Rate Routine

Grabbed this routine from an user in a CBT thread earlier. I think I'll be starting it after 10 months of brosplits. Any criticism?

Attached: routine.png (700x563, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:



training muscles once a week?
if you only want to go to the gym 3x a week just do SS, SL, GSLP, any full body program really

So would it work as PPLPPLx?

I was in that thread, the faggot looked good

Attached: fag998a.jpg (2094x3724, 1.42M)

he said he runs it PPLPPLPPLPPLPPL
i.e. every single day

but I imagine it would work that way just fine

>rear delts on push day
>"middle chest" and "lower chest"
>overhead press after 3 different chest presses
>leg curls instead of Romanian deadlift or stiff legged deadlift
>2 different exercises for a muscle that can only be worked 1 way (calves)
>trap isolation exercise instead of deadlifting
Pretty meme routine you're running. Dumb/10

lets see how you look next to this "dumb" guy
at least offer improvements

Would love if such an intellect as yourself could correct the routine.

you want us to Google PPL for you?

>>>>>>>>>best routine passing by

Attached: 1496939197967.png (300x250, 19K)


Good way to stall and make zero progress

He's just lean, that's it. Tiny as fuck and using angles to make his chest see big and waist seem small.

Best thing posted in this thread

Why don't you contribute instead of shitposting

Because people like OP are idiots.

but is the best thing posted in here, ITS THE BEST WORKOUT IN THE THREAD

gr8 b8 fgt

Hi OP, are you triggered?

I've been doing a really shit routine I think for the last 2 or 3 months, but I'm just starting out.

forgive me. (dont know terminology)
>3x12 standing shrugs
>3x10-12 dumbell curl into overhead
>3x10-12 rear flys on a flat bench, on my back
>3x10-12 dumbell rows
>3x15 tricep rope pulldowns
>2x50 ab crunches on one of those shitty machines

Granted, these exercises were not my idea, my brother said he got these "from successful guys"
However, I decided to go do a little >RESEARCH and between athlean and "built with science" I've got a list of exercises but I really don't know how many of them I should be doing.

Built with science have their own "Upper body workout" and "Lower body workout" and between the individual workouts and the routines I've found, I'm a bit lost, really.
Incline Dumbbell Press* 4x6-10
Chest Supported Row* 3x8-10
Overhead Press* 3x6-10
Pull-Ups OR Lat Pulldowns* 3x8-10
Incline Dumbbell Curls 2x8-12
Overhead DB Extensions
(on incline bench)
Kneeling Facepulls or High
to Low Chest Flies (optional
exercise) 2x12-15

looks really interesting too. Are those done with barbell or dumbells and what exercise does "triceps" and "biceps" mean?

I'm a huge faggot, I'm just trying to find the correct thing to do so I never feel like I wasted 2 hours at the gym.
Also, is splitting days necessary?

>Push day >Face pulls

its done with barbells, just whatever triceps and biceps exercise you like.
what do you mean, do you want to do that workout in one day? maybe it will be to much but you could try
If you are just starting you should first think if you want to train everyday, maybe only 4 days or 3 days. Most people will recommend a 3 day full body routine for beginners but i started with a ppl (push pull legs) which means working out 6 days a week and i had good gains my first year, around 13 kg.
Dont do many thing with dumbells, do everything you can with barbells and add weight everytime you can. With time you will know what too much or too little volume is for you, dont fear making errors, at first i was doing too much pressing movements (bench press,incline,flyes and shoulder pres all in the same workout) and all i got was a sick pump for a month or so and a minor injury in my delt which healed in a week. A time later i tried benching heavy 3 times a week and hurt my rotator cuff, its not a big deal, just see what works

post physique? Program looks really solid

mine or the guy who created it? the guy that made it is a normal guy, just studied a lot of these things, i think he trains for sports or something like that

Its Lyle McDonald's generic bulking routine you newfags

wew i thought someone would say it earlier, was actually expecting someone saying its shit and laughing my ass off

yours before/after the program

oh i never did the program, im bout to start it this monday, but it looks cool doesnt it?

btw dont judge how good a program is based on someone progress, you might have shit genetics, the guy who done it may be a lazy shit or maybe he is just good at taking pics

Day 1:
>Chest Flys
>Incline Bench
>Shoulder Raise
>Skull Crushers

Day 2:
>Cable Pulldown
>Weighted Pull-ups
>Bicep Curl
>Hammer Curl

Day 3:
>Leg Press
>Calf Raise
>Leg Curl

Day 4: Rest

Where to find a good 5 day routine?

