Was this just a large scale beta uprising?

Was this just a large scale beta uprising?

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are you retarded? oregano THIS IS ORIGINAL

Well yes and no
Was Hitler a robot?
>His indulgent mother patiently urged him to learn a trade or get a job. But to young Hitler, the idea of daily work with its necessary submission to authority was revolting.
>Hitler liked to sleep late then go out in the afternoon
>Young Hitler did not have a girlfriend. But he did have an obsessive interest in a young blond named Stephanie.
>He would stare at her as she walked by and sometimes followed her. He wrote her many love poems.
>But he never delivered the poems or worked up the nerve to introduce himself, preferring to keep her in his fantasies

>In reality, she had no idea Hitler had any interest in her. Years later, when told of the interest of her now-famous secret admirer, she expressed complete surprise
>The slightest knock to this dream-made-real threw him into fits of rage and despair, such as when he failed to win a lottery in which he had convinced himself he was destined to triumph. His winnings were supposed to finance his design of a grand house on the Danube. In Hitler's mind, bad luck had nothing to do with it. Dark forces were to blame.
>In these two years, Adolf lived a life of parasitic idleness -- funded, provided for, looked after, and cosseted by a doting mother, with his own room in the comfortable flat in the Humboldtstrasse in Linz, which the family had moved into in June 1905. His mother, his aunt Johanna and his little sister Paula were there to look after all his needs, to wash, clean and cook for him. His mother even bought him a grand piano, on which he had lessons for four months between October 1906 and January 1907. He spent his time during the days drawing, painting, reading, or writing 'poetry'; the evenings were for going to the theatre or opera; and the whole time he daydreamed and fantasized about his future as a great artist. He stayed up late into the night and slept long into the mornings. He had no clear aim in view. The indolent lifestyle, the grandiosity of fantasy, the lack of discipline for systematic work -- all features of the later Hitler -- can be seen in these two years in Linz. It was little wonder that Hitler came to refer to this period as 'the happiest days which seemed to me almost like a beautiful dream'.

Most people would be chads but I say a lot of people involved were incels and shit

>thinks he's destined to win the lottery
Maybe Elliot really was a reincarnation of him.

Literal exact opposite of a beta uprising. The entire structure of the Nazi regime was for the stronger men to wrestle their way to the top in order to take positions of power.

The only "beta" societies are the ones we live in now, where being a virgin loser are more acceptable than ever. If anyone on this board lived in the 50's they would be in fucking ruins. Society did NOT take shit from people like the lazy, fat, beta faggots on this board. You pulled yourself together or had no-one , no respect and nowhere to live

The nazi party was meritocratic, but most of the higher ups were very weird people. They were talented in their own right, but not strong.
Hitler was very unusual by German standards - sensitive, vegan animal, failed artist, weak soldier who just ran messages. The German spirit prior to his election was about being beefy and militaristic, especially in Prussia, the largest part of the German empire.
As for his cohorts, you had goebbels, who was a directionless manlet (5'5" I believe), but talented at manipulating people. Hess was an extremely ugly unibrow weirdo, and Himmler was a psychotic rageaholic chicken farmer obsessed with pagan LARPing.
All of their underlings were German normies though.

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the problem here is that you think a) being attractive counts for anything in politics (r9k has really rotted your brain on this one) and b) just because people are weirdos in their meantime, it doesnt mean they cant be successful in political and social settings

holy fucking shit

im literally hitler (except the grand piano)

the problem with world war II is that Hitler attacked Russia.
in reality, you don't want Russia or Germany winning that war, I think it was a choice between 2 evils.

Churchill drew up Operation Unthinkable just in case we actually had to destroy Russia. that's how unstable and unpredictable the USSR was.

The only one who would pass as a beta/incel is probably Goebbels. But he kind of growed out of it and later on got six kids.
I wouldn't argue about guys like Goeth, Himmler and Hess being weirdos but not betas.

