I am a better person now. I no longer have edgy political views

I am a better person now. I no longer have edgy political views.

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Seems pretty edgy to me

majority communist
favors revolution
Well that seems pretty edgy to me

I got mostly laissez-faire & mostly communism, this makes me a market socialist not an actual commie

And 36% revolution is not that much

>thinking that not being a cuck is "edgy"

link to whatever test this is please

not bad, could be better though
here's mine

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You're getting there, comrade, I see the light in your heart.

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I used to be a cuck (national capitalist) tho

disgusting, I imagine you're a pasty white kid with skinny arms

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Politiscales dot net

Not edgy
you seem like a kind hearted, but incredibly naive person. At least your intent is in good faith
Also 64% progressism is embarrassing

how did i get this when i'm not a communist

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natsoc/fascist/centrist probably

Aren't these things that exclude each other?

yes, don't expect a commie to be smart lad

Why do you think im naive, do you think im a communist?
National capitalists give profit more value and arent willing to give some of their money to the weak & disadvantaged, I think thats kind of edgy

"National Capitalist" is an oxymoron simply because Capitalist principles and practices are antithetical to protecting the nation

No, don't expect a non-commie to know shit about communism. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutualism_(economic_theory)

Except you fail to see that every communist country employs the exact opposite of this bullshit, why can't you idiots get it through your skull that theory=/=reality?

Google proudhon & john stuart mills market socialism
National capitalism is possible, id just be regulated instead of free market capitalism

Mutualists arent commies

Communism is a goal, "communist" countries have used different means to achieve that goal, what I just sent was a means of working towards communism. Mutualism, anarcho-communism, syndicalism, marxist-leninism, these are means of reaching communism, not communism.

>Textless posts are not allowed

Suck my dick, robot.

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Whatever you want to tell yourself, the reality is that your "goal" is stupid and by the grace of God may it never be reached again in this world, lest we lose millions more.

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Im a market socialist and hate communism/marxism, not all of us are utopian egalitarians

>Ignoring that the socialists were executed or purged from the Nazi party after they took power and established a fascist state.

Communism never has been reached, apart from short lived revolutionary communes, learn some history.

Nationalist social democrat?

>it wasn't REAL communism
come up with a real argument for once, brainlet

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National Socialist (original post).

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In the USSR, they never abolished currency, private property was never abolished, just seized by the state, and oh yeah, THERE WAS STILL A STATE. The most basic foundations of communism didn't exist, just calling something communist doesn't make it so.

Quite satisfied with the results.
The 7% communism, I can almost guarantee, is from the question about mass strikes. Unions are not incompatible with free market capitalism, and, in fact, may be necesssary. Just because progressives were fags doesn't mean the union is an illegitimate form of protest.

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Not bad oreg

I like fascists economics but im not convinced on the jew hate

What about corporatism is enticing to you?

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I like how everything functions so perfectly like an organism

Jews are inherently subversive and try to dismantle all facets of their host's culture for their own benefit.

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So what benefit do the Jews get out of turning Europe into a bunch of retarded mutts?

Turning everyone into a slave that's not smart enough to know they're a slave but not stupid enough to do work.

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Easier to rule over

You can play semantics all you like, the Bolsheviks were influenced by Marx just like every Communist movement. They always fail in the end, and your perfect, infallible, totally unique brand of Communism will never ever succeed.

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That's a fake quote. And, if according to your claims, the Jews have already infiltrated the state, why not assert total control already?

Prove it's a fake quote, because even if it is the reality is right in our faces. It's happening before our eyes.

>Why not assert total control already
What group of people constitutes nearly 70% of Harvard graduates despite being 2% of the population?
What group of people is overwhelmingly represented in all forms of media, and even profess to "owning" hollywood?
What group of people constitutes 3/5th of the Supreme Court of the United States?
What group of people have been the chairmen of the Federal Reserve for the past ~60 years?
What group of people have their own lobby for their own country in congress that a staggering amount of our politicians are members of?

They already have total control. They're just good at making you think you're free.

The burden of proof falls on he who made the claim. Prove it's real.

>They already have total control
So why do they need to make us stupider?

Just because you have power now doesn't mean you'll keep it. Jews were doing pretty well in Weimar Germany, but that didn't last. It's best to prevent any kind of opposition in the future.

