Pull up 'round the logfire and sit a spell, time to check your progress.
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Time To Check Your Progress, Partner
>saved $8,000, should have $12,000 in the bank by 2019. Credit score is 725, pretty proud about that
>make $11.50/h, work about 38 hours per week as a retail clerk
>Fulltime Student, paying my way debt free through scholarships (a third of the way done)
>Currently dating my best friend, an extremely introverted immigrant. She's extremely traditional and just wants to be a wife and mother, alongside owning a farmhouse worth of animals she can play with. Plan to marry in 2020, essentially engaged now
>Currently live rent free with parents, though relationship is extremely strained. Can't imagine they'd want to talk to me after I leave.
Not much to check in on tonight, I'm afraid. It's Friday, caught up on my summer courses, just going to listen to an album or two and make conversation in this thread.
i wan be cowbuy
I'll play along when I get home OP, this is cute
>$20,000 in debt
>Work McDonald's
>Live with Mommy
I wanna jerky jerky
its so weird that people in our society are obsessed with making "progress" and being productive. its just an illusion to mask your empty lives.
Son, if you ain't got nothin' to be proud of, and if you ain't budge an inch since graduation, don't act like we're the odd ones out.
It's perfectly okay to not take part in society, everyone has their tree and their shade to rest in. When you go around commentin' about how strange it is people wanna do somethin' with their time, then you just look like the fool.
>about 500,000
>bachelors degree from private university
>long term girlfriend
> alchy parents
Home for the night for a doctors appointment and my mom is fucking drunk again. Pisses me off.
How did it even get this bad?
>judging others
Fuck off
>half a million before 25
How did it get this good, money wise?
Luck of the draw very wealthy family.
>Rich enough to not need NEET bux
>Full time, min wage
>College dropout
>no friends or gf
>Family Status - declining with everyone except my sister
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger? Next job, hoping it will be comfy and let me retire at 40-50 with smart investments
Can I have some :3
I like your implied gravely voice, cowboysan
>Financial Status
shit until i deal with these outsatanding medical bills and then start to actually save up
>Job Status
texchnically part-time but working fulltime which is fine because i want fulltime hours which i'm getting
>Education Status
got my ged last year, plan on going to college once i save up like 30k because i'm deathly terrified of student loans
>Relationship Status
fiance still dead, 7 years counting now
>Family Status
fucked but better than it was i guess
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
drinking heavily per the usual after work and wishing i had a car so i could at least TRY to talk to women since at least i'd have more value than nothing at all sans job and goals for the far future.
>complementing another man
>uni debt
>switching majors again
>single (khhv)
>no gf
I want friends.
>mourning an engagement you had at age 18
You cannot imagine how much my heart just lurched for you. How to you stave off suicide?
>warehouse worker
>HS diploma
>Single, KHHV
>My parents unironically think I'm crazy and my siblings hate me
>Drinking, thinking about her again
>Financial Status
$12k in the bank in the US, $15k in the bank in the country I live now, $6k take-home income a month
>Job Status
Full-time employed
>Education Status
Bachelors in STEM
>Relationship Status
Newly relationship for the first time in seven years
>Family Status
Single. Keep a distance from the rest of my family.
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
I'm feeling like my life is turning around. A year ago, I was poor, unemployed, depressed, nearly suicidal, and surviving off roasted basedbeans; now I've moved across the world and am about to go visit my new girlfriend in Chinatown. Don't give up hopes, lads
>How to you stave off suicide?
By failing it 4 times in a row / having an absurd will to live.
I guess it was worth it because I got my shit together, but on the otherhand I'm still emotionally dead inside and I question if I'll ever find ANYONE ever again, and if so if they'll ever compare.
Fuck life and fuck hereditary diseases.
Exceptional work.
Look into the distance and think about the farm.
Yeah at that point any relationship after is hollow.
>part time
>uni drop out
>fear of work becuase there are girls there.
>close to 21
>only granparents' savings
>Never worked a day in my life and I hate it
>Never had a gf
>My parents love me but I feel I don't deserve it
Life is a rollercoaster of grief, hope and rage and I don't know how to keep it under control.
>larping this hard
Do you know where you are normie? Fuck off
>500 eurobucks n the bank
>no work
>chem engy but failing every class
>got kissed last year sometimes in a faux relationship. No experience in hitting on or whatever, she basically did everything
>everyone thinks im a good for nothing leech
well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, pardner, cause im feeling mighty blue tonight. Summer's around the corner and i cant decide between ditching my school and getting a wagon to the frontier or hanging myself from the courthouse's tree
>I would willingly larp my failed relationship to my parents
Sorry slim, that's just who I am. What makes you squint?
People like you are the absolute fucking worst. Please fuck off and go in front of a train, you wont live through that.
Are you a retard? Why even come to fucking Jow Forums and brag here in the first place? Your kind isn't welcome here.
