In about 1 hour I leave the house for my first nightwalk. I'm nervous

In about 1 hour I leave the house for my first nightwalk. I'm nervous.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is your area dangerous? If not, why worry? If yes, why risk it?

Adventure awaits you. You'll do fine

I really want to do this, but I don't want to give my house"""mates""" anymore reasons to think i'm weird.

Night walking is pretty fun. Sometimes I like walking through my local park without any flashlight or anything. You can end up seeing or hearing some crazy fucked up shit.

Do you have schizophrenia?

Not original.

If you're nervous, don't do it. I only do it to clear my mind.

You know what, ill join you.
Excactly 1 hour after your post i will also go for my first nightwalk.

This was exciting for me also,
but definitely worth it.

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No. I'm talking about other weirdos and animals.

keep the thread up guys i post pictures !

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right at your side my good sir

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Sounds comfy. Have fun.

nighttime is when all the spirits are active

Who cares about spirits, what I'm more afraid of is niggers

Or should I say "spooks"
*ba dum tish*

This. It's the only time I've seen ghosts, except for one time at a haunted mansion.

ofcourse they are always there but the light makes them difficult to see. Plus ofcourse with many humans actively around taking up most of the 'space' thinking and feeling.. they just get blocked out, but at night .. you feel it right?? the 'space' in the world when humans are on sleep mode and the light has gone away..

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Beware of niggers.
Not edgy racism, just actually avoid them. If your area is dangerous id reccomend going for walks early in the morning

I wonder if these nightwalking anons got ambushed by those spooky niggers yet

reminder that nightwalks in nature are vastly superior to "nightwalks" in the city

thats when the skinwalkers are most active

Reminder that nightwalks are troll threads designed to get scrawny r9k losers mugged by niggers.

Nightwalks used to be fun for me until they built that strip club by where I walk. Now I get hollered and whistled at every time I walk by there and I just hate going down that path.

Night drives are better though

I had to stop nightwalking recently because I had a seriously mentally damaging incident.
Basically I was walking along a canal at like 3am and I heard a splash up ahead. I walked to see and some drunk guy had fallen into the water. for some reason I got nervous and instead of helping I tried to be funny by crouching down, dipping one of my chips into the water and saying 'yummy homeless salsa', before walking off. I have felt guilty as fuck ever since,and can't be outside at night

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they're the best thing ever. do it!

Get a bike and go night cycling on the sidewalk instead
Flying down the sidewalk lit only by street lights, not even bothering to stop at crosswalks because there are no cars out, comfy.

Everybody is out on Friday. Not the best time for a night walk

HAHAHA He's probably dead because you didn't help him. You indirectly killed a man.
Just let that sink in for a minute

You did nothing wrong user.
That guy was a pathetic alcohol addict

Bring a rape whistle

An upvote to you my good sir!

>live in the country
>never see another person on nightwalks, but get spooked by cats and foxes doing their weird night shit
>move to the city
>always see another person on nightwalks, even at nutty hours (3-5am), never truly alone
>but I get to walk along the seaside esplanade and get spooked by loud ass night waves instead
Are you a country nightwalker or a city nightwalker?

HA HA HA!!!!!!

Original gigantic tard laughter

I have done nightwalks a lot from 2006 to 2009.
But grew tired of it, you can't even see the milky way thanks to light smog.

Ok I'm back. Gonna post some pictures. It was awesome. Walked for 2 hours and meet nobody.

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Not a single car or person was crossing my way. Only cats and one fox.

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Glad you made it.

And I even made a new friend.

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Was carrying a knife. Just in case

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Is nightwalking the closest us mere mortals can get to becoming a human gondola?

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Pretty spooky..
original post

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I would not go on a nightwalk because I'm an easily spooked pussy

true but you can trace your path and schedule your time out around the typical normie rush. Obviously if you're going be within a radius of bars and clubs and whatever, especially around 1-4AM you're gonna see some normands but otherwise it's just liek any other night.

>t. NEET who hasn't left his room in 35 months

Muggings happen more during the night and evening. Your spooky n-words aren't like spending 8 hours a night hiding behind trees and bushes waiting for someone to walk by. They have things to do.

Yes, pretty sad when you think about it

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More comfy than sad in my opinion.

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Face your fears one step at a time

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Where in Germany is that if I may ask?

Small village in western germany.

This never happened, but if it had it would be funny

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! If this captured include me in the screencap.

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whoops wrong replyoriginal

oshit just the kind of thread I've been looking for. having trouble sleeping so I might go for a short nightwalk now. will post pics when I get back
I prefer it in around October when it's dark through most of the day. something so comfy about the streetlights being on and the cars in the distance

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posting nightwalk tunes until the thread comes back to life

>nightwalk tunes
nigga I don't run in daylight with headphones much less walking at night

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why not lad?
you'll be fine

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I lose like 60% of social awareness boogieman can sneakup on me. That aint comfy I just listen to whats around me

I envy you guys.

I'm a huge pussy so I'm afraid of walking alone at night. I wish I wasn't so afraid of everything.

>yummy homeless salsa

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oi, you'll needa loicence for tha!

Im going to go for a nightwalk soon. Im in near the Smokey Mountains and im new to this area. Theres no kneegrows here so ill be fine.

Use open headphones or a bluetooth speaker?