You are given the task to design a game that recaptures the feeling of oldschool minecraft played woth close friends. How do you go about it? Doesnt necessarily have to be a survival crafting game.
Recapturing minecraft
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Thanks a lot, OP.
Now I'm sad.
What has changed since then? It wasn't the game that went away, it was the friends we had lost.
it will never come back
I don't know, I think Minecraft is too unique to pull off that same feeling, and even if there are other games that can pull off the same feeling, it will be too late for those who have already experienced it since exposure to the same feeling many times diminishes it. Plus most of us were younger when we first experienced it, and you experience things more vividly when young.
>that image
fuck you op, i didn't want to feel today. where did it all go wrong
>that little bridge
wow that actually made my stomach hurt a little for some reason. fuck.
You are placed into a fantasy world where every character is controlled by an AI. The AI doesn't know about its other personalities and can emulate hundreds of different personalities at once.
Every time you die, a new world with a new backstory and new NPCs is created.
>oldschool minecraft played woth close friends.
It hasn't even been a decade, though.
A decade is a long time for people who grew up from children/young teens to adults.
>exploring the nether together, precariously bridging over lava
>Getting excited over glowstone
>Obsidian is the magical hardest material in the game
>Finding diamonds
>What is this redstone?
Wow user, I member
I remember the first time I played on a multiplayer server, how happy I was. We had little villages and stuff set up. Back before anyone was a skilled builder who tried to make everything hyperealistic looking, back when simple things were impressive. Back when the community was interesting and not a bunch of little kids Microsoft is now trying to appeal to. Back when the game was new, unlike anything I had seen before. Man. There isn't anything that will recapture those memories.
Anyone remember the skydive server back when minecraft was hosted in a web browser? Anyone remember lava survival too?
I feel like enchantments fucked the game up because suddenly obsidian could be mined easily, you could basically become invincible, etc.
For an extra kick of sad nostalgia, please try
Fucking hell I used to play Minecraft in junior high. I was always in the drama program and me and my drama buddies would always play on our laptops. God where has the time gone
Dont be sad that the time is gone. Be happy it happened.
all aboard the feels train
I hate you, but... in a good way.
I would go for something new instead of trying to appeal to nostalgia too much.
And what is wrong with minecraft now? Most of you are hipsters who don't like it because it got popular and the other half of you just grew up and moved on to other things. All you are asking for is to recapture a moment from your youth when you had friends and lived stress free, it has nothing to do with minecraft.
That's true to an extent, but I also think minecraft helped me explore my imagination through the world it provided.
>And what is wrong with minecraft now?
Notch stopped doing secret Friday updates, and everything went to shit. I blame the Nether update
>everything went to shit
See but this is just a vague way of saying you got bored and moved on. Objectively the game is better and stuff can be ignored or not used if you really don't like it. Hell you can mod it out.
Hundred percent. The world used to be a powerful force. Monsters were a threat, things actually mattered. Building wasn't just the repetitive action, but making sure it was safe from mobs, role-playing that they're out to get you. Boy, the nostalgia is heavy
It's not. The spirit of the game and it's development goals changed, part of minecraft was looking towards what it would be, not just what it was. At this point I can say I'm tired of playing, but at the time I wasn't and felt the games quality decrease.
the only real friend I've ever made was on minecraft
>meet girl on minecraft server I played on
>she's cute, sweet and the same age as me
>ask her out and get rejected
>stay friends anyway because I'll change her mind
>become good friends with her over the next 8-9 years
>talk for a couple of hours every day
>she stays up to 5am every night on holidays and weekends to talk to me
>slowly spend less time with each other since different countries
>she gets a boyfriend
>she starts working full-time
>she starts getting into drugs and alcohol
>as i go into uni and can only watch as i slowly fade out of the picture
>tfw those days will never come back
it hurts even more when I remember how just a couple of years back her mum had told me how their whole family had hoped we would get together. now it'll never happen
>decide to checkup on my childhood friends and crushes on Facebook using fake account just out of boredom
>the girls I crushed on are married or in good relationships
>my friends not so bad either
>tfw you're the one whose life fell apart
I-it's better like this.
I was gonna sleep but now I'm feeling all nostalgic and sad, fuck you and this thread.