Although I'm 99% sure you are just some 16 year old larping for "you's"
Close to 30
>>Financial Status
>>Job Status
>>Education Status
>>Relationship Status
>>Family Status
>>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Time to get another beer.
Do not respond to datamining threads
Do not respond to datamining posters
>Financial Status
Poor as fuck, about $600 bucks to my name
>Job Status
Awaiting a fly out date for the mines, will be on roughly 2.2k a week after tax
>Education Status
Graduated high school
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
Great. Mum and Dad look after me whenever I need it. They're retired and I'm living about 2 hours down the coast from them.
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
The girl I've been having a great time with has suddenly stopped replying to me even though we're next door neighbors. She flies out to Japan tomorrow for 6 weeks. I doubt we'll still be talking when she gets back. Think I'm gunna go drown my sorrows tonight. There's a rockabilly and classic car show on in a town down the road so the bars should be pretty packed.
>50 bucks in the bank
>student, about to graduate
>in relationship with girl I plan to marry
>relationship is strained with family, i plan to move away from everyone
i have a lot on my mind of how im going to figure out moving long distance. im going to try hard though.
lad, i want to go to a pub myself but i am piss scared ill look like a sad looser and end up spending the night downing expensive drinks and not talking to anyone.
What are you supposed to do in pubs alone?
>open up a thread for people to talk to and talk about each other
>give it a quick theme
>share stuff about myself, people share about themselves
>am not even the most successful person in this thread by at least several hundred thousand dollars
>disregard the questions I asked and proceed to post regardless
Here's your response, "friend". Thinkin' you're spendin' too much time in the coal mines or the tavern.
Luckily I'll have a friend or two to go with tonight but I've been to my local bar a few times on my own. Helps that I knew the bar staff so I could have a chat with them if nobody was around but apart from that I'd just get drunk enough to try and start up a conversation with a qt.
Not recommended if you're a bit shy and don't know anyone in there cause I've been there before and you do end up sitting alone sipping drinks unless you challenge someone to a game of pool or something
How are you surviving with no money?
Mighty nice of ya to join us, stranger, but what keeps you going?
Shoot, I'm twenty too, but ya need to acquire a taste of work ya enjoy or else you'll end up dead. Ever think of a job ya like?
Fella I ain't ever seen a life that can't be turned around. What steps are ya takin' for your courses to improve 'em?
Good luck in the mines. Shame 'bout the girl.
Where ya thinkin' 'bout plantin' down? I hear that settlement Yuma is turnin' out nice, but a shame the Sonoran is such a bitch to settle.
24. Where did the time go?
>Financial Status
25k in savings, making 35k a year
>Job Status
Seasonal job 6 months, NEET/Unemployment 6 months
>Education Status
High school
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
Lives with/takes care of mummy and pawpaw
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Anime tiddies
>Financial Status
about 6k in the bank
>Job Status
full time welder, in one of the lesser paid but more fun sectors
>Education Status
bachelor's I should've just not bothered with
>Relationship Status
jerked off 3 times in 2 hours because I saw some moderately attractive women while running errands earlier today, that should give you an idea
>Family Status
They're the kind to stubbornly want to help me and give me shit but I'm the kind to stubbornly refuse any help.
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
I should've gone to bed 3 hours ago.
>Financial Status
>Job Status
Unemployed quit a week ago
>Education Status
High School
>Relationship Status
Single khhv
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Life is boring
>What steps are ya takin' for your courses to improve 'em
im studying, but as it seems, im either studying too little or too badly.
My main problem, stranger, is that back in university, i see those city slickers having the time of their lives, scoring some ladies and having the rodeo of their lives on the saloon while still not only getting by but excelling.
I just feel as dumb as a sack of hay, sometimes
>Financial Status
no debt, about $3k savings
>Job Status
full-time $75k/yr
>Education Status
BA (i studied philosophy originally)
>Relationship Status
closeted homo
>Family Status
pretty bad relationship with parents
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
wondering why everyone is killing themselves. if anthony bourdain (rich, handsome, traveled and ate for his job) hated himself, how are any of us supposed to be happy?
>Financial Status
Combined 25k in credit union in various accounts, another 8k invested. Currently making ~33k/y.
>Job Status
Been employed full time for about 8 months now.
>Education Status
College grad.
>Relationship Status
Forever alone.
>Family Status
Live with mom, see brother about once a month.
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
My mind is wandering. I'm very tired and I've had a couple glasses of whiskey tonight, so I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything too long. Just drifting from Jow Forums board to Jow Forums board looking for interesting threads.
16k in the bank saving for a Graduate Program
64k a year with bonuses.
No gf
Better than most people & still living with them to save money.
How far I've gone in life coming from a pisspoor Mexican Background and How I will to make more money to support my dumb ass older Schizophrenic brother who will be homeless if i don't in the future.