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Russia would've attacked if Hitler didn't. Stalin was drawing up plans to take down Germany in the near future but Hitler beat him to the punch with a pre-emptive strike before Stalin was ready.
If he wanted to win he should've:
1. Let his generals do their job and not tell them how to fight a war he had inferior knowledge on
2. Not blundered by demanding they hold Stalingrad
And these would've helped but not totally necessary
>demand Spain join the Axis and take Gibraltar so allied ships couldn't access the Mediterranean, or simply invade Spain if they refused
>had Japan more effectively keep the US from delivering goods to the USSR through the Pacific

they should've allied with ruskies or at least liberated them..
hitler kill allot of white people and was very damaging to nationalism

Come be a fucking /beta/ in this discord server. We're all beta here so you'll fit in. /t3kYe7B

This is now an Axis thread.

Italy reporting in.

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or they could've allied and started the 1000 year war against the allies

The Germans tried to get the soviets into the axis, but the Soviets demanded a bigger sphere of influence than the Germans were willing to give them.
(ie: bulgaria, so they could have access to a warm water port)

Negotiations shut down in winter 1940 iirc.

Hitler's thinking was distorted because of his meth that doctors were giving him.

If he was sober, he would have allied with Stalin to take down the British first, instead of impulsively invading in 1941 and getting fucked later on.

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l miss him so fucking much.

Russia would've attacked and failed.. it was also a matter of those oil fields.

Stalin was blackballing Hitler on supply issues too when they were attempting to cooperate.

>tfw occasionally have dreams where I am Hitler
>I'm usually just managing the country and the war and getting stressed out or having a meeting with generals
>had one really weird one where I was meeting with several other Hitlers from other universes/timelines so we could try to synchronize our victory, but I was the weak link
I think I was Hitler in a past life guys what do

War was basically inevitable between the two of them, it was just a matter of who had the balls to attack first, as neither of them were entirely properly prepared.

How was the NSDAP meritocratic? The internal workings of the party were marked by large scale corruption (as was the entire organization of the national socialist state apparatus) and sycophancy. People are all to ready to point out Goering as the prime example of this, which while being correct tends to neglect the role Hitler played in these mechanisms. Already during the war, people were angered by the misconduct of a good amount of Nazi officials but always downplayed the role of Hitler ("Wenn das der Fuehrer wuesste...", "If only the Fuehrer knew..."). Hitler was very well informed about the corruption of his underlings and paladins and used corruption himself on multiple occasions, like when he bribed Guderian to keep his mouth shut (he gave him an estate in the east and a rather large sum of money). Indeed, Himmler in his Posen speech of 1943 lamented tha fact that corruption and moral cowardice had taken hold amongst party and even SS officials and that the NSDAP and her organizations lacked the "rites and procedures of self cleansing" that the old Prussian army had.

This rotten byzantinism had already taken hold in Germany well before Hitler, no doubt about that. But instead of rooting out the problem, "real existing national socialism" turned it up to eleven.

Agreed on the first part. But I'm not ready to accept the second one. It's rather easy to blame the loser (especially if the post war narrative encourages you to do so).

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>Stalin was blackballing Hitler on supply issues too when they were attempting to cooperate.
Not true at all, actually Stalin provided Hitler all the raw materials he needed to defeat Britain. If they had allied, the large Soviet air force could have helped overwhelm the British defenses. The USSR would invade India and the British would be finished. I wish there was a timeline where Hitler never did meth.

it is true, there's recorded audio of it lol.

>>had one really weird one where I was meeting with several other Hitlers from other universes/timelines so we could try to synchronize our victory, but I was the weak link
Fucking lmao, I like how your brain works Hitler-san.

Speaking of Nazi related dreams, I had a dream where aliens tried to invade during WW2, and the Naiz's were the only one's with the technology to fend them off, so the rest of the world willingly submitted control to the Nazi's in order to defeat the Aliens.
Then once the Nazi's succeeded, they kept control and became the rulers of Earth.

na, stalin would only invade hitler if he was losing to the allies

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