Is rice pudding the ultimate bulking food?

>ingredients are literally just milk and rice
>taste can be improved by adding pretty much any seasoning, fruit, or flavouring
>GOMAD compatible
>considered to be a dessert, your wife and kids will gladly eat it with you
>traditional European food, only as processed as the milk is
>canned versions have such a long shelf life that you could fucking disaster prep with it
Well, Jow Forums, what do you think?

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It's good shit man

I ate two bowls of this shit last night


I want rice pudding now.

So do we all. Why not make some?

Never had it but I've always wanted to try it.
Doesn't it have lots of sugar tho?
Then again I'm on a cut so "Ultimate Bulking Foods" is not what I'm looking for rn

I realized I haven't added shit to this thread, so what's the closest thing it tastes like to? Is there a version with fewer calories floating around? Ever tried making it with different types of rice?

You don't need the sugar. IIRC you can make it with literally just milk and rice.

Think porridge with rice rather than oats. Actually, think risotto meets porridge.

>Ever tried making it with different types of rice?
Short grain is the British norm, but it can definitely be made with others.

>tons of sugar
>tons of refined carbs
>devoid of fiber
>very low protein

Fat man's food.

Pretty gud
Valid points. A similar dish can be achieved with steel cut oats.

>tons of sugar
Where from? The milk?

>tons of refined carbs
Unless you're seriously bothered by white rice, you've just repeated your first point. Besides, it could easily be made with brown rice.

>devoid of fiber
You've repeated point #2.

>very low protein
It's basically a GOMAD meal

It depends on your recipe but yeah a rule of thumb is 27 grams of carbs per half cup serving, which isn't bad, but if you subbed in steel cut oats it would just be a little better but that's doesn't mean the rice is bad.

it's a traditional dessert in my country, delicious af
iirc(made it this winter for christmas) its just rice ,milk, cinnamon stick, lemon zests and then top it off with cinnamon dust

forgot the sugar
but you just omit it to turn it Jow Forums

no idea the stress over it considering people here during the day eat rice and milk, you just throw the two together

I tried it once, not recommended.

If you really want to have it sweetened, use maple syrup (actually has some nutrients like a moderate amount of zinc), or honey drizzled on top.


I prefer steel cut oats with milk, sugarless peanut butter and ghee from an indian store or coconut oil.

Where did you get all of those numbers from?

Post your recipe, there's an user here that wanted to know how to make it.

>steel cut oats
What's with this extremely specific type of oat? Aren't they only slightly better than rolled but noticeably more expensive?


My one number? It's from Google, which is why I qualified it's a rule of thumb depending on your recipe. But desu senpai you're going to have to stray pretty far from a standard recipe to radically change the carb numbers. Even something like doubling the sugar will only increase the total carb for a single serving about 10 grams. I could sit down and do the exact math, but I've got a pretty good estimastion because I do this shit pretty regularly so I don't kill myself with an insulin od. And I know for a fact that all the dry grains are within a few grams of carbs with each other per 100 grams so the steel cut oats sub won't add carbs while providing extra fiber, protein, and Omega 3s

It's the same price. It's a texture thing, especially in this case. It'll retain a texture very close to short grain rice as opposed to the rolled oats turning into mush.

sure, it's 100% delicious since I got compliments from my gf and parent which is hard to please and told me it tasted almost like her grandmas one so that's like the best compliment I could ever get

>250ml water
>1L milk
>1 cup of rice (we call it "chávena de café" but it should be the same as 1cup measurement)
>4 yolks
>250g sugar
>1 cinnamon stick
>some lemon zests to taste, try 2-3 medium ones


-Put 250ml water in a pan and add a pinch of salt, get it to boil.
-Once it boils add the rice, cinnamon stick and lemon zests
-after the water evapores add the milk and let it cook, like oats
-meanwhile mix the yolks with sugar separately
-take the pan off heat and add the yolks + sugar mix to the pan, mix it all up and I mean mix it properly so the yolks completely dissolve so there aint bits of it left
- add the pan back to heat, just to cook the yolks this is really quick
by now it should be creamy consistency this part I cant really tell you since its mostly down to experience, put it all on a glass container and let it chill as it will get less runny and you'll end up with it really creamy, not runny nor dry, then just put some cinnamon dust on top of it

there's like 1001 ways to do it and every region has it's way just like cod recipes, but this one is the general one

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Why are you fags afraid of sugar? You do lift weights, right?

sugar = tastelettes coping

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I grew up on this shit. This is the objectively best way to make rice pudding. LEMON/CINNAMON/NO RAISINS FTW

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Didn't know people used rainins desu
I have a book on traditional recipes which is huge and you guys from the north have some curious ways to make it

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What sort of rice?

forgot to mention, Carolino rice.
if you cant find it then.... maybe risotto rice will do? but that's a blaphesmy

is it bad that i can eat 3000 calories without eating rice/pasta/other staples? or are most of Jow Forums skellies or something

What are you eating? Eggs and protein powder?

Are you my mom?

Yes, Daniel.