You should all be lucky that most of you only have your self to worry about but not some other useless piece of shit.
Bump for interest, I also datamine
>Financial Status
10.50/h + tips so I guess 11k a year plus allowance
>Job Status
Employed at shitty front of house staff
Just wrapped up first year of uni
Single and virgin
>Family Status
Lives with mom on great terms, dad loves me but is a total dick
Thinking about combining arduinos and Lego and how lonely I am
Enjoy the ban, kiddo. Check the global rules.
>Financial Status
I earn ~$350 per month and have ~$2000 saved.
>Job Status
Full time account executive for past 4 years
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
Forever alone
>Family Status
Living with parents
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Fapping to lolicon, writing my book, helping with creating the tabletop game, playing Divinity and Vermintide with friends, rewatching Nirvana, reading Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!, buying new shoes, cleaning, shower, cooking breakfast, going to swimming pool, petting cat.
I'll be heading to the mines too in Aus. Pay is off the charts but basically zero social life for a year or two
You deserve to die, pedophile scum
But majority of human population who start to have sex long before 18 will be still alive. So it wont solve this complex of yours.
>net worth of ~16k. Own 6% of my house
>did engineering school close to 10 years ago. Graduated and realized I made a mistake
>single and happy
>managed to keep favorite child status with both divorced parents.
>I am a 2 faced bastard with massive pull at my job. In 30 minutes I patched a kid up and got him fired because he won't piss clean. Good riddance.
>Financial Status
Have 17k in bank
>Job Status
Full time sysadmin on 68k
>Education Status
Bachelor of IT, studying for the OSCP
>Relationship Status
live in gf of nearly three years
>Family Status
I have parents and a sister, and we communicate sometimes
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Penetration testing is hard. I am constantly reading and studying but I dont seem to make any progress. I constantly load up boot2roots and CTFs, get overwhelmed after an hour and look up a walkthrough. Yeah, I have some good notes and have learnt a lot doing that, but when will I ever be able to complete a beginner level one from start to finish? Even the easy Mr Robot one I needed a guide for.
>always miss out on the cool threads
>Financial Status
zero money
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
wtf is a relationship?
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Im pooping right now and after that im going to eat some pizza
>25k in savings, making 35k a year
This math doesnt quite add up.
>bachelors I shouldve just not bothered with
What did you get it in?
>Unemployed quit a week ago
What you doing next?
How is a homo doing better than me?
>Just drifting from Jow Forums board to Jow Forums board looking for interesting threads.
I love doing this.
>You should all be lucky that most of you only have your self to worry about but not some other useless piece of shit.
I appreciate the change of perspective.
>Thinking about combining arduinos and Lego and how lonely I am
Noice, what sort of project you want to do? I want to do something similar.
>350 per month
>full time account executive
Nigger what the fuck
>writing my book, helping with creating the tabletop game
Please elaborate
>Own 6% of my house
Good start.
>Age 36
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 43
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 52
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 58
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 62
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 68
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 78
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 84
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status NONE
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Do everyone else too :3
>Age 89
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
You need to explicitly comment which part of my large post you are referencing
>Over $11,000 in savings account
>Trying to become a YouTuber between semesters
>Rising college junior
>currently living with parents over the summer, have a good relationship with all my family
I've just been stressed the past few days hoping that at least one of the videos I release over the next few days catches on. I've spent about 10 hours on each of them and I think they're pretty high quality
>Age 99
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Give a cute little comment for every post in this thread :3c
>Age 104
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 109
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Financial Status
My parents pay for everything
>Job Status
>Education Status
Dropped my community college classes
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
Good actually
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
The point of it all. Why should I bother getting a job when my parents support me? Is the purpose of life to find happiness, or to achieve? For me, happiness is being a lazy fucking neet. My instincts tell me that I should go somewhere in life, but I'm too comfortable here.
>Age 118
>Financial Status PHAT I NEED TO DIE HAPPY
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>well off
>single with multiple fwb's
>going to a brothel because one of my fwb's wanted to fuck but I don't feel like seeing her but still feel horny
>Age 124
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
>Age 131
>Job Status
>Education Status
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
this is a good thread.
please don't let it die until I come back from work
*distant hawk caw*
*light brush rustling*
*horse snorts, pawing dirt*
Alright partner
Broke (essentially homeless alcoholic, plus I have debt)
Graveyard shift dishwasher
College dropout
They live across the country, we talk sometimes and they have no idea how bad things really are
Im in love with my boss, I want to be in a band again, I need a drink, I want some cocaine, I am tired of sleeping in my car, I see no way out of my situation
>Financial Status
Got about 20k saved up.
>Job Status
Part time minimum wage slave.
>Education Status
2x college dropout (second time because I didn't want to write the 5000 word thesis, had everything else done already)
>Relationship Status
Forever alone of course.
