What's your excuse, dingaling?

What's your excuse, dingaling?

Attached: excuse.jpg (859x423, 124K)

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Short, nice try though

nice escort

I don't know how the middle and right got to be, but the dude on the left has a cute face and looks more bear than fatass.

he is a good normal looking person and isn't unlovable scarred depressed human trash like me

Women have emotional attraction, men have visual attraction. It's that simple.

My excuse is she's not Asian.

Attached: 1511557592124.jpg (412x550, 33K)

Are asian women more wholesome than anglo?

I'm severely balding. I don't have a steady job. I still have acne. I browse Jow Forums.

At least I'm not short or fat.

>I'm severely balding. I don't have a steady job. I still have acne. I browse Jow Forums.
>At least I'm not short or fat.
I'm short, fat, acne, unsteady job, browse Jow Forums, but I got a full head of Jew fro at least

Yeah they put out way easier and you need absolutely no game. Literally be a nice guy.

My advice...

Shave it off dude.

Walter white style. Own it.

Red light therapy might help with your skin.

Cheap too...


I rather have a full head of hair than be tall. I'll trade you.

Fatness can be cured.

David Goggins went from fat, to Navy Seal. I highly recommend checking out his podcast with Joe Rogan...


>Red light therapy
Sounds like horse-shit, TBQHF.

I'm too much of a ultra badass ubermensch to acknowledge women

2 hours, where does it start and end, negro?

You forgot:
>be white

That's actually a badass podcast. I might listen to it again. THat nigga is inspirational.

Find a short girl. I just solved all of your problems, bro.

Short girls like tall guys. Checkmate

I don't get the appeal of orientals, prefer a nice indian or light-skinned persian woman instead

Attached: DxCpF.jpg (1244x1600, 204K)

>cherrypicked internet image with no context
Wow, you sure showed me, lad

By the way, if a woman is with a man who looks any worse than her she most likely is doing it for the money. This is common sense. You can live with the delusion that they care about "personality" or"game" if that helps you sleep at night, though.

Attached: constanza.jpg (384x384, 13K)

Not that guy, it is good but no hes a meme. Hes also borderline retarded which is why he got rejected by delta twice.