I only work 4 days a week and use the gym at work. Could I do this ABAB and rest 3 days straight?

most people will tell you that it has too much volume, just remember to deload after a month or something, or dont do it idk, your shoulder will let you know

yeah you can but i think there are better options
something like a full body day, a rest day then an upper day, then a lower day and rest again.
or maybe something similar but with push/pull

or maybe two full body routines? you arent working with too much here bro but training a muscle 2 times per weeks still is pretty good and you will make gains

>Good way to stall and make zero progress
Why exactly? It seems to work each muscle group twice a week if I do it as PPLPPLx.
Why would I stall and make zero progress?


Attached: 0.png (724x611, 129K)

Hey, that’s me! If you’ve got any questions, hit me up

7-times a week - PPLPPLP

One pull exercise on a push day is fine
Pecs are just one muscle, but you can still target upper/middle/lower fibres
I want to isolate my front/side delts, chest exercise doesn’t do this
Matter of preference
Again, different exercise target muscle fibers in different ways
Deadlift is a meme, it’s also powerlifting exercise, I’m after aesthetics

I was studying for med school, so I know little bit about muscles, otherwise I’m just a gym addict

Attached: 952ABD63-A51E-4E5F-90C3-6507AA6A849F.png (750x1334, 3.57M)

>middle pecs


Put one hand on your chest and move around with your other hand. It’s one muscle but you can feel different muscle fibres contract.

Hey user, got anywhere else I can contact you at? Like Instagram or something?

>no bench press
>no deadlift
absolute shit tier

I've been benching for the past 10 months and the slowest progress I've had on my body is on my chest.

There are two heads to the pectoral muscle, the sternal and clavicle heads. The muscle fibers also run horizontally. If you use one you use the entire length of the fiber from it's origin point to it's insertion point. The way your pecs look when developed is determined by those origin and insertion points.

IG disco_trooper

DB Bench Press > Barbell Bench Press
Deadlift is a meme

Thanks for pointing this out

Explain why you think one of the most natural human movements and the most effecient exercise to develop strength and mass for your posterior chain is a meme.

PPLPPLx or PPLxPPLx and lower the volume.

There are tons of other exercises that build posterior chain and there are tons of exercises that are superior aesthetic wise. You wanna be strong as fuck? Yeah, deadlift is nice. I don’t give shit about strength though so deadlift isn’t the best exercise for me

Sent you a DM.

Literally nothing compares to it, at least nothing that you're doing. Your hamstrings are going to be weak and underdeveloped, which can lead to tendonitis later in life. I understand you care about aesthetics, but you should have some kind of deadlift in what you're doing, no matter who you are. Since you care about aesthetics I would suggest either SLDLs with a power shrug at the top or snatch grip SLDLs. You'll be doing pretty much the entire movement with just your hamstrings and glutes and get great trap/upper back development out of them.

I’m doing several different leg curls as to hit hamstrings from different ways. Do you think it’s not sufficient? Also thanks for your reply, I appreciate constructive critique

too many exercises.

you wont go hard on any of them anyway so you wont gain anything.

Between doing leg press and leg extensions I don't think it is. You don't have any sort of hip hinge movement and leg curls are not an adequate replacement for that. Honestly if your lower body days were just squats, whatever deadlift you want to do, and ab work/calf work that would probably let you have just as good if not better progress and results than you're having now.

I’ll give it a try, thank you!

All my body parts are in the Maximum Adaptive Volume from this page, I have no problems recovering and go hard at every lift

this is the greatest workout routine ever created... a tribute.

A (6x10): Run 3 miles, Bench Press, Chest Flys, Incline DB Press, OHP, Side Raises, 100 decline ab crunches
B (6x10): Bike 3 miles, Hack Squat, Rope Pulldowns, Squats, Smith Calf Raises
C (6x10): Run 3 miles, Deadlift, Pullups, Lat Pulls, TBar Row, Cable Row, Barbell Curl + Incline DB Curls, 100 decline ab crunches

Day 1 - A
Day 2 - B
Day 3 - C
Day 4 - Off

M1: Pre-workout - Banana (3), Coffee, Protein Shake
M2: After workout - Egg (6), Gatorade, Protein Shake
M3: 24 oz Chicken, 2 cps Rice, 2 cps Broccoli, Green Tea

1. No smoking, no drinking, no gossiping, no porn, no idle time-wasting, no losers
2. Believe in yourself
3. Do it

Hey fuck off with that shit m8

Rate this guy's routine

Attached: JevebDC.png (1080x1920, 686K)