Have you incels ever thought from a girls point of view...

have you incels ever thought from a girls point of view? why the fuck would any girl choose a pathetic kh virgin beta NEET with no social skills over a handsome, athletic, social chad or even a normalfag who puts in effort to look good and be presentable?

what the fuck do you have to offer? besides cuck money, of course

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have you women ever thought from an incel's point of view? why the fuck would any incel choose a pathetic used up roastie with no practical skills over a beautiful, smart, hot Stacy or even a Betty who puts in effort to look good and be presentable?

what the fuck do you have to offer? besides cuck money, of course



Well being an incel is a choice.

You're not getting neither the roastie nor the hot Stacy you fucking faggot. Try again.

Becuase I'm a fucking gamer. bitch. Gamers fucking RISE UP.

Sorry, I'm not a pampered sociopathic parasite so It's really hard to see the world from a woman's perspective. The view from their ivory tower must be astonishing.


imagine being this fucking dumb

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All the time for many years and I was so far off the mark it's a joke. It's impossible for a man who hasn't been in a relationship to understand the female mind.

Well eventually they will be forced to choose a robot. There are not enough Chads to go around
They all want to settle down and get married eventually. Some will be forced to have a robot or just be alone.

Females are easy to underatand. They only want Chad and that's it.

guys, im trying to develop a philosophical "proof" for my intro to philosophy class, proving that sex is owed to us all and is not a privilege or something that should be earned. it is a basic human right. how does my below argument sound?

1. all living animals have a biological/evolutionary purpose
2. humans are animals
3. The biological purpose of animals on earth is to reproduce
4. Reproducing involves sexual intercourse
5. it is cruel and against nature to deny a living organism its biological purpose
6. denying a human sex is cruel and against nature
7. sex is therefore a basic right and not a privilege

Dude come on man people are gonna see that shit here and not realize you're being ironic and then think that gang weed is cool because they saw it on Jow Forums

You could get sex if you actually wanted.

>imagine being this fucking dumb

Theres a silent majority on this website that are average looking men with average jobs and below average social skills. But we make an effort to be interesting, have hobbies, make money and live independently.
Women will only go for looks

You can rape or buy sex from a prosti but you can't get it from a girl voluntarily if you're ugly.

Actually you can, I've done it many times and I'm pretty ugly, but its not gonna happen if you are a pathetic manchild with no skills, no personality, no acheivements, no goals, literally nothing to offer the world in general, and who doesn't put in a genuine effort into taking care of yourself and making yourself the best you can be for your own sake.

You don't have to have any special skills or have any accomplishments to get sex

More lies to justify why you have never tried.

Because only 15% of men are like that. Come to terms that you are not worth to be with Chad. He just wants to plow you for the heck of it.

Denying a cow the ability to eat grass by killing it is cruel, yet predators do it without hesitation.

>You could get sex if you actually wanted.
The pinnacle of normalfag

>just commit a federal crime and hire a prostitute
>still doesn't solve the issue of intimacy and connection, only gives you a hole to stick peener through

>It's not my fault I am a virgin
>I just want to be given a 10/10 virgin for free why must I be so oppressed

Let's hear it. Why are you not getting sex? Why do you want it?

the fuck you on about? ur brain is toasty, roastie

I'm actually downlow rich so its their loss 9/10 of the time

"Honey, the nigger is on narcotics again"

i dunno, you should ask all the single mothers.

we live in a different dimension, every single thing is an obstacle, it's a challenge to over come it and every single reward must be earned.
there is no state giving us welfare just for existing, there are no bachelor's tax breaks, there are no "sign up today for free", there is no "guys get in free". there never is a free ride and we never ever expect it, unless you're some gay bottom faggot who plans on sucking cock for a sugar daddy anyway.

you can thank your welfare state. it's created a bunch of leeches. it's created a disaster.

Females have to resort to hyperbole in order to make their "arguments" somewhat possible. They fail miserably at it. Their lives are so incredibly easy and pampered, they can not conceive the reality many men live in. It's not viewable from their ivory tower they reside in.

They have the state as their husband, with your tax dollars on tap.

Let that marinatine in your airhead, there's no happy ending, there is no schadenfreude.

>But we make an effort to be interesting
speak for yourself friendo

If they date me it will stop me from shooting up a school

This. You just have to be good looking to get sex for free. Thats literally it. The user you replied to is underestimating his looks.

I'm not OP, but hah! Not all of us live in ivory towers. And not all of us have it easy. A lot of us get used by guys too.

My ex was an awful person who refused to buy anything for me, but always wanted me to pay. He wanted me to be in charge always and put me down for being girly. I only wanted pure love and he ruined me by his sick fantasies, which including pegging (which I had no idea straight men even thought of.) When I refused. He stopped touching or kissing me. And kept on hammering me about how much of a prude I put me down at every opportunity he could. If I tried to argue back, he'd manipulate the situation and make it seem like he was the victim. All the time.

