Pull Up thread

Come on weaklings pulling strength > pushing strength

Attached: packed_shoulders_vs_unpacked_shoulders.jpg (640x480, 92K)

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>pulling strength > pushing strength
this is retarded

Last two digits wouldn't make sense though unless it's reasonable. But there's no way I'd pump out 99 pullups for example

Do them in sets, pussy. Nobody that posts here is doing more than 30 pushups in a set either.

literally only dyel calisthenics fags would say this retarded shit

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rolling for 50+

>do this not this

I'm not taking orders from a faggot who still plays with toy trucks


re roll

If you can't do more than 30 pushups you should just kys

I like to protract my shoulders at the bottom and then retract them at the start of the rep to give me some initial momentum. Is this bad?



We aren't all 5'2" 120 lbs

What? Why?

lmao look at this pussy boy not being able to crank out 99

This is now a CrossFit thread.

It was a CrossFit thread before, but now it's official.

Get those kipping pull-ups done anons.


oh lol maybe thats why my shoulders hurt after i did them last time. so there's scapular retraction at bottom right?

I'm not the guy you're replying to but I'm 6'0 185lbs and I can do 35 before wanting to kill myself.

Stop making excuses.

bit malnourished user, aren't you!? 6'3" at 235 lbs here


>only using two digits in a pushup roll
Is anyone else but me making it?

Very easy to make vague assumptions, isn't it?

Because according to this, you're quite the chunker!

Attached: Anon.png (538x896, 56K)

I'm obese at 13% bf according to this chart

Mr skele I hope you didn't look at this chart and thought you were fine.

That's not the point I was making. Unless if there's pics, you can't prove anything based on just height and weight.

Trump's America at work, blatant racism

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Reminder that packed shoulders are just half reps.

Go for full extension and full contraction. If you unpack at the bottom and then start the movement by packing with your lats, you'll get much better progress.

This says 5'9 at 162 is perfect

Fuck outta here, at 162 I look like I just escaped from Auschwitz

>At 1.82, a normal weight is between 65 and 80 kg
Fuck outta here

This. If you can't do at least 60 then you are just weak

wtf is "packing" ?

pulling your shoulder blades back, down and together. I don't know how much less of a "real" pullup it becomes when you don't dead hang but it's certainly much more difficult to repack your shoulders each rep

I see what you mean, definitely easier to feel lats activate that way

I'm 6'2" and 230lbs and I can do 50 push-ups before I have to stop you weak willed bitch.

You either look like Zyzz, who was an inch shorter and around the same weight, or you're fat.
You're either fat and have less than 20 pounds of muscle since you started lifting, or you're bullshitting yourself about your body fat percentage.
Fat with no muscle
Fat cope

I'll explain it for the idiots in the thread. You can pretty much take anyone with sub 15% body fat and they'll fit the BMI standards unless they have over 20 pounds of muscle over the average person. Anyone that doesn't fit these standards is likely just fat. You can be up to about a 22 FFMI and still be a normal weight based on BMI.

i have long arms so the right doesn't work for me

it just takes some practice, I have long arms too and switched to strict pullups. I thought I was hot shit at pullups but when I started doing full ROM I was quickly humbled

>tfw do squat first time in 5 years
>only few reps even
>quads DOMS so hard I cant stand without locking me knees, if I bend my knee a bit I just fall down from my own weight
never again leg day

Too much typing and too low quality bait
Post body

Not him but
>post body
Is the cry of the btfo DYEL

Oh fuck off, I invented the post body meme. You're the one claiming you're not a fat piece of shit when you are. You and you alone should post your body.

BMI works for nearly everyone unless they've been lifting seriously for more than a year and probably closer to two solid years. It's always skinny fat idiots who think 'this thing tells me i'm fat, clearly it doesn't work!'. It's the same group of people who think that they are 12% body fat when they are 20% and that they 'must have more muscle than most people lol'.

Attached: 1525309899730.png (800x600, 81K)

>he wants to be better at pushing girls away than pulling them in close

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5'11 185lbs and I can do 60. Maybe actually hit the gym?

Dude, how fucking big are you? Are you Arnold Schwarzenegger? My 6'5" friend is 195 and he's skinnyfat.

Not him, but 6'3 235lbs is nothing special if you're Jow Forums.

