ITT: trigger Jow Forums with one image

ITT: trigger Jow Forums with one image.

no text, just a photo or drawing

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How the fuck are you gonna just look at the camera smugly next to that ugly thing

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Blondie has a nice jaw but his chin is tiny. Flatface in the front looks strange.

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Don't hate him for his fetish, she is lucky he is mentally ill

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DESU, chin dont matter when you have a strong jaw to offset it lol. its not like girls will superanalyze your face irl, unless you look ugly. r your chin is receding

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after reading moby dick i can understand him

>fetishes can't be unlearned


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that's his mother

explain this to me please

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this triggered me

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Some cute looking fat dude that put on incel glasses

>next to that ugly thing

I thought his arms were pretty aesthetic.


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Guess what I could read a book, draw a picture, or listen to music with friends. But I'd rather go to the gym

>my facial hair doesn't grow in good enough to rock the 5'o clock shadow look to cover my jaw like the blonde guy
Send help.

its a gay dude with his friends

too real

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pretty sure there's always a chubby drug dealer tough guy at every high school that gets bitches

I want to drown the person who made this with whole milk straight out of the cow's tit

why not both? the thing is the guy in the pic says he would read or draw or whatever but realistically he'll just sit there watching movies and distracting himself with pointless media instead of actually developing himself to be interesting, which going to the gym also counts as developing himself so the person who has the good body atleast has that

I agree fully and still go to the gym. Still somewhat triggered so gj

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This is so fucking dumb. You're so busy doing all this worthwhile shit you don't have even 3-4 hours a WEEK to exercise/go to the gym? And even then, if you aren't exercising you don't have to eat like a pig and end up a fat fuck
t. triggered

I'll kill myself before I ever do this, NEET may suck but I'll never work an office job

I remember this, gay friend.

>only smiling when lifting

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hits way too close to home

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made me chuckle

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>That lone guy in the background

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Attached: What Doth Lift.webm (1920x1080, 1.51M)

Is there one of this but with lifting in there? If not there should be one.

Well I came into this thread cocky , serves me right

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They live empty lives! They must be sad! The cosmic karma says that nobody can be better looking than me and happy! I bet they get rejected by girls all the time! Women like personality and intelligence!

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>equal SMV
hypergamy is a bitch

the kind of far-left-tail-of-the-bell-curve girl /r9k2/, ahem, I mean Jow Forums posters qualify for...her ugliness defies the imagination

Just sayin

>life sucks if you habe no redeeming qualities or virtues
No fucking shit, what a dumb image

>not even a proper flag

Not even gonna watch it, that first image is way too much already.
You should apologize.

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Source on the original?

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Me on the left (sitting down in the turquoise)

Man, now that I work in a cube farm office job... this hits hard. Even accurate timelines.

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finally got me

ruthlessness, charisma and courage are all choices

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yes; you understood the point of the comic.

>no condoms
nice try thot I ain't raising that kid

This pseudo-masculinity girls mistake with empowerment is cringey.

>no condoms

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this, jesus christ office life seems like hell


>i'm too much of a good person to judge
>but let me judge this guy
>i bet he's proud
>and i'm gonna be proud to be a fat piece of shit
not even triggered desu it's just a stupid awful comic

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>Make sure you get your 6-11 servings of grain every day.
>Wouldn't want you to grow up skinny or anything.

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You all lose

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>One more chink in the world
This definitely made me angry

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>no blacks
I-I didn't want to come anyway

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Attached: welcome to fit.webm (480x480, 748K)

im ded user, good one

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I'll never do one of those after seeing this. Holy fuck.

Shit, that hasn't been my life since the summer between high school and college back in '09

If you aren't willing to be ruthless and courageous, you deserve to suffer in life.


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>implying I can't lead a curious and muscly life at the same time

I lift, run, play soccer, go to school, have a full time job, hang out with friends on the weekends, go on my fair share of dates, watch a lot of movies, shows, and read every night.

>(they) took this away from us

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guy knows how to fuck or guy has an awesome fucking personality, or it's his cousin

>eating carbs

mirin his body, do you have a pic of him standing up?

>mfw I graduate high school in a month
>I’ve lived that dream for the past 2 summers
>started off like that image
>progressively got worse and got to the point where I was going to bed at 4 in the afternoon and waking up at midnight
>even though I usually needed about 12 hours of sleep

It says "no cock blocks"

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i literally cannot comprehend this world view

i know its so fucking pathetic, you hear it from tard normie fucks all the time.

>oh id rather do this and this instead of lifting BLEH.

Stfu you fucking lazy fuck, you could do all of them. You spend 30 hours a week infront of your fucking computer but you cant spare THREE OF THOSE TO GO TO THE GYM.

b..b...but what abot oats? :l

wtf man wtf.

CHAD, BRAD, CHASE AND BRODY just got to the party! The girl you were talking to instantly becomes distant and didn't even hear you explain the neurology of strength training as soon as they entered the room with their commanding, dominant, masculant presence.