What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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Absolutely nothing, just like every nootropic that isn’t caffeine or an amphetamine.


almost no evidence of anything effective inside of trials.

Stop using stimulants

hey don't forget about modafinil

fuck you, modafinil actually works and is easy to prove that it works (you wont sleep during its usage), these other fucking nootropics are garbage and placebo's

I have aniracetam and I can barely even feel placebo. However adrafinil is amazing and actually works, fukin strong.
Only other non meme nootropics I can think of is phenibut

thats because phenibut actually effects the gaba B thing, and it can be proven so. Has great side effects when you come off it too. What about the rumors that these nootropics for better memory actually damage the brain?

I am interested in these rumors. can you cite something?


Racetams are old and studied enough. At least piracetam and aniracetam are. They are fine

How many IQ points on average will it increase? I already did the whole nine yards of "try to get the connecting tissue, and hormones to a good balance" bit so that my brain is flooded with enough test and other good crap. Probably already reached my natural peak of sorts. Feels quite good tho.

What are you talking about? How much racetams will increase your iq?


i've heard theory that racetams only work on damaged brains, alzheimer or something
if your brain is healthy it won't improve it, if damaged it may heal it

caffeine and amphetamines are psychoactive and not nootropics....

Self-inflicted autism

I can actually feel 20 mg sublingual. I get the typical "Phenibut" effects, but way minor: muscle relaxation, anxiolysis, music appreciation, etc.

I like it.

Probably not I've heard people say it's good for memory and general brain function but I can not notice anything myself. Taken up to a g of aniracetam and felt nothing

well the problem is that you are the brain right now, currently operating. If the effects were xboxhuug then yea, you could probably feel something. But if they were tiny...like 10%, the brain would have a hard time noticing anything. Thats the problem with these things you know. With many medicines and drugs, if they dont trigger many of the crude sensors of our body (pressure, pain, fatique etc.) then you need outside tools to measure change (blood pressure, glucose levels meters etc.) Or maybe a test of sorts, memory tests every day perhaps.

I guess so, however people also report mildy measurable things like better speech and music appreciation and anti anxiety effects and I don't notice any change.