How do I stop smoking weed? The main reason I do it is because I have nothing else to do...

How do I stop smoking weed? The main reason I do it is because I have nothing else to do. I have been everyday for the past 2 weeks and I can't stop.

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Stop doing it every day, that just ruins the highs you get, do it like twice a week after getting things out of the way, stops a bunch of stress.

Gee, I don't know. Maybe quit buying it, you fucking moron?

It's hard for me to stop because all my friends constantly smoke and that's the only thing they do when I hang out with them. I just feel so bored all the time and it's a way of having the time fly.

How about not hanging out with them, then, you fucking moron?

you have to have a reason to quit. if you try and quit and there is nothing stopping you you'll probably just start smoking again just because.

I haven't smoked in 2 years but I'm pretty tempted to start up again because of how bored I am

So Ill just stop hanging out with them and continue to sit at home which will in turn make me bored and cause me to smoke, its a loose loose situation.

Just think, weed is for fags and voila, you stopped smoking weed. Unless you really are a fag.

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The only reason I have is that my parents bitch at me constantly about it

Do cocaine instead

weed is such a gay lame kiddie drug

I actually am half fag (bisexual) so yeah I guess it is for me then... also checked

>all my friends
yeah jakob, just stop making gay excuses and stop being a useless stoner


Digits of truth.

I've done acid and shrooms but never coke, I've always stayed away from it.


So THIS is what the government was trying to protect us from!

bloody anime nonces stealing our quints

you are in control of your actions. if you smoke weed, it's because you decided to put yourself in a situation where you would be tempted to do so, and then you made a decision to move your arm to your face, and then you made a decision to inhale.

make different decisions. that's all life is. you control it all. the easiest trap in the world to fall into is to take your hands off the wheel and just do the same stupid easy shit day after day, which is how you suddenly wake up in your 50s having wasted all the good years of your life and done nothing of significance. you could do that very easily, and nobody would try to stop you, and you would be just like countless others who waste their lives that way. it's very real, and only too late do people realize it's because they made the easy decision every step of the way.

i'd like to think you're better than that, user, honestly. at least you're looking at your life and seeing what you want to change, and realizing the ball is in your court. many people never even get that far. so now you just do it. you make the decision not to smoke. you make the decision to either hang with your friends and just decline to get high, or you make the decision to avoid that scenario and do something else. if you don't want to get high, what do you want to do instead? what makes you happy? what do you want out of life? once you know that, you make a plan to get it, and you follow through, and you decide to do the things that get you there, and you decide not to do the things that drag you down. every single day for the rest of your life, you make those decisions. that's what being in control of your life is.

or, you decide not to care about yourself. you do the easy thing, you make some bullshit excuse about willpower and how hard things are and how there are totally legit reasons you can't decide to be better, and you can be just like countless others who just lay back and let life happen to them. your call.


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Start smoking cigarettes and try to quit those. Quitting weed will be easy compared to your new habit.

not op but i appreciate the time you took and the things you said

Or, you know... you could make different friends or pick up a hobby, you fucking moron.

Just stop smoking? You cant get addicted? It sounds like the only thing that you cant shake is your need to seem cool in front of your "friends".

>cant get addicted
False. It won't cause a physical dependency where you'll go into withdrawal if you don't have it, but psychological dependency is a completely different matter. That's like saying "You can't get addicted to gambling!"

If you're doing it cause you're bored, try doing some time killers like video games. Lord knows you have the cash for it if you're buying weed every day

Try heroin instead. Nobody will know, come on.

You just have to have the willpower to be able to stop OP. Don't be a mindless animal and let your inpulses control you.
t. Quit weed for years because I felt like it, occasionally smoke now but only when I've got all my shit done and am not busy

Why stop? Nothing wrong with sparking up.