I didn't choose a "chad". I wanted a good man with a good soul, so I chose someone not based on his looks or money and I suffered badly for it.

I call it the "good boy" brainwashing.

cause a nigga gotta bust a nut somehow

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Apt term. Some dudes get sex then think it's because they're so special that because of their actions they earned it. No, they were just good looking. That's it.

animals die without mating all the time

The most capable specimens mate, while the weak die, THAT is nature, the very definition of natural selection

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thats not how this works

Also dudes who think they have to have every area of their life 10/10 in order before they can get a girl

It's like you wanted to be abused, because you stayed.
>thf women prefer to be abused and suffer under someone undesired will than to be with a beta meek robot.

>My ex was an awful person who refused to buy anything for me, but always wanted me to pay.


>He wanted me to be in charge always and put me down for being girly.


>I only wanted pure love and he ruined me by his sick fantasies, which including pegging (which I had no idea straight men even thought of.)


>When I refused. He stopped touching or kissing me.


>And kept on hammering me about how much of a prude


>put me down at every opportunity he could.


>If I tried to argue back, he'd manipulate the situation and make it seem like he was the victim.


Seven motherfucking strikes you gave this guy. This is how the "nice guy" legend came to be and how "friendzoning" became a thing. You gave this fucker 7 strikes, and many people reading this forum right now get *zero* strikes. And I bet you complained about this shit, as it was going on, to guys who wouldn't have done these things but who you would never date.

Fucking roasties, when will they learn?


oh waits thats dead for you poor fucking postmodernist souls

perhaps I should be an abusive shitstain to all women. Wanted to treat them as humans, yet they don't want it it seems.

Can't be chad, so this is the only option.

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Literally nothing. I'm ugly, autistic, shy and boring. I don't even have money. Someone like me has nothing to offer to a woman.

I should probably kill myself after my parents are gone.

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i've only wondered why pathetic females don't match up with pathetic males. it's almost as if all women have several options and can't be lonely.

>I wanted someone with a good soul, that's why I stuck around this guy who was a terrible person and treated me like shit
Here's an idea: Why didn't you get with someone who wasn't a dickhead
It's almost as though women claim to want a man who is kind and caring, but only respond positively to men who treat them with disdain and provide conflict on a regular basis

obesity is the problem here, a 4/10 is a lot uglier than it used to be

have you incels ever thought from a girls point of view? why the fuck would any girl choose a pathetic kh virgin beta NEET with no social skills over a handsome, athletic, social chad or even a normalfag who puts in effort to look good and be presentable?

1. there ain't enough chad cock to go around,
2. why even throw this in: "normalfag who puts in effort to look good and be presentable?"
that is easily achievable even by the lowliest of robots.

better question then is how does an ex-neet compete with the normie guys out there.
and it's pretty simple, get your shit together, a job, a car and your own place and you will be good to go.
now if you don't give two fucks about competing for women like myself just focus on you, and as you start reaching your goals, along the way women will start falling into your life, maybe not the ones you want but women nonetheless.

homeless populations are 90% male, of those males the vast vast majority are more than celibate but often devoid of even female contact. this fact alone would suggest for women there is a sort of safety net, which obviously there is since at their lowest point any woman bar the severely disabled is able to latch onto a man. for example if one these incel girls were forced out of their parents/benefactors home (as if that ever happens to a girl) and onto the streets (assuming women's aid fails to catch her somehow) she would end her celibacy immediately to reclaim comfort in life via attaching herself to the highest value male she could. i propose to you that despite all women's differences in tastes it can be said to be true among all of them that they simply don't date down. a woman will only reconsider a man who's social status hasn't changed if her own has fallen below his.

now let's add the advent of online dating. the main issue with online dating is it streamlines the whole process and is turning out more rejects of the general dating world. any say 5/10 or 6/10 female can get laid with 7/10 or 8/10 guys instantly through no effort beyond responding to some messages. this would give her a false sense of her marketvalue and she may overestimate her worth, as further as that makes me sound. whereas before tinder some random chick would be in a relationship with a similar guy in looks and what she has to offer, now she is too good for him. this man now dates a woman who is less attractive than him, and so forth and so forth until we come to the men who have no women below them to date. it's here we have the real incels, and it's a group that's growing larger than simply the homeless population. in fact having prospects in life isn't even enough to impress a girl on it's own, which just adds more men dropping out because the effort to reward ratio for participating in society for them is way off.


this is basically my main reasons for why i don't try in life, idk if you or anyone cares to argue me out of it but if you can show me this is wrong then i will repent my incel ways i swear.

