been a while since we had one of these
1. Harry Potter(the whole series)
2. Dracula
3. The Call of The Wild
4. My Dark Materials
5.The Hobbit(Lotr was boring as shit)
been a while since we had one of these
1. Harry Potter(the whole series)
2. Dracula
3. The Call of The Wild
4. My Dark Materials
5.The Hobbit(Lotr was boring as shit)
>that pic
>that list
Care to extrapolate
The last quarter of the return of the king is pure kino but you're right about the hobbit being more entertaining.
The Trial - Franz Kafka
Stardust - Neil Gaiman
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Isaac Asimov
Dune - Frank Herbert
Rich Dad Poor Dad - I can’t remember
never got as far as there, my farthest attempt to read it was getting to the spider scene
1. Mein Kampf
2. Myth Of The 20th Century
3. White Power
4. This Time The World
5. For My Legionaries
The Brothers Karamazov
The Illiad
The republic
12 rules for life
The bible
>Brapper by John Williams
>Brap Noise by Don DeLilo
>Infinite Brap by David Foster Wallace
>Braplita by Vladimir Nabokov
>Gravity's Rainbrap by Thomas Pynchon
#1 King James Bible of 1611
#2 Paradise Lost by John Milton
#3 LotR Trilogy
#4 The Prophet by Kahlil Gibrain
#5 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Where is the copypasta guy
The Republic - Plato
Fedon - Plato
Brave New World - Huxley
Social Contract - Rousseau // Leviathan - Hobbes //The other one of Locke
Don Quixote - Cervantes
Unironically a more embarassing list than any other in this thread
I agree comrade, it was her turn!!
What is that supposed to mean?
>revolt against the modern world evola
>book 4 Crowley
>a bridge too far Ryan
>the hobbit
>fear and loathing in las vegas
Embarassing post
this is a somewhat correct answer but you're not supposed to talk about it.
Why are most of your books childrens books?
The Iliad- Homer
Brave New World- Huxley
Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck
IT- Stephen king
Alice's adventures in wonderland- Carrol
And hundreds more
Nice. But I'm a fantasy faggot.
1. The Stormlight Archives - Brandon Sanderson
2. Assassin's Apprentice - Robin Hobb
3. The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
4. Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky
5. 12 Rules for Life - J.B. Peterson
My top 10 in no particular order
>thus spoke zarathustra
>12 rules to life
>no acting please
>the way of the superior man
>fight club
>sex at dawn
>the gulag archipelago
> crime and punishment
> world war z
> the seagull
>harry potter
kys fag
not familiar with most of these
t. haven't read a book since high school
took a philosophy class
t. still in high school
post your list faggot
Not him but these are embarrassing desu senpai
I don't even read lmao I just dislike people like him
>12 rules for life
Are you fucking serious brah
Why would some of the actual timeless classics mentioned be an issue? Are you just a contrarian?
For my legionaries should be 1 or 2 since it reads like it was written today
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
The Fifth Business - Robertson Davies
Hammer's Slammers - David Drake
Lord of the Rings (which I've really gotten to appreciate more and more as I've grown up)
Sun & Steel - Yukio Mishima
Literally the only person with actual taste itt
The War of Art (yes, that is the title)
Tao te Ching
12 Rules for Life
Fragments of a Lover's Discourse
The Raven
Good taste, and it's the kind of list that has the idiosyncrasies of an actual human being's Top 5 rather than just picking and choosing from "Top 100 Great Novels"
I thought it was really boring at first when I read them when I was 10, but when I reread it in high school, I started to understand the characters more. And over more time, Tolkien's pastoralism and the worldview he espouses through Lord of the Rings, really grew on me. There's also a certain melancholy to the trilogy which chokes me up at its high points.
Robert Kiyosaki wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad
His authors are fucked up, but I'm taking it in good faith that he's not trolling
1. Wilbur Smith entire courtney series up to the late 1990s
2. stephen king IT
3. stephen king the stand
4. Unbroken (war book)
5. The Dirt (Motley Crue)
naked lunch
finnegan's wake
on the road
gravity's rainbow
Threw darts at a list of "great novels"/10
Well you got the first and fifth right
>confirmed for never reading pynchon or burroughs
sorry not sorry
sorry mate here ya go
>faust - goethe
>the man without qualities - musil
>ulysses - joyce
>no longer human - osamu dazai
actually reading terrorists, whats wrong with you user?
t. That guy who goes to a coffee shop to read and gets frustrated if there aren't enough people there to see him doing it
The temple of the golden pavilion - Mishima
The Idiot - Dostoyevsky
Remains of the day - Ishiguro
The Blood Meridian - McCarthy
East of Eden - Steinbeck
top 1 book of all time
crime and punishment
White Power was great. GLR was a true patriot.
Pic related, starring down a filthy communist nigger.
Blood Meridian
At the mountains of madness
Measuring the World
Crime and punishment
don't really read as much as I used to but I really liked when breath becomes air, it's about this 30-something neurosurgeon that gets diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer and is written autobiographically until he goes to his deathbed.
2. the stranger - albert camus
3. nausea - jean paul sartre
4. homeland - r.a. salvatore
5. the things they carried - tim o brien
Why is mark zuckerberg pointing at that fat black man?
saw the movie based on mishima's life and thought he was a kooky narcissistic homo, does the movie portray him differently than how comes off in his books?
Looks like somebody stopped reading and developing at the age of fucking 9.
He was a kooky narcissistic homo but he has an incredibly unique and beautiful writing style. His books go into his philosophy on life too. The golden pavilion is only 200 pages so it’s worth a try
>tfw no ebony big booty gf
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Happy Death - Albert Camus
Family Happiness - Tolstoi
White fang - Jack London
Dead Souls - Nokolai Gogol
not gonna rate them tho, because they are all my fav. Family Happiness probably nr1.