6'3" 235lbs and below 18% bf is absolutely huge

Yeh that’s pretty normal for some who even lifts tbhfam

t. 6’ 210lbs @ 14% bf

It's like they are so scared of being asked to post their own body so they get defensive from the start and defensively ask the other person when it isn't even relevant to the topic

You realize this post is ironic if you're the person the other two people are replying to, right? You're just shit posting, not contributing anything. You are pretending to be retarded, only you are actually retarded

You def a Big Guy™ with those numbers sure

who made that image? they're an idiot.

Here come the e-staters. That would put your FFMI at over 24. You would have to have been lifting for at 3-4 years to reach that and have genetics better than say 80% of people. Your FFMI is one point higher than the average steroid user.

Or you, know, you're a fat bullshiter or steroid user.

>tfw this chart calls you overweight at 6'2"

Yeah I'm 6'2" 230 and like 18-20% bf and people tell me I'm huge. The average poster's body dysmorohia and what they think is (easily) achievable naturally is ridiculous.

can confirm
i'm 6'2", 215-220lbs and i'm considered pretty big by people i meet
people also say i'm strong with a 225lb c&j and 3x300lb a2g back squat, i even got some guys saying "woah" when i did a few pull-ups near them (fuck you it's hard to do a few pull-ups at this weight)
it's a real contrast with what i see here, and i certainly don't feel like i'm big

>Do overhand


That squat is shit for that c&j lad

And only being able to do a couple of pullups is shit too lol

Nigger when I cheered for a juco we would do pushups whenever we scored for however many points we had up to like 50

Sometimes we would do 200 pushups during one game with the last 50 being one set plus throwing and catching girls and all that good cheerleader stuff

it's hard to do deep squats with long limbs, not sure what to say; my front squat is 3x265lbs (or 275lbs, not sure)
for pull-ups, when i've been going to the gym consistently, i can usually do 10 for my first set, but lately it's been 5-7. a-am i still c-cool, user? ;_;

When has body weight push ups ever been an indicator of strength?

when you haven't been able to do anything else worth mentioning

Fucking pleb attitude. It gets easier the more you do them. Maybe don't load so much weight in the beginning.


You're probably fat, cut aggressively for a month or two then go and try to.gain some weight for the next year+. Long limbs aren't an excuse.

I don't understand your picture OP. The second picture you're starting from 0, the first picture you're not doing full ROM. I always do my pull ups slowly starting from a position like in the second picture, I make sure not to push it with my body.

Or am I missing something?

long limbs are an excuse lol, do you know how body mechanics work? honestly, you thinking my squat is bad for a 225lb c&j really shows you don't know what you're talking about here. my lifts aren't great, all around, but i'm just happy trying to beat myself every time i go.
i'm definitely not fat or chubby, especially if the comments of others are anything to go off of. i could maybe stand to lose some weight, but i'm happy where i'm at.

Lad, I'm not much bigger than you and I have a 540 squat, and do pullups for sets of 8 with 25lbs added, I don't clean and jerk though so I can't comment on that really, but it seems disproportionately high for what your back squat is. Also your back squat with that front squat is indicative that your back squat form sucks or you don't try hard.

i train olympic lifts, and again, my backsquat is ass to grass - i do squats twice a week, and then lighter ones two more times a week when i'm practicing the snatch and clean&jerk.
there are people smaller than you and me squatting more than 540; what's your point here? there are a lot of factors involved (one of them being limb proportions), and most of them aren't in my favor. but i don't care, because i already know i won't be achieving anything remarkable (though some things certainly impress my friends, but most of them don't lift). as i said, i've chosen to focus on just beating myself week-to-week, which i've seen rather decent progress with.

My point is there's a fine line between expecting too much, and not expecting enough and you seem to be on the wrong side of it.


My experience was that doing what the first picture says is bullshit. It gave me shoulder pain and irritation and the movement feels wrong in general. Like if you are out and playing and you jump up to grab a bar to pull your self up, you don't tuck your shoulders in first. You just pull your self up. That is the natural way of doing it.

Look at this dude doing a 90kilo weighted chin up, does he tuck first? No, cus then he would not be able to go up

Tucking your shoulders in chin ups/pull ups is a bad meme that causes harm and it needs to die. (someone tell jeff to make a video on it)

nah he doesn't tuck because then it's not full ROM and doesn't count as a full chin up. Doesn't mean it isn't easier on your shoulders to tuck first


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No, he dosn't tuck because its fucking retarded and not how to do a proper chin up



holy shit dude this pic was helpful as fuck, thank you. also rollin

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