> go to bar > chilling, half enjoying shitty cover songs, taking pics of the band and the crowd to text to a couple of my friends Excuse me, you need to leave. About 8 girls said you were taking pictures of then and they feel uncomfortable > jokes on them, I was collecting evidence for a legal case against them and now they're fucked
the pain of roasties getting me kicked out for taking like 2 overhead pics of the crowd pissed me off, but I think I got what we need to move forward with the case, so i have my revenge, but,.. still, the pain of being kicked out of the bar for taking a couple overhead pics of the crowd is real. Sucks to beso ugly and awkward that people automatically feel threatened by you
TLDR being ugly stories, and maybe getting revenge on roasties
OK I don't get it. So you're suing them for what exactly?
Gabriel Wood
can't say. Suffice to say the bar is fucked...
Ryan Morales
You can't say because you don't know or because the bar's legal council will be lurking r9k to wait for you to show your hand?
Alexander Wood
It looks like you were taking pics of people's butts user... I bet you aren't suing them, it's merely a delusional fantasy you've created to feel better about being kicked out for being a fat creep.
Josiah Gonzalez
can't say because I would almost certainly get fired
Leo Morales
it's a confidentiality thing. legalfagshit
Christian Morales
There is no legal case. Stop taking pics of people's butts.
Gabriel Peterson
I can tell that ogre to the right was probably the one who ratted on you.
Thomas Robinson
I work for a private rights enforcement agency. the bar is fucking over our customers. believe whatever you want faggot
Jordan Jackson
Can we see the pictures?
Jordan Edwards
What do these pictures prove at all though user? I don't know if I believe you.
Leo Smith
Oh shit, I recognize that bar. Guess I'll have fun at OP's expense now.
Nolan Wood
I posted them, see above. Those two are the only ones I took of the crowd and the roasties got toasted immediately lol
Pics prove nothing on their own. just part of the case we're building. don't worry about it. I can't tell you because it could impact the prosecution and this my job
John Bennett
NVM, i need to learn to scroll. There's nothing sinister about these photos.
Isaiah Ortiz
even if you did, I haven't provided any details. good luck telling no one nothing
Michael Jones
I was literally just taking pics of the space and how many people were there lol I was amazed they punted me for taking 2 pics. sucks to be an ugly dude.
anyone else have uglydude laments? maybe roasties getting toasted?
Could they really find your posts on here and use that to throw out the case? I'm surprised if that's the case. Do lawyers scour every portion of the Internet or have tools to do that or something? I'm genuinely curious.
Jonathan Mitchell
you never know who might be browsing man. never risk it. I had a friend who ran a company whose sole purpose was to identify mentions of their clients on the internet and report those findings to their clients or take actions in reaponse to the findings. privacy is a joke
Julian Thomas
I'm equally as paranoid about posting (personal info in general) online, I'm just surprised they'd be able to do such a thorough search.
Logan Parker
searching isn't as risky as just some random guy knowing someone. best to avoid having to backtrace anons and call the Cyber police after getting doxxed