Tfw robots say femanons only want chad

>tfw robots say femanons only want chad
>tfw turned off by chads because they're way out of my league
>tfw boys who are mild and utr instead

"Bu-bu-but femanon! If Chad hitted on you, you would totally go for hi-"

No, no, I really wouldn't be able to bring myself to.

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For the shortfuse time I used Tinder (one day) I would immediately swipe them away if they were too attractive or chad. It makes me insecure

A lot of the retards online seem to think their idea of what a good looking normie guy is is irresistible to women.
...It's really not.

The result is a bunch of average looking anons passing by each other because they think the other wants a chad/stacy.

It should not be news that guys have no idea what women like. If anything it should be common sense at this point.

Why couldn't you bring yourself to go out with chad if he asked you? I doubt you would say no

Yassss. Ikr? Damn incels trying to hold us down and shame us. You go girl, fuck them.


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>I doubt you would say no
Oh, I have every single time.

The problem with femanons is that theyre impossible to spot or meet irl, not their tastes in men

why is it so hard to understand that we don't want to date a guy that hot because they can easily get a hotter woman. it's not worth the trouble

Not only that
but let's be real
living off rich daddy's money has probably left them dumb as shit as well

As a guy who grew up exclusively with women who didn't know jack shit about how men work and what they want, it goes both ways.

But yes, men are fucking awful at reading women.

I feel the same way. I resent Chads just like I resent Staceys. I don't want to be around those people.

Lmao imagine being your boyfriend and not knowing that you only settled for him because you were too insecure to get with chad.
I guess women literally lack any self awareness

True, so you reckon there is no point because of the fact he is most likely to cheat or move on to the next best thing when he gets bored of you

this is the exact thing the male tards on these boards do, so hey, equality

imagine being such a brainlet that you truly believe men don't do the same

Not really. Guys have typed and women have requirements. No need to justify yourself toastie. We all understand that the only want chad.

Imagine being sucj cuck you deny hypergamy is uniquely female nature

If a chad raped you, you would quiver so hard from the orgasm youd probably pass out

But would I truly be able to make you happy?
Or would you still wish you were more secure and confident so you could accept Chad's advances?

I suppose even if a girl was settling for me and I knew it, at least I get to bring her some amount of comfort and companionship.

>tfw femanon (female)
>tfw only want a very girly boy

chad is so boring. i want the kind of boy who dots his i's with hearts.

Jow Forums isn't one person, most of the people who say that just plain hate women.

congrats, you're an exception to the rule and probably have some kind of mental disability to boot.
but when talking in terms like "femanons", people make generalizations because they are generally true.

>someone posts an observation of female nature explained by their biology
>therefore they hate women

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Yeah, I said most do. Did you forget where you are or something, or are you just optimistic enough to believe they're being ironic?

>Jow Forums isn't one person

no, it just seems like you're trying to discredit their argument because apparently they hate women

What you are just saying is that you would prefer to date Chad, but your insecurity forces you to settle for a beta male. Obviously if you had the opportunity to be impregnated by Chad while Bob raises your bastard child, you would do so.
Pic related.

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They don't only want Chad. Women have types and guys have requirements, too, incel. Chads and Staceys are normalfags and that's an awful turn-off. I'd rather go for a robot.

>I'd rather go for a robot.
No you wouldn't.
At best you'd go for a cyborg.

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I'd post a short green text along with my picture but I don't wanna make you robots mad at me because you'd say I don't belong even though I come in peace. Long story short a girl called me cute then I gave her my Kik, and she said she only talks for 10 bucks...

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I've been talking to a robot outside of Jow Forums and I'm seriously considering hooking up with him

I think what she's saying is that she actually PREFERS beta orbiters over chads and other alphas who are way too confident and dominating for her liking

Yes, because of her insecurity, I said.

>tfw only want a very girly boy
tfw I'm kinda like this but I can only reveal that side when I get comfortable around people, since society isn't exactly, well, you know.

My last relationship felt almost like a complete reversal of gender roles. I like being affectionate and making the people I care about feel special. She was physically stronger than me, and was a lot less emotional. She introduced me to video games she played and without realizing it I'd inevitably be drawn to the characters that people say only egirls play.

It was nice for the most part but she started becoming mean and my heart just couldn't handle that.

What do you say to shut down a roastie?

I would be insecure too if i had to be in a relationships with a stacy.
robots in this thread are pretty fucking retarded this time
>b-but u only with him cause insecurity. wheres the luuuv, roastie?
its called lowering your standards, its same for both sides. At some point you wont really be attracted to the hottest 3%

>tfw I'm not a Chad but not a beta, but not exactly s normie.. wtf am I?

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>At some point you wont really be attracted to the hottest 3%
Bullshit. A man will always be physically attracted to a physically attractive woman. Taste is subjective, but what is attractive to a man is attractive to a man regardless of "lowering your standards".

you're already playing the game of life on the easy setting, if you suck at it it's not our fault

You are so unbelievably stupid, the only reason you wouldn't go for chad is because your self confidence is so fucking low you think you are too pathetic to talk to chad, after a few beta orbiting boyfriends you will have more than enough self confidence to go for chad, you dumb broad. It happens ALL THE TIME, women post on social media about how they are so ugly and can't get a boyfriend, only to be flooded with attention and end up dating a chad.

>mfw I'm a cyborg.

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The only reason you refuse the advances of chad is because of your own low self-esteem. He is by all measures the best mate.

What happens in those cases is you get into a relationship with a normal, non-threatening, average guy and you get a self-esteem boost from all the attention, validation, affection and love he keeps showering you with.

Shortly afterwards, you feel sexy enough for chad and you cheat/break up with the average guy. You rationalize your actions ad hoc so as to not even feel guilty.

t. 28 year old with plenty of experience with women.

Robo senpai, what is a one liner to hook waman? what do?

I take care of my body, am ambitious, confident to a fault because I consider myself above women in the first place and demonstrate that I have a lot going on.
Regardless, if you actually go and hit on women you will score eventually, no matter how much of a loser you are. The only difference is the quality of women you can get and how long it will take.