Why threads like yours don't address the most important issue with incels, that is their physical appearance? And I'm not talking about solvable shit like dressing STYLE, social status, money, or getting fit. (I'll admit that some things are really hard to solve, but these are not impossible with enough dedication.) I'm talking about FACE, RACE, HEIGHT and FRAME. At least you mentioned "handsome".

See pic related. Look at the guy in the right. Seems like a nice person, and looks like a robot when he's probably another normie. But the catch is, he's below average looking. Even if he decided to lift and dress better, he'll get hambeasts or under average looking women at best, who will secretly and obiviously dream about the guy on the left.

What should robots do? Kill themselves? Wallowing in self-pity, in their house? Deluding themselves with self-improvement and dreams in the gym? Or try to make things change by telling women that personality should be more important than looks for a relationship?

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Cough cough

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You do realize that nobody wants you on Jow Forums and Jews are hated?
Get fucked and go away normalfag

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Robots are not "incels". Vast majority are like , self-loathing types who think they aren't worthy of anything. No one can tell normalfags "you don't deserve love and respect" because they have the confidence to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Women shouldnt have a choice. Left to their own devices they mate with anti-civilization brutes and destroy social monogamy. Literally all societies fail when they become sexually permissive, this is a fact

Answering your own question there. Girls get to 'choose', incels like me don't. Thats enough of a reason to hate women.

I agree, that's why "incel" is a retarded term: it implies one is being forced against their will into abstaining from sex or marriage. What's next, involuntary NEET?

>what the fuck do you have to offer?
I have the education to perform an act of bioterrorism and kill dozens of people

>what the fuck do you have to offer?
What does she have to offer? The relationship is supposed to mutually beneficial, not just you getting everything you want. If she is unwilling, her basic bitch can take a hike up Mt. Pump and Dump.

Have you roasties ever thought from an incel's point of view? Why the fuck am I blamed for my lack of success with females when it hinges entirely on things outside of my control? I can't do shit about my ugliness, or my height, or my poor social skills, or my shitty economic situation. I was born into all these things. The only thing left is to wallow in my loathing and bitterness against women and their smug sense of superiority. If I ever walk down the alley and see a nigger mugging and raping one of your roasts, I'll highfive him and go about my day with a smile, knowing that a bit of justice was restored in the world.

Speaking as a man, I'd be glad fucking or dating a pretty broad spectrum of women. Perfect blonde Barbie doll? Hell yeah. Hoodie-and-jeans-girl with a flat chest and butt? Down for it. Big tiddy chubby girl with a big ass? Let me get some of that. That rake-thin runner chick with the stinky feet who's probably medically anorexic? Yes. That one thicc girl who lifts? Yes. That soft, chubby girl who lays around all day playing LOL? I'm down for that, too. That nerdy Chinese exchange student with the snaggled teeth who smells slightly like fish? I'm down. That little 4'5" girl who I could probably lift with one arm? Gladly. That tall, leggy 6'2" chick who towers over me? Just as gladly. Huge tits? Awesome. Tiny tits? Awesome. Flat chest? Awesome. Round tits? Awesome. Pointy tits? Awesome. Big nipples? Awesome? Little nipples? Awesome. Brown nipples? Awesome. Pink nipples? Awesome. Big butt? Awesome. Flat butt? Awesome. No butt? Awesome. Short hair, long hair, black hair, red hair, blonde hair, blue hair, arm hair, whatever. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Basic Starbucks-and-Uggs bitch? Awesome. Spergy weeb chick with a speech impediment? Awesome. Smells like Eternity for women? Awesome. Smells like patchouli and weed? Awesome. Smells like coffee and cigarettes over morning mouth? Awesome. Smells like kimchee and mildewed laundry? Awesome. Picks her nose? Awesome. Flicks it? Awesome. Hawks loogies? Awesome. Has BO? Realistically, awesome as long as I like it.
I'll bet 90% of the dudes here are the same way. It's not that we can't comprehend having standards, but our idea of what "hot" is is so much more generous than a woman's usually is. Women's ridiculous standards seem frankly unfair, not that shit is ever supposed to be fair.

did anyone see jzanza's new vid?

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NEETs actually have been forced out of the workplace. No one will hire me.

Same with incels. No girl will date me.

Robots crave affection from women but cant get it. So they are incel.

Have women ever thought of things from incels points of view?


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Lol get the objective 3/10 out of there. She can get a bf any time

>Natural selection

I think an AR-15 would say otherwise. We are humans, not animals. Men do not have to be happy about not being able to breed and we will take it if we dont get it. Remember that.

have you girls ever thought from an incels point of view? why the fuck would any incel stay at home and rot in meaninglessness and die unknown when he can kill 10-20 of you and become famous for his deeds.

