Anyone else love /mogging/?

>in college class
>We're in smaller groups so we have some lectures in classrooms
>The professor is a scrawny bald manlet
>My group consists of 30 girls and 8 guys and I'm the tallest, strongest, best looking of them all
Not even memeing
>The manlet professor leans on my desk while lecturing
>He's "lecturing us on life" and being all smug thinking he has it all figured out
>Need for mogging is rising
>Stand up to go to the bathroom even tho I don't need to go
>My 6'3, buff, body towers the manlet professor as the light reflecting from his bald head shines in my eyes and makes me squint
>He looks up at me, knowing I could crush his little gay alien skull with one hand if I wanted to and stops talking for a few seconds
>I make my way out of the classroom, balls tingling with joy
>The thought of my huge body in comparison to his underdeveloped girl body makes my dick hard
>Get to the bathroom, drink some water
>Check myself out in the mirror and let out a quiet "Gosh, I fucking love
>Give myself a wink and go back to class

I don't know what it is, but I just feel this overwhelming need to stand next to lesser men to put them in their place and assert dominance

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this is some egomaniacal sociopathic behavior my friend.

is this a copypasta?

legit narcissistic sociopathy congrats

sounds like you have issues friend
unless it's really good bait

Literally how black men feel all the time

Too bad you're getting Jow Forumsmogged.
>PhD tenure professor
>making six figures teaching probably your first math class
>goes home to his half a million dollar home with his wife he met at his graduate school
Meanwhile, here we are shitposting on Jow Forums on a Saturday afternoon.

What does mogging actually mean? What is the mogging part?

aesthetically trumping another man in public

oh.. isnt this what all men do?

yeah it's either mog or get mogged

Anybody who tries to mog another man is an insecure little beta. That's the absolute truth. You nust do it subcinsciously for it to be truly successful, otherwise you look like some kind of aggressive retard.

And only women deserve aggression in this world.

stop larping jack

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You can mog but be mogged at the same time. Pic related is an example. The goofy fag is height mogging the shorter guy, but the shorter guy is face mogging (and /fa/ mogging) the taller guy.

Attached: mog1.jpg (640x640, 68K)

>6 figures
>College professor in the balkans

tfw never facemogged
tfw usually heightmogged
tfw always hairmogged

Manlets need to be put in their place.

Is this Patrick Bateman

>tfw can never be mogged because I'm a fuckin sicko

Attached: ed5377_6388798.jpg (1400x590, 100K)

epic story but lets face it david spade looks like a spacker and hes fucked more than everyone on this board combined

Wow the fucking low test betas on Jow Forums
>Wanting to be the alpha is beta
>Standing next to a person smaller than you is being aggressive and retarded
>Putting betas in their place is frowned upon
>To top it all off he admits to hating women and says how they should be beat
Fucking incels overflowing this place.
I bet that in the animal kingdom you become the alpha and get mating privileges by letting smaller weaker animals run the herd right?
Wanting to be the strongest male around should be in your nature, and if it's not you are an estrogen filled loser. Fucking moggee.

I like the way you think