Would you be willing to give a girl a second chance if she cheated on you, Jow Forums?

Would you be willing to give a girl a second chance if she cheated on you, Jow Forums?

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no unoriginally

That's like asking if you'd eat the other half of a partially eaten sandwich.

I've been in this situation. Only real point of pride I have in myself was to tell her no.

No. If they cheat on you once they will again.

Why wouldn't you eat half of a sandwich?

>Do you respect yourself


No, but if I had kids and was already undetectedly cheating on her, yes.

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lol no I could not live with myself

She doesn't seem particularly well-adjusted user.

Excuse me, but I will keep myself from falling into the roastie trap and losing my virginity.

What this user said.

I'll rephrase what i meant
Would you eat a sandwich that had a bite out of it from some random stranger.

Sure, why not? Free food is great

>food analogy for relationships

You could easily by starting at the other side and not simply eat that part that has bite marks

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My previous girlfriend of 3 years cheated on me with one of my friends. I would absolutely never take her back. Doing that would bring great shame and embarassment upon myself. Either way, cheating sluts don't deserve a second chance.

Never had experience with this, but I don't really believe the whole "once a cheater always a cheater", because it really depends on the individual. If they seriously want to change, they can. Then again, something you also have to realize is most people are trash, and aren't willing to change. Everyone makes mistakes, and yes, cheating is one of those things that is extremely hard to overcome, but if both people are willing to work at the relationship, it can still be salvaged. Trust is extremely hard to get back, but it can be done to an extent, I think.

Probably. I have one in a million chance of ever finding a girl, so she'd have to fuck up pretty badly for me to give up on her.

Nope nope fuckidy Nope!
Then oregano nopers!

id prostitute her with the guilt and make summm money...

>become her pimp

high af and samefagging

>a billion divided by infinity

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>3.47 GPA
>"a disappointment"
gook gf detected

kek I thought the same thing

No. Cheaters are absolute degenerate scum in my eyes.

Remember: always give a second chance to everybody but cheaters. The only thing traitors deserves are the sweet release of the death

> "A billion 'slash' infinity"

say no, she may even seriously regret it, but she has to learn sometime

Maybe. It depends on if you discover it or she confesses, if the confession is almost immediately after the act or not, if it's a singular occurrence or something that was ongoing, and if she trys to excuse or justify it in any fashion rather than simply admitting fault and seeking forgiveness immediately. If you're the one to discover it, it's been awhile since it happened and she was keeping it secret, was a long term thing, or she tries to shift blame I'd walk right out.
If it's none of those things I'd try to make it work and attempt to forgive but once and only once. Once trust has been broken like that the realtionship is probably doomed anyway and it would take years for me to really trust again if ever but under the right circumstances I'd at least try to make it work.

Sadly I would.
Probably for the same core reason that I am utterly inept at courtship. Man, its so bad

I did and she cheated on me again. Not just cheated, but kept a secret boyfriend me. Again.

I was an idiot and got into an LDR with a girl, and sent her over 30k. She used this money to fund her and her first secret boyfriends drug habits.

>spend 30k on this woman
>take her back after I find out she cheated
>still never got to lose my virginity

Woman are trash

The girl I had hoped to spend my life with had cheated on me 3 times in highschool. O found out a year after we graduated and had I not found out I would have been married to her. I'm glad I found out and I would rather be alone living with my grandmother than being with a cheating,lieing dog of a human.

>Lynwood AND Noah

Fucking whore.

Maybe, for a girl that had it together in almost every way. Context matters.

The girl that wrote the letter in OP's post has way more issues than I'd be able to deal with. It'd absolutely be over at that point unless I was married to her or the relationship had been going on for 5+ years and she just had a total mental breakdown. I've had one of those and can relate, so that'd be one thing. But in 95%+ of circumstances it would be intolerable and I'd tell her to pack her shit.

If she's really decided to make a serious effort to change and regrets doing it, then maybe. But 99% of the time, cheaters won't change and you're better off without them.

>sorry I cheated on you Ethan
>but look at all these details irrelevant to our relationship and the fact I went behind your back to take dick
>I made a mistake but it wasn't REALLY my fault
Absolutely not. There is zero excuse why she couldn't confide in Ethan. Roasties want to have their cake and eat it too. Once a lying slut, always a lying slut. Drop them once they show their true colors; it'll save you in the long run.

Yeah thats the best you can do

Both of you will grow in maturity.

She'll learn that somethings are unforgivable or irreparable


You'll learn how to stay away from sluts

No, she should be stoned and/or branded as being a slut. Same goes for men. This world would be better world if you had a visible number showing how many times you fucked or cheated on someone.

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>forgiving betrayal

I thought the same thing that is a limit approaching infinity which approximates to 0, she deserves worse than 3.47 gpa but she probably chose a doofus major

>slits wrists

Hahahahahahahah fuck that crazy bitch

Only long enough to be able to savagely rape her anus, then leave her.