What the fuck do you have to offer to make him spare you? besides crocodile tears, of course

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>against nature

>biological purpose
people don't evolve as independent organisms. we evolve as groups.

You're not being forced into unemployment or refusing school or training. Being NEET really is a choice for most young people, just as being celibate.

Unless you're in some weird ass cult, you're not "involuntary celibate"; you're not celibate at all. You're a virgin who hasn't done whatever it takes to not be one anymore.

There's nothing that can be done to get a gf as an ugly male. Women absolutely despise us just for existing.

I am forced to be unemployed. Employers don't want ugly aspie males for employees.

why didn't you just dump his ass

>thought from an incels point of view
literally why would anyone do this

that's like trying to think about walking from a cripple's point of view

All the fucking time, I don't like myself very much.
And I've got a better shot than most, being a mere failed normalfaggot.

plastic surgery exists you dumb shits

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But celibacy isn't about getting a gf, it's about sex or marriage. There are ways to have sex regardless of commitment or whether the woman even likes you.

Yes, it's a thing. However, would you want your children to go through what you've experienced?

just adopt some starving white kid or some shit

The argument is simple, when did love become some sort of bargain? Why does female 'love' have to rely on one's status or appearance so heavily over other things. Because it's not love at all.

You're right, gaypill is the way to go.

so would you be able to unironically love the girl on the left in

yeah i have user and thats what makes me so sad. God is cruel why couldnt i be average looking why do i look like a disgusting goblin

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No because I'm not gay. I'm not saying looks shouldn't matter, the point is that why the fuck do males these days have to be perfect looking get female attention? It's shallow and it's bullshit

you don't really have to be perfect, you just have to be above the minimum

a lot of incels are above the minimum, well above. Look at Virgin Messiah for example. But they still aren't given the same opportunities.

>Group evolution

i've thought about it and agree, good genetics should mix. what bothers me and what makes me hate women is that they won't admit it, they won't admit they really want an attractive man if you confront them. they say they care more about personality and sensitivity and blah blah. Men on the other hand are honest, the "fuck anything that moves" ideal is so commonly agreed upon and shown in media. when women admit they don't even approach uggos and betas, i'll be happy

>Men have to think from womens point of view
>Women dont have to return the favour

This is why we shoot up schools.

this, i saw a documentary about fixing masculinity directed by a woman and just imagined the shitstorm if the genders were reversed.

>in fact having prospects in life isn't even enough to impress a girl on it's own, which just adds more men dropping out because the effort to reward ratio for participating in society for them is way off.
you are making it sound like this is some new thing, like 40% of all men in history have never reproduced, this shit ain't new, what's new is that there is a platform for them to get their message out.

Incel... involuntarily celibate... literally the opposite of 'choice'

But 100% of men who wanted to fuck did fuck.
Even the children those women had carried the genetic legacy of the men who busted inside of her.

At this point in time, men get less then FUCK ALL out of being part of the romantic rat race or even part of the job market.

Go on, tell me.
What does a man get out of a relationship, marriage, fatherhood, or even academia?

Men who voluntarily drop out of those things and go to whores for sex are by every single metric and measure happier then their female counter parts.
No seriously. This is on record. We have scientific studies that prove this objectively.

Stacy lowering standards as much as necessary to find a fallen Chad or normie who will marry her.. still leagues ahead of you.

i unironically think robots would be happier if we stopped lowering our standards and aimed higher. tfw no stacy gf

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(((they))) banned prostitution everywhere, so men chase the pussy all their lives while making mad money for their lords

the reality would be men who are not part of the 5% would just give up on women and fuck whores every week for pennies and become neet

>What does a man get out of a relationship, marriage, fatherhood, or even academia?
you should go get that depression looked at

Why do you think porn and camwhores are so huge in western countries?

Why do you think they got rid of all NSA sites but still continue to push things like #metoo.
Something is going to give.

Men are already adopting a strict "don't shit where you eat" rule and ((they)) are doing a fuck ton of LARPing online about how hot those office chicks and co-workers are and pushing inter office fraternization even while the the #metoo and incel thing is hanging over mens heads.

Legalized escorts is going to be a thing within the next 5 years and no amount of feminist nonsense and dyke backed anti male and masculinity bullshit is going to stop it. If anything it will embolden the majority of men and make men more hostile to women who hold their views.

Wow, Jow Forums and feminists have made me rather misogynist.

I've tried thinking from a female perspective, and under no circumstance do I see a reason to fuck men over.
Oh and I'm not a virgin. Just utterly disgusted by women's lack of loyalty and how out of their way they will go to cheat and be whores for 10 minutes of pleasure.

>think from a female perspective
>become retarded