Why haven't you transitioned yet, robots...

Why haven't you transitioned yet, robots? Don't you want guys to do things for you and be treated better than you were as a "man"? It's not like you'll pass on your shitty genes, anyway.

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Why haven't you taken a bath with an electrical appliance yet, reiko?

lol user it always works

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lol user another wasted human being

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>Cute boy turns into an abomination
I will NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER forgive the lgbt community for this

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work well
same, some make up and it's ok

Gross. Chads and old people should never transition. Only low test betas/soibois should do it.

I can only imagine how ugly you must be user

I am actually. Started last month, but I ran out because I didn't realize how much I was going to be taking a day - 4 pills of estrofem. I only bought enough for a month lol. I won't actually try to pass though, first because that's months down the road even years so I don't even need to fucking think about it. But also because I'll need to get my exaggerated brow ridge filled down first. Even if I wasn't taking HRT I would do that eventually, it's caused me so many troubles in life where people automatically assume I'm retarded because of it.

rip they were both really hot before

Dude was pretty handsome beforehand.

kek he looks like that one faggot who killed 3 people so he could become his ghost waifu

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>4 pills of estrofem
Jesus man what's wrong with you. If your DIY'ing you should never take that much. Also do you have an anti-androgen or are you just popping Estrogen?

I've been DIY'ing for seven months now and i take 50mg (1 pill) of Cyproterone and 2 Estrofem a day (1 if i'm running low). Don't fall for the memes. More estrogen doesn't equal better transition, once you reach a certain level in your blood system it becomes more or less null to add more.

How did their eyes change so much? They're huge and bright compared to before. The skin looks far paler (though that may just be the lighting)

>ywn see St. Randy in female form
I'm sure she would have been cute.

Wow he was so cute before as a guy, I would've made him my bf

heres the gun and the medical bill reiko

Brows, in the first picture he is squinting while in the second she is keeping her eyes open. also make up especially eyeliner.

also checked

Is it fap time again, Reiko?

Attached: days without reiko's tricks.jpg (600x396, 55K)

No I'm taking 2 pills spironolactone.
And I have to take so much because my body has absorption issues, in addition to the fact that I'm trying to replicate teenage levels of estrogen during peak puberty, not just baseline menopausal women amounts.
>More estrogen doesn't equal better transition
I actually don't care about that.

HRT displaces/gets rid of fat on top of the eyelids which gives the illusion of bigger eyes

Wow, that's pretty cool. Modern science is awesome.