If I transitioned would you guys accept me?

I honestly hate being female and getting shit on all the time. Not to mention other feminine problems or what women are doing to the world socially. I'd definitely rather be a guy. You make better friends, things are a lot more simple, you initiate things, things get done when you're around and people take you serious. There are some downsides but you can just pick up and dust yourself off.
Being a guy is literally perfection

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>hate being female
Literally why? The whole world is your oyster. Males are second class citizens in western society.

Grass is greener: the post. I felt like this for a few years and even dressed in male clothes but realized later I was rejecting what I thought I had to be. You can be your own kind of woman, you can find your own brand of femininity.

>Honestly wanna be supportive but realise this dude's point
But really he speaks the truth sadly, the way things are going, the male archetype is being flushed down the toilet, possibly even male Homo, Bi, Trans folk

Really If there was a magic option to become girls I think 90% of Jow Forums would do it.

no one has to accept you dummy, this is an anonymous forum, this isn't reddit

no one knows or cares about your gender

>You make better friends
>Things are a lot more simple
You initiate things
>Things get done when you're around and people take you serious
>You can just pick up and dust yourself off
The expense of "the would being my oyster" is its assumed I'm a thot/used goods/a roastie. That's what the guys who want to mtf transfer don't understand

what is this
reverse reiko?

Fuck femininity I'd rather not just be a hole thanks

Absolutely. FtMs in particular often find themselves living infinitely harder lives. Who takes a babyfaced manlet seriously? They're the lowest on society's totem pole. Now add female socialization and lack of a penis on top of that. Your professional, sexual, and social currency is entirely worthless at this point.

FtMs may have it easier than the majority of MtFs, but this is only because MtFs look like drag queens 99% of the time. They're quite possibly one of the few groups lower on the totem pole than unattractive, feminine manlets.

You're not going to get those as a lower quality male. Not because you wouldn't be a man, but because others will most likely perceive you as one due to your size, socialization, and other feminine features. Trust me when I say being male and "taking initiative" only really applies to Chad.

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I didn't eead the post I only read the topic.
I don't give a shit if you have a dick. I give a shit if you are one.

I hope this helps.

>They're the lowest on society's totem pole
>few groups lower on the totem pole than unattractive, feminine manlets
Just realized I contradicted myself. Assume I said "one of the lowest"

Then don't. Why let other people define you? Behave however you wish, whether that's considered feminine or masculine.

no we wouldn't nobody has to accept you we don't give a fuck about you you're nothing special you're the same organic decaying matter as everyone else transitioning won't make you interesting you're mentally ill I'm not gonna feed into your mental illness and coddle you and treat you like a man when you're clearly not don't fuck up your body once you transition you'l only be seen as fetish material females have life on easy mode you're literally being given the holy fucking grail and you're throwing it away for something as trivial as disliking your appearance are you retarded user?

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This is the first case of real internalized sexism I've ever seen. I'm used to people saying that to me because I'm not a feminist but holy shit you exemplify the phrase

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how the absolute fuck do you not want to be a female instead of a guy
t. mtf

post nudes before the transition and i'll think about it

Why are the replies to an FTM thread so positive compared to those in MTF threads? I'm surprised nobody has told OP to kill themselves yet or called them a freak.

>Baby face/feminine features
I can get reconstructive jaw surgery and whatever pills I need to go look like a man
Platform shoes/live like other manlets/surgery
>Female socialization
I can take tips from mostly male websites/people watch
Literally everyone know thats all women are
>Coddle me
>Treat me like a man
Pick one. And yes, I'm retarded. I am still female aren't I?

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they are a freak user just I'm not sure what's worse .... a cute girl becoming a hairy greasy "male" or a cute twink becoming a girl I'd say ftms are alot more gross just alot of the people in this thread seem to have a dyke fetish so that would probably explain it personally I'd never touch an ftm if i wanted to have sex with something with a masculine appearance I'd date an actual guy instead

I don't know. I don't act like a deuce or a thirsty beta in those as well. No point in asking here I suppose. Ask the people who spaz out in mtf threads

someone post that one documentary about that roastie who pretended to be a guy for a while and was so depressed she had to revert back to being a female

LOL op u dumb roastie whore i hope u do go ftm just so u can see whats its like

and all the positive benefits of males u listed is because we have a make brain. u will be incompetend at anything regardless if you look like a remale or some short soiboi faggot

you know what i ment by coddle you dumbass
i mean I'm not gonna humor you and encourage this shit you're a woman so thats exactly what I'd treat you like

>>Baby face/feminine features
>I can get reconstructive jaw surgery and whatever pills I need to go look like a man
>Platform shoes/live like other manlets/surgery
>>Female socialization
>I can take tips from mostly male websites/people watch
If it were this simple, robots would not exist.

the majority of male to "female" trannys dont look anything like females, but most female to "male" ones ive seen just look at least like basedboys. MtF is more disgusting.

face on the right looks feminine as fuck. it's really disgusting actually
do you like men or women?

most ftms user look like bulldykes which is just as disgusting
browse tumblr and you'l see what i mean

What is your point though?
I mean their looks don't concern you. Why act all weird about it?

