>finally had sex last night
What happens now?
Finally had sex last night
how'd it feel
did u get succ
Ummmmm not much
>What happens now?
You leave this board
I had trouble staying hard. I didn't get any succ, the whole thing only lasted like 15 minutes.
Tell me the story OP so I can take notes.
You lost your chance of becoming a wizard. I guess you will now never acquire real ultimate power and learn the secrets of the universe.
you realize its nothing special and move on. tfwngf tbqh
Welcome to the club brother. If you wanna stay hard, then stop jerking off, like only do it twice a week. Anything more than that just lowers your performance in bed.
>what happens now
Probably nothing unless you're actively working on improving yourself everyday. I fond someone to pity fuck me awhile ago too. Several times. Life's still shit, and I haven't done it in five years now.
Pretty typical first time, to be fair.
To answer your question OP, life continues now. Move forward.
>You leave this board.
Show me which board rule says "virgins only." Do it now or shut the fuck up.
>Show me which board rule says "virgins only."
Imagine being this new
You now know how the forbidden fruit taste like and you'll never get it again.
It will slowly eat you up from the inside until you go insane.
I wish I didn't know what I am missing, it's been a decade and it's slowly but surely making me insane
I've been on Jow Forums for over 12 years.
Show me in the board rules where it says "virgins only."
Haven't been here long enough to know how much whatever number you spew doesn't matter at all
You obviously haven't been here long enough to know that you're a useless pile of shit.
That's not that works newfag
M8 i jerk off at least twice a day every day and i can last for hours
Hope you can keep having it because the need only gets worse once you've had it once
Show me where it says in the rules that Jow Forums is for virgins only. You can't. All you can do is continue to belch "newfag" as if anyone fucking cares.
It was with an escort so there's nothing for you to really learn here.
All you've done is shown your lack of understanding of board culture. So maybe I should explain it on terms you normalfags can understand. I replied with a meme
Yeah we do care, begone normalnigger.
All you've done again and again is fail at answering my request to show me how I'm breaking the rules.
Learn to live your life you fucking girl.
>All you've done again and again is fail at answering my request to show me how I'm breaking the rules.
I never stated such thing, how are you this bad at reading? I swear the kids these days don't learn shit at school.
learn to fuck off this board you normalswine
Or what, crybaby?
Do something.
>It was with an escort
Fucking brilliant, you lost your virginity and now you come in here acting like king of the fucking world. Your kind aren't welcome here and you'll get that bitter reminder everytime you spout normalnigger nonsense.
Shit, I'd rather die a virgin than stoop that low.
Fucking parasite please fuck off and be the cuck you were always meant to be bye bye
I lost my virginity over 20 years ago, and I've been on Jow Forums since almost the very beginning. I do not project myself as king of the world and did nothing to present myself as such. Plenty of people here on Jow Forums are able to have reasonable conversations and I like it here. /gif/ is my home board but Jow Forums is more fun to browse during the day while I'm at work. The fact that you are so steamed about me asking to know the rule that states this board is virgins only is truly entertaining stuff.
Explain exactly how you believe me to be a parasite please. Also, you are using the term "cuck" incorrectly.
Right but you understand that we're a large demographic here?
Normalnigger there is a place for you and it's not here
So how much did this cost you? Was it worth it?
Who cares? You're also the most hostile and unfriendly bunch of pricks on the entire site, and that includes Jow Forums. No matter what you think, no matter what you are told, your hostile fuckwit attittudes are the primary reason most of you are still virgins.
How old are you 12? 13?
As if we asked for a nigger's opinion
You really are a insufferable fucking cancer of a person, im out
get out this board allready jesus you're trying to hard buddy
That's not my opinion, it's a fact. And people like you would do well to try and take in new information.
I'm not trying at all. I'm just replying to you.
>And people like you would do well to try and take in new information.
You and every normalfag has already told us, it's nothing new. Nobody cares, you retard
So you're deliberately trying to stay miserable? I find this fascinating. It's one of the reasons I come here. Can you tell me why? I'm genuinely curious.
>What happens now?
you wait for the police to come get you for rape charges.
For a man who lost his virginity to a hooker, you sure do have some fucking nerve lecturing us on misery.
Show me where I said anything about losing my virginity to a hooker. I've never shared the story of losing my virginity here on Jow Forums. Your comment doesn't even make sense, friend.
>Show me which board rule says "virgins only." Do it now or shut the fuck up.
Right here
Nothing. Getting a nut off, at most, will boost your self esteem, but it will do nothing to fill the hole in your heart or your depression-filled personality. Fixing that takes work. Having sex doesn't do fuck all for anything, it's just a hedonistic pleasure that ultimately will never matter.
That's not Jow Forums. Also, does the "must be a male virgin" rule count against me? I'm a virgin, but it's not because I can't have sex, it's because I'm Catholic and want to be a good boy. I've had the opportunity, and I turned it down.
You get out.
Correct sir. Looks like my point has been solidly made. Thanks for the assist, my dude.
You leave this board
Any other user trying to purposely get the woman they're sleeping with pregnant, so they will be your gf?
Oof. That is a bad plan, friend.
does getting your cherry popped by a literal whore even count
So you're a volcel? That's allowed I guess.
You get off of my siberian ice fishing forum and go back to plebbit or jewbook
I wouldn't even call it that. I'm celibate until I marry someone, because that's what God commands. "Volcels" are people who are like "Yeah, I don't need to have sex" as if they've had the opportunity.
Wow, what a reddit post. Why don't you go back there?
Brief happiness then regret
Love her, marry her, have a strong white family, goy
Holy shit this fucking guy lmao @how defensive and insecure he's acting BAHAHAHAHAHA must suck to be gay
end yourself is what you should do NOW
You are either physically 13 or emotionally 13, or both.