>Would you be willing to give a girl a second chance if she cheated on you, Jow Forums?

nope, it's my fault for getting into a relationship, especially when i already know that human beings are no better than animals

Well at least is not Tyrone

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No. I've also been in situations where girls try to cheat with me. When I learn about that I cut them out of my life. Low life reprobates.

>trusting someone who's already fucked you over

Absolutely not

I'd probably kill myself if something like this happened to me, but I'd try to guilt her into killing herself first.

Lynwood sounds like a school or frat

>Would you eat a sandwich that had a bite out of it from some random stranger.
same shit as getting a non virgin gf

>i am robot that likes the wymen
sure, why not? humans make mistakes. why are mistakes in a relationship forbidden? people can fuckup everywhere else in their lives without scrutiny.
reason why some dont forgive? if they are not incels they are soiboys. limp wristed bitches with walls-of-rules about how humans should behave bf/gf without keeping the relationship exciting. they cant adapt

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>1000000000/infinity years of saying sorry.
That equals zero years, this bitch ain't sorry at all and she can't math.

Fuck no, All that does is give them permission to do it again. Run like hell.

Already had a girl cheat on me, she didn't ask for a second chance. I wouldn't have given it, but it feels even worse knowing that I can't even get the pity of her begging for forgiveness.

>Would you choose to give an excessive amount of trust to a person and invite them to be a member of your life, invite yourself to be a member of their life, after they purposely betray, lie and literally cheat on you


Can keep them around as easy pussy and PLAY at being BF/GF and everything being honkey dorey. But never ever for one second see her as anything but that cheating slut who fucked around on you.
Always be looking for an upgrade, always remember what she is, never ever ever forgive.
When you find a better woman, an actual woman and not a skank then you should dump her and move on.
If you just can't stomach being around her then just dump her hard and as painfully(for her) as possible then live alone.
Evaluate your ability to choose women and learn how to recognize thots.

Only if we had kids, and even then I don't think I could ever forgive her.

The limit of 1 billion divided by x as x approaches infinity is 0.

Not if she wrote me this fucking screed to try and justify it

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>devolves into her telling him about how she is a victim from this

sounds about right

'I imagine you've been staying up asking yourself where you went wrong'

Right there, dump the bitch and cut ties. People will call you an asshole, but fuck them. Being an asshole is better than being with someone who tries to put those sort of thoughts in your head. I know she goes on to say 'you didn't deserve this,' but that first bit plants a seed. She wants it to make you think that you could have possibly had something to do with it, so she can exploit you later. Get out now, bro, and if someone gives you shit about it, tell them that you can't have someone like her in your life. Plain and simple.

There was a time i would have. Then I did it and she kept cheating. Now I absolutely wouldn't

Nope. Can't make a whore into a housewife. Even if you could, why would you even want to?

No way, even if I wanted to forgive her, the trust between us would be shattered and it'd be really awkward to go on after that. It just wouldn't be the same

>"I don't have an excuse of what I did"
>Proceeds to list off shit excuses
Marc Lepine did nothing wrong

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Only on the condition that I get to hog tie and whip her followed by some throat fucking and rough riding that ass. If she cheats a second time though I'll just break up with her.

this, OP you fucking cuckold

If she did it once, she will do it again.
And I would not have the distance to only fuck her body and shrug the incoming next betrayal off.

nope, girls already have it wayy to easy. the least they could do is be loyal to their partners. if your pic is real, then it just shows how fucking weak women are.

Nope. If a girl cheats on you once and you let her get away with it, she'll do it again. At that point your choices are to accept being a cuck and stay with her, have an open relationship, which may well turn into being a cuck if you can't get other women to fuck you, or just end things.

Someone post the 2nd page

No. Cheating is a conscious choice and it would mean she cares so little about our relationship that she chose to just throw it all away. It could be difficult if not impossible for me to find another gf if I somehow managed to obtain even that one, but I think it's better to be single than in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect you or the relationship.

>I slept with someone else one day before you became my BF.
It's weird how she manages to remove both her and his agency in the same letter.

I struggle to get a time of the events though. Have they been together for a couple of days, and she already cheated on him?

Maybe if she actually got raped violently but otherwise no. Not even if she drank too much and some guy took advantage of her because that's her fucking fault.

how can i trust such person? nope.

this is actualy the worse part.
when you realise you're just a lesson for your oneitis so she doesnt cheat on the next guy since its obviously over for you. unless you want to be that cuck who's gonna be cheated on again in a few months.

>says she slit wrists
Call cops about her hurting herself so they put her in a mental institution. Keep letter as evidence. Hopefully she'll get the help she'll need. Unfortunately, I'm done with someone like that so that's all she'll get and I will subsequently wash my hands of her.

That's a subtle way of saying she doesn't care and doesn't even want to apologize.

Only if she agreed to watch me fuck an escort in front of her.

A lot of loyalty for a hired gun(escort)!

no you fucking cuck

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Only if she was furry, 2d, pregnant, and let me fuck her sloppy seconds in a gangbang

I like how even when she's apologizing for being a rampant whore everything is about her and how it isn't her fault.

No, that's fucking idiotic. Cheaters should be executed