What is the difference between Normie depression and Robot depression?
What is the difference between Normie depression and Robot depression?
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They are the same, but normies are better equipped to deal with it because they are sane humans who can seek therapy, medication, etc. because they decide the depression is baased on mental illness
Robots choose to blame their depression on others instead of themselves, so they have no chance of becoming not depressed because they keep projecting their own issues onto other people. Thus, they never resolve any issues with themselves
i would maybe say normie depression is about missing something youve lost and felt while robot depression is about never had anything to lose in the first place and knowing a better life
are you saying meds/therapy actually cure depression
depression is much worse if you don't have good friends, a relationship or a stable job
to clarify, depression doesn't just disappear if you can get these 3 things, but it'll make the process of dealing with it better. apparently.
What about brandis depression
its the saddest type
get a load of this normalfag JFL
This is bullshit because there are tons of robots that are on anti-depressants and have gone to therapy.
>heh, my depression is worse than your depression
no they havent.
Normie depression lasts 15 minutes
Neither of those do anything if you're determined to be miserable.
Zoloft will force you to act normal even if you dont want to
but it wont erase the anxiety. Just the symptoms
What are the symptoms of depression
Normie depression is worse than robot "depression". Normies have good lives so their not supposed to be sad. Creepy robot virgins are supposed to be depressed because they are pathetic shits so it's only natural for them to feel like shit all the time. Normies who get depression (like Robin Williams) have an actual mental problem while robots simply feel like shit because they ARE shit.
Robot depression is existential, normalfag depression is momentary.
That shit right there filled me with anger and hatred for normals. They think a tiny bit of stress is depression. They use it to get attention. Bitch immediately makes friends, said friends are actually willing to listen to her bullshit, the whole thing barely lasts half a year, and was never serious to begin with. Anybody that thinks "fresh cookies" or "dry leaves crunching" will actually do a single fucking thing simply cannot understand what it is like. I hope they all die.
robin williams was depressed?
i take antidepressants but only cause they help me not get pissed as easily over everything
"Normie" depression is usually the result of an event and typically doesn't last very long. Although they can feel "depressed" or just sad, they have the coping skills to brush it off in a few days. Maybe even longer if they coping skills aren't that far developed. Example, breakup.
"Robot" depression isn't caused by a recent event, although if traumatizing enough, it might. However, usually people with robot depression have the genes for it, and it could be triggered in abusive childhoods. These people are more likely to develop personality disorders, and have lived their entire lives having that empty feeling, which is kinda sad.
Normies are depressed about something they used to have (sex, friends, money, a career, success) while robots are depressed about something they never had in the first place (same things normies once had).
Normie get depressed because of their ego.
Robots get depressed because of their ego too.
Normie depression is feeling blue because something bad happened once. It doesn't last long, and they're still functional while it's happening.
Robot depression is completely incapacitating and can't be pinpointed to one specific event. In fact, it results from the fact that life in general is shit. There is no good point to cling to and it never really stops, it just sometimes turns into dysthymia.