Remember it doesnt get lower then rising someone elses child

remember it doesnt get lower then rising someone elses child

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Well they're not marries so technically there aren't any obligations... yet.

This is a very recent idea stemming from Jow Forums's fetishistic obsession with cuckoldry.

Raising another man's daughter is less cuckifying than raising another man's son, though, if we had to make a sliding scale.

you can just tell he's a redditor by looking at him.

yeah, at least you can impregnate a girlfriends daughter

How the fuck is that a compromise is neither of them wanted a cat?

>How the fuck is that a compromise is neither of them wanted a cat?
it's not. that's the totally hilarious joke.

>these are the people who call you an incel on the internet

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If she already had it before you met her it isn't that cucked, if she got knocked up by another dude while you were together then it's pathetic

The cat is cute though

Girlfriend's boyfriend didn't want it too.

I think dying a virgin is probably lower.

>If she already had it before you met her it isn't that cucked
only if shes a widow. if her man died, then its justified to take care of her kids, but there should be kids born from yours realtionship as well.

>If she already had it before you met her it isn't that cucked

It's less cucked than your latter case, but it's still pretty mother fucking cucked.

You're that other guy's fucking mark at this point. He successfully cuckoo'd you, he just didn't do it in real time.

>Many cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of small songbirds.

Thank you, Google. Enjoy being a small songbird, dude.

having a kid and abandonning them is lower

>Reddit meet my pet
Why would anyone care?

>hese are the people who call you an incel on the internet
As well as these

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>Does not get any better

i'd rather take a bullet than become a cuck

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>not dating a single mom so you can molest the daughter

hahahaha good one user, wanna give me your address so we can laugh about this in person?

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>only if shes a widow

are you fucking retarded you will have to compete with a dead man who was supposedly better at everything for the rest of your fucking life

This is a complete mess.

holy hsiet my sides are in fucking orbit

where did you find that photo

Better than competing with a living man who could come back to fuck with you at any moment.

>britbong policecar
>the same counry that allowed muslim rape gangs to commit attrocities to children on their watch for years before doing anything
I suppose you are literally going to laugh with him in person and not actually arrest him huh?

>having a cat roaming freely around your car
I sincerely hope that the car was stationary and just for that photo. If you transport your feline friend you should always have them in a carry cage or atleast attach their harness to the seatbelts (before you ask, cat harness -> seatbelt adapters do exist). Cats are curious creatures by nature and they will not lie down on the seat and just chill. They will rummage around your vehicle and probably endanger you and everyone else in the vehicle by distracting you. Imagine having to brake to avoid a collision but the cat is checking out your brake pedal?

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What if shes was a widow because her Chad husband overdosed on opioids?

Lots of cucks in reddit. Even have a sub for them those faggots

lmao, imagine being so much of a beta pussy that you are scared by a fucking cat

Its not about being scared, its about the fact that cats are unpredictable as fuck when they're free inside your car and you're going 100+ kilometers per hour on the freeway. Having an unpredictable animal inside your car is never a good idea. Also if you do a sudden brake then the cat will probably fly through your windshield

Fucking gay, just let the cat do what he wants, this is why you're still a virgin