The world is not full of beautiful people, nobody looks like a model or movie star. Get over it
The world is not full of beautiful people, nobody looks like a model or movie star. Get over it
Actually I do, lol
You do what?
(Comment not original)
>tfw beautiful person who still feels ugly
fucking hell
Youre absolutely right. In saying that maybe its time women accepted it and settled for betas.
Jonathan never had to work only be pretty
Op here, wait wait, hold up, I'm not sure about this but if I didn't know any better I'd say a couple of you are trying to say you are beautiful people.
Lmao bunch of bluepilled delusional incels,
Self-proclaimed "beautiful", if this sounds like you kys
Models and movie stars look like models and movie stars
But iktfb I don't think the human body/face can really be truly beautiful in a broader sense of the word
>Not a single black female in this photo but plenty of Tyrones
Also, all of those people look like models compared to me 2bh.
>The world is not full of beautiful people, nobody looks like a model or movie star. Get over it
Thats why we need Eugenics, faggot
Yeah, I was sorta thinking the same thing and waited to see if someome would point it out.
I know thay feel bro.
It's over for us desu
There's 2.5 in that photo you blind dipshit
I live in eastern europe and trust me, most women here look like goddesses compared to your landwhales in burgerland
I personally know a really skinny manlet who's married a legit 9/10, women here don't really care about your looks but your social status is very important, if you're autistic and childish forget about pussy even if you're an alpha male
That pic I put up in the op was taken in a city in ukraine, they are eaatern europeans
why's dave chappelle in the front row?
Trust me, im 99% sure that's in ukraine, it was too celebrate diversity or something. Obv ukraine has many more whites then is depicyed in the pic
All niggers look yhe same? Heh heh
They aren't utterly ugly as you make it seem to be either, OP. At least not white people, the only ones who should exist.
Yesterday, I was catching a train and looking at the people inside. There were so many niggermutts, and this time I focused on their ugliness so much, that I legit felt like throwing up. I was never disgusted by people to the point of nausea before.
He looks happy with his life and himself.
I don't think models and movie stars look beautiful.
They are very artificially modified jews with dyed hair, most of them look average or even ugly and yet are called "beautiful".
Beautiful people are the ones posted on imageboards, with no known names, like some chads from sports teams and beautiful girls. Famous people are rarely truly beautiful.