That being said, I can't possibly see any kind of opposition coming from the 1st world anyway. If anything, it's the importation of Muslims that'll pose the biggest threat to Jews.

I don't understand how so many people here can be laissez-faire when it's the economic equivalent of everything Jow Forums constantly rails about with dating/sex. Corporations and the rich are Chad and dollars are women and by supporting such a system you're basically an eager cuck.

Regulated capitalism is the way to go. Rich people can still be rich, just not quite AS rich, and everybody else can get fucked over just a little bit less.

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I got lots of laissez a faire but In reality i would have laws to ban prostitution, porn, making money from orbiters, inherited wealth, making money from selling low quality music/products (eg. Mcdonalds & rap music)

>rehabilitative justice
>some nigger kills your father
>gets out in 10 years after being ''rehabbed''
>if you kill him to to obtain actual justice you'll probably do more years in prison because hate crime
What a fucking joke. Spineless people like you who release rapists and murderers back into society on basis of muh rehabilitation deserve to die at their hands.

>better person

Can't you just explain it if it's a simple concept?

Laissez-faire economics -> no diversity quotas and no welfare -> women rely on men again -> have to settle for average males -> can't ride cock carrousel until 30s anymore because she will be worthless
Libertarians are actually correct on this one

Psychopaths shouldn't have a say in politics to be honest

Means of production are owned by everyone but the economy is not planned by the state (eg. market economy with no minimum wage but the land belongs to everyone)

But it all still depends on what type of market socialism were talking about

Im not a progressive, I dont believe in hate crimes

That was a Strasser quote you fucking dumbass.

to be fair, it wasn't ever real communism. The closest thing yet was socialism/national capitalism. But then again, it willl never be reached because it's a dumb system made by a dumb jew for dumb people.

Just because the state intervenes in the economy and helps the poor, doesn't mean it's ideologically progressive or egalitarian. See: National Socialism.

>Karl Marx invented communism

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Neoclassical liberalism & ordoliberalism are also examples of systems that help the poor but arent egalitarian.

Do you know why it's a fake quote, faggot? Here's why; if the Jews wanted to secretly take over the world. why would they describe their entire plan in a book that could be accessed by the public? Why would they let anyone hear it directly from them? Do you honestly think that a secret cabal would make themselves known so brashly, so stupidly?
Another Jow Forumsack manufactured that quote, and you run with it because it tells you what you want to hear. Nevermind the fact that nobody who ever wanted to take over the world would be so upfront about it.
Personally, I believe the Irish are the real rulers of the Earth, and they've shifted the blame to others to distract us. Don't be so easily celtcucked.

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unauthoritarian commune college of ascetic artists and scientists?

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Is there anything that would prevent the system going back to regular market capitalism?

National socialism is a meme ideology that has existed for a decade and even shorter in a regular society. Using it as an example for anything is nonsensical. I am talking about real world here not pol fairy tales.

what does this mean?? I don't know much about this so spoonfeed me pls

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You're all insane.

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Brainwashed child.

Probably, nationalist social democrat/national liberal

The goverment wouldnt enforce private ownership of land (land in economics means natural recources)

Hmm, didn't think of myself as a revolutionary but whatever

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i've never been politically minded what the fuck does this mean

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It means you're sane

very boring and expected

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Here's mine. At least I'm not a socialist cuck anymore...

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>Implying free market capitalism isn't the only form of capitalism

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Here's mine

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fucking french fag

My parents complain I am too conservative

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>caring about politics
Not a true robot.

Because retarded faggots like you won't believe it anyway. And then when it's too late it becomes, "so what that it's real, are you an anti-Semite?".

If you're too indignant to look up those statistics yourself then that's your problem. They need to make us stupider to fully solidify their control, to make sure that there is no chance that people like me and others catch wise to the plot and rebel.

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Jews are fucking retarded, what else is new?
The real moron here is you considering they put out their plans in the open and yet you somehow trick yourself into thinking it's bullshit. Look at reality: everything they said they wanted to do it is happening right now. If you're too dumb to put 2 and 2 together, then they've already won.

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only makes sense there would be progressives and internationalists in r9k. The only reason people resort to those beliefs is because they instinctively feel inferior, so they think society needs to change to better accommodate them.

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A lot of jew bootlickers in here.

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