How are you doing guys? Do you eat breakfast? no? why not?

How are you doing guys? Do you eat breakfast? no? why not?

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I don't eat breakfast, I do intermittent fasting. My 'eating window' is from 10 to 6pm.

Call it a meme all you want but I've lost 25 lbs in 4 months do that.

Bruh, I lost 30 kgs in 3 months with a diet and I did eat breakfast.
So, it's a fucking meme.

No, I don't. I don't eat any meals actually. 90% of my diet consists of bread and cookies. Sometimes, every few days, I eat dinner.
I'm too lazy to cook and have no self control

Well I hope you at least eat rye bread or low-fat cookies.

I (very) rarely eat breakfast.
I don't really care for my own health, so I just skip it, most breakfast foods are shitty anyways.

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>implying I will meet a 100 people in my life and attempt to ask them all out


How about you eat eggs? They will cure your anxiety.

No, just french bread and most of the time chocolate chip cookies.
That's all I ate in the last week

Whoever made that dumb post doesn't realise that populations aren't evenly distributed, as well. Most people in the world are either chinese farmers or pajeets doing cheap manual labor on some factory.

I doesn't have a real bad influence in your health, you can skip it.

>french bread
Que??? Which French bread tho? Baguette? It's not the best idea.

>tfw no chinese farmer bf/gf

I only eat breakfast when I work nights but it's technically dinner then. During normal working days I prefer to sleep in so I wake up later and go to work without breakfast. On days off I usually wake up around lunch time anyway so I just eat lunch instead of breakfast.

I thought it was going to be a nice weekend alone since my parents went out camping but my brother immediately came home with his faggot troupe and I'm now stuck in my room praying they don't stay the night.

Umm try to be a sociopath and just do what you want to do? 100% ignore them. Fuck them.

>I doesn't have a real bad influence in your health, you can skip it.
Yeah, I don't eat lunch either cause it's not that important.
Eggs are not that nice.
I'll keep my anxiety, thanks.

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That's not a sociopathic or a anti-social behaviour.
Ignoring and not responding is often autistic, just say something like "fuck off kiddos" and be the mature guy against trashagers.

Drink vodka or wine then? 89% cure. Another alternative is not playing LoL like a loser.

and 100% of those are not of the opposite sex.

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I usually dont eat til noon, even if I get up early. Then I have dinner at 6, and dont eat til the next day

I keep waking up between 1pm and 2pm and usually eat an hour after waking up.

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I'm doing ok thank you for asking,
I eat breakfast almost every morning, usually just a couple of eggs and some rice or quinoa, sometimes pasta, basically whatever cooks easily and can hold me over for lunch.

if you count a half finished beer and some stale corn chips as breakfast, then yes.

I'm the same as always... trying to get drunk, but drinking and not getting drunk.
I don't eat breakfast (I get to bed at around 6am most days anyway, I don't eat lunch (maybe once a month at most).

I have a stomach condition and rarely get hungry unless I'm stoned, which I have been for the past 2 weeks so I've eaten at least 1 meal a day for 2 weeks at least.

Now divide that number by every population center on Earth, dumbfuck.

Yeah, let me just cold-call every woman on Earth and see which of them are in the 1%.

you still would get 1/100 times the population

are you sure you're not a dumb dumb yourself, dumb dumb?

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Always skip. Let's me get out of bed and out the door in 10 minutes. Makes my mornings mich easier.

I'm feeling terrible right now, OP. My sleep schedule is all fucked up so I wake up around 1-2 AM. I'm really underweight even though i count my calories and stay 3000+ everyday. The anxiety has taken action again, and the alpraz im taking makes me feel like a shell.:(
Breakfast is probably my favorite meal of the day, since I wake up when everyone else is asleep I can enjoy my breakfast alone, in quiet darkness. c:

How are you doing, OP?

IF is such a meme. Just say you skip breakfast. No one would say that having two full meals a day is "fasting".