>Implying I'm a cute girl
I've already seen it and it was the reason why I wanted to be male and I figure if I watch men in their element I can at very least fake it even if I can't make it.
If my surgery is done right and there aren't any hiccups in my transition you would just think I'm a short male if we met on the street
I'm not doing it to attract anyone. I want to improve my life, but I currently like men. I accept not being able to find love so I won't be gay or anything

there always things thajt make it obvious though user

Thats not really the way it is. Affirmative action sets us back in the job market, after deforce, you don't get to zee your kids anymore, you are under societal pressure to get a good job, otherwise, you are a loser. Women can just choose to keep the kids, choose to work or not, thoose to have kids in the first place. Fuck off, roastie, youvare blind to your own privilege

Platform shoes don't help unless you're close to non manlet territory desu
And other manlets are miserable af
T. Manlet

Although you are right, not all MtF are horrible monsters to look at.
I have dated a MtF but she actually looked like a real girl. (I found out that she was MtF after about a month)

Yes, those who are feminine to begin with pass quite well and can even look pretty. Unfortunately because they pass you don't notice them as often as you notice the monsters, and also because they're rare.

What shitty privileges. I don't want to have kids so I guess I already failed my one job as a woman.
I'm black so either way I get AA not to mention I have a pretty decent job as it is
Then I'll find out what outs me and get more surgery to fix it (if its on my face)
I can live with that

oh god dont do it. nobody likes black men. youll regret this im certain. youll never be trusted again

Lol black women are THE bottom of the totem pole I'd 1000% rather be a man. And like I said. I'm not trying to attract anyone

>likes men but wants to become one
haha okay you should've just came right out and said you have autism, it'd have been quicker

Did you even read the rest of the sentence? I'll assume not. Also I already said I'm retarded because I'm still a woman lol but yeah I'm probably autistic too since I'm posting here

Man i'm glad to be male, this kind of shit infuriates me, having to be femenine is being weak and submissive and i'm glad i don't have to be like that.

Most FtMs I know (that's 2) are pretty cool 'dudes'.

You're not going to be any better a person just by changing your appearance and LARPing every day.

This post's stupidity gave me cancer

No. You'd be even worse. However, if you didn't then you'd be a pretty good tomboy gf.

You would honestly be more hated as a FtM

>Being a guy is literally perfection
you might be retarded desu

there's a reason why there are so few FtMs, and why they detransition at a much higher rate

you couldn't stand being male.

Can I smash your manpussy when you transition, user? Especially if you've still got female bone structure.

Don't listen to the people trying to stop you from transitioning. If you think it's right, do it.

But it's not perfect being male, you get plenty of oppression.

>You make better friends
This one is true, but that's because men aren't slimy two-faced assholes
>Things are a lot more simple
Not in all respects, there's immense pressure to impress women and have a hectic life while aging well
>You initiate things
That's known as rape in today's wank society
>Things get done when you're around and people take you serious
Nobody takes male problems seriously, women get huge advantages in all areas except biological
>You can just pick up and dust yourself off
And you can too, just be strong and have good, honest and truthful friends
>The expense of "the would being my oyster" is its assumed I'm a thot/used goods/a roastie. That's what the guys who want to mtf transfer don't understand
It is better and easier to be a woman these days, just don't be weak and you'll go far

>Things get done when you're around and people take you serious
If you're tall, strong, and demand respect people take you seriously. Being a short weak guy is litterally worse than being a short weak girl, because the girl at least isnt even expected to be tall and strong, although in the end, neither will be much respected.
This is simple and biological fact for tens of thousands of years. First it was the biggest monkey leading the pack, now its the biggest guy commanding with people, alpha leader.

If you're a short

FTM would propably make for the best gf's if they didn't transitition.
It's too bad that they get encouraged to do that instead of embracing their "masculine" virtues and becoming the go-getter of the female gender.

>Can't hack the game on tutorial mode with cheats
>"M-maybe playing on Nightmare mode will work"

Really really bad idea.
Look up the lesbo femnazi who tried posing as male for a while and nearly suicided over it.

Those male friends tend to be a pack that tears on the weakest in it, we get things done because shit will falling on our heads if we do not.
And when you get taken serious, there are also serious consequences to your every slip-up.

All that is not even opening the can of worms that your sexuality will become.

I believe FTMs can have good personalities, but there are also many who are the worst type of man hating feminists and absolute scum.

God intended you to live in your natural form and he loves you. I'm sorry you had something traumatic happen in your life & you truly can be happy.

Well at least you get to experince true real sacrificial love from men and the only way to get that if you are a guy is by going gay.

That is not real love.
Is real love

By 2021 men and the masculine will be favored. You think women would have it easy forever. Nope. They were favored in 1973 and super favored in 2021. The tides are turning and FTMs and career women sense this. The next cycle will favor men and shit on women. I see into the future.

Same as trannies : you are assuming you will have the top man life. If you are a failure as a woman, you will be a failure as a man, so really, don't change for a "better life", change because you feel better having no boobs and a beard or smtg

If you have a male brain, a male personality that would be called a harpy in a female and male mental strengths as a female that's not true.

Jesus, I'd have no problem dating a tranny but not if they fucking lied to me like that, that sucks user.

I sorta want to fuck an FTM