've got a 2018 si.
It's tough, there really aren't that many hidden gems anymore. Blame the internet and the motoring press, I guess.
The one exception that I guess I'd make is the recent Mazda2, which is WAY more fun that it has any right to be, but it's still dead slow. I had a lightly modded one for a while and really enjoy it, and a friend has a ridiculous one with $6000 MCS 3-way remote res coilovers and other shit and it's absurdly fun to fuck around with. I think the 2 will be the next generation's EG Civic, but until then it's pretty lacking in terms of aftermarket and that's a major issue for a car that really needs upgrades to hit its potential.
Abarth or Dodge neon srt-4. You don't see many of them around
The new SI's are great and not many Mexicans have gotten to them yet. It also looks much better than the type r
I'm not even a female you nigger jew
>neon srt-4
Fuck yeah I was looking for one but couldn't find locally
I'll probably just get a shitbox and upgrade to a leaderbike for going fast. I always liked the honda fit. Yeah finding a cool car forces you to get an older one everything these days is either uninspired or too expensive for me.
Caliber srt or the pt cruiser GT (which uses the same engine as the neon srt 4)
My one user. Or at least in my opinion. I wanted something fun and AWD but not super popular so I managed to get my hands on a Galant VR4. Previous owner had done most of the engine mods already so it was pay and play. Super happy with my purchase.
I drive a 20 year old ford escort mk6 with near 300k km on clock, everyday i pray he doesnt fail me. Sometimes i go for nightdrives which can get comfy but there is always that feeling of deep inner sadness.I dream of maybe upgrading my car but im clueless about mechanical stuff.Dont leave me Escort, you are only friend i have
>put in brick headlights a few days ago
>gave the sr20det a solid service
>new tailshaft going in very soon. Aluminum 1 piece for maximum clutch kicks
>still no one to dorfito with
>girls think my car is old and noisy
>tinder matches fizzle out within a few days of conversation.
It's like I'm really Iketani, guys.
loving it bud
slowly saving up for a silvia myself but still cant decide between the 200sx s13 or s14a