>Family Status
My mom lets me live in her house, only have to pay for utilities.
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
I want to die.
> Nigger what the fuck
What is so surprising? Just Second World things.
> Please elaborate
Well, the friend of mine is working on the pirate themed filler game. He only has experience with creating tabletop games for kids and some low tier steam games like VNs and simple arcades. He knows that I am good at writing and making the rules so he asked me for help with game design, mechanics and playtests.
Writing is my hobby, but Ive never done something significant. Now I am working hard on my simpliest plot. It is cringe comedy / slice of life / urban fantasy. Friends tell that it reminds them of Bakemonogatari and Watamote in post soviet background. It is about howenvironment determinates mind and that is why gen Y prefered imaginary worlds to real one.
Wealthy as shit due to me being pretty good at trading stocks
No job
Starting the last year after summer in sweden's equivalent to High school/college
No relationship
Family status is ok
Mentally fatigued, don't think I'll ever be able to find a girl or maintain a relationship. Everyone seems so mundane and uninteresting. Stock trading and making money always occupied my mind from going insane, it seems like it's not working anymore.
>Financial Status
>Job Status
>Education Status
Pending better health
>Relationship Status
>Family Status
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
When does the ride end
>Financial Status
100k+ USD saved
>Job Status
stock and forex investor. no job rn, but have 5 years of experience.
>Education Status
about to graduate with BSc in mechanical engineering this month. Have been accepted into an MSc in electrical and computer engineering at a top uni.
>Relationship Status
broke up with last gf earlier this year so im single af and really want another gf and it pains me everyday that nothing has worked out with any of the girls ive been talking to since the last break up. Im so lonely because all I do is work on research, personal projects or invest. I have friends but dont see them
very much and everyone is going their own way after graduation and im going back to my hometown.
>Family Status
not sure what this means but ill be living with parents after graduation.
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
the fact that i never have fun and tfw no gf.
>no debt
>no job
>doing a masters degree
>live with parents and brother
>working on the pirate themed filler game.
This sounds cool as shit. Can you elaborate?
>comedy / slice of life / urban fantasy.
Got any of it to post?
>Wealthy as shit due to me being pretty good at trading stocks
Noice. Any tips?
>20k saved up, 7k of it in a mutual fund
>Student, but about to start my placement year, working for a pharmaceutical company
>getting my BA in Business studies
>In a relationship
>family status is good
>I've just got a car after not driving for 3 years and driving makes me super anxious. I have to drive to my placement every day in 2 weeks, and its a 45 minute drive. I'm gonna drive to pick my girlfriend up soon and I'm pretty nervous.
>Financial Status
I have a bunch of money saved up, but that's mostly for my dental treatments.
>Job Status
I "work" with my mom, but I don't really do much and I'm really just a helper
>Education Status
College, accounting
>Relationship Status
This is Jow Forums. Virgin of course, no gf
>Family Status
Eh, they're okay but I don't get along with them as much as most people do. Also I never had a dad
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
Not really anything. Just woke up on a Saturday morning
>Financial Status
Making 52k, own a home and car but 70k in debt
>Job Status
IT, working on more certs for better earnings
>Education Status
Associate's degree
>Relationship Status
Have a girlfriend
>Family Status
Only have my dad. We're on great terms, though.
>What's on your mind tonight, stranger?
You made me wish I could replay New Vegas for the first time. ;_;
>3k in debt but I stand to inherit around 15mil
>been at community college four years next two terms should get me a buisness degree.
>Single bought a prostitute once.
>Family is around and supportive.
>I keep reflecting on my memories as a kid specifically times that made me realize I was acoustic. Usually events where I was just doing my thing and then someone flipped out and started yelling because I was doing something wrong and didnt know.
>neetbux for looking for work
>no work
>deferred my uni study
>single khv
>barely scraping by, mentally ill dad, single mum, two younger brothers are sole concern
Thinking about how I need to go back to uni, I want to but at the same time lack of the motivation and worried I'll fail. I'm toeing the line between eternal loser and having the successful career and life I want, and it's scary.
>Broke, barely surviving, should improve in a few months if things keep going my way though.
>Just started as a passive contact centre agent at the local airport
>Finished school this month (i have another highschool done already)
>Not KHV, but still a holder of my V-card, no relationship ever, im an INTP, so small wonder i got a girl talking to me
>Single, obviously.
>Still need to go over some materials to my new job.
Mostly trade Swedish stocks, but it's not too late to jump on the gaming stock train, like ATVI, TTWO and EA. Jump on the AroCell train if you're able to trade Swedish stoxx
>100k+ USD saved
Post screenshot of your bank account
>doing a masters degree
What in?
>driving makes me super anxious
Do more of it. It will always make you anxious until you put in the hours.