Anyone had jaw surgery here? MMA, SAME, etc

Anyone had jaw surgery here? MMA, SAME, etc.

I need a septoplasty thinking I may as well get my jaw fixed while im at it. I cant continue life hating how i look. Im the lowest bf ive ever been and still no jawline.

Attached: 8lltlwmjtg6e.png (618x725, 700K)

You're gonna have a hard time finding a surgeon that will perform jaw surgery for cosmetic purposes.

It also depends, you might just have a lack of bone mass in which case you will never have a super hero jaw without custom implants.

>have bad genes
>attract no sloots
>get surgery
>attract sloots
>have baby
>kid comes out with your shit genes
>the cycle continues

Well i can barely breathe as it is so i hope i come back positive for sleep apnea.

Wrong, because its not genes but parenting and lifestyle that determine it.

I got fucked but i would know how to prevent it in my kid.

If you have trouble breathing you should definitely get it checked out, though genio is the preferred surgery in 99 percent of cases.

Lol k dum dum

Im getting surgery in 2 weeks because underbite. Ill post in Jow Forums with updates for those going through the same

Got a before pic?

My biggest problem is longface from shitty orthodontics that my parents made me get. They did same shit to my brother even though i protested, now he looks as shit as me.

Fuck it here. Its not that bad but my bite definitely affects my speech. Will look a lot better along with the added health benefits ill recieve. Im not a jawlet though just that my bottom teeth go past my top ones and cause issues for me.

Attached: d610e43a-582b-43a0-bf97-58c873b5aabb.jpg (540x720, 47K)

And yeah i know its a shitty pic but im too tired to take something better

The haircut probably helped more than some retarded surgery.

What kind of shitty orthodontics ?

The usual durr gotta make them teeth straight shit that gives you a horse face and a weak chin. You can see it on anyone with braces.

That's why i'm fucked too

Attached: 1521050011965.jpg (399x388, 20K)

Worst still i stumble on my speech ever since i had it done. As soon as my brother got it he started fumbling words too.

parenting and lifestyle determine jaw development?


Yeah I had a double jaw surgery done last December to fix a pretty bad under bite. They ended up widening my top jaw and extending it 7mm and then bringing my lower jaw back 3mm

Attached: 20180104_150813.jpg (4032x1960, 2.89M)

Did your aesthetics improve?

>never mouth-breathed in my life, allays through the nose
>still look like 1st pic

It's pretty noticeable for me but that wasn't really my main goal for the surgery but all and all i'm pretty happy with the results.

how long was recovery?

Wrong, everything even social values are determined by genes.

For a full recovery about 5 months, but after the 3rd month I was able to do most things other then eat some tougher foods like steak. The first 2 months though were pretty brutal.

breath through nose, not mouth

he also had a nose job