I practice MMA for 7 years now, boxing in parallel for 6 years, I could. Not to count strength training at the gym for 4 years, 6 ft 1 1/2 for 189 lbs.
I have an insane speed, reflexes similar to my speed. I just have to wait for him to charge me, dodge his attacks, and throw good punches to his head. I won't stop, and at the smallest mistake he does, the tiger is finished.
You'll always have virgins from here thinking that it's impossible. First, nothing is impossible with will, my friends, and 2) that's not with your weak ass bodies that you'll do anything. Any man with a minimum of training can beat a tiger with a knife anyway. With bare hands, that is not necessarily more complicated, it just requires technical skills.
A fully-grown, healthy tiger probably has 800+ lbs on you. That's not a "will" problem, that's a "they can destroy you without thinking" problem.
Eli Adams
Yeah bro a male tiger only weighs like 3.5x what you do, no problem. I wouldn't give the biggest alpha silverback injected with 10g of tren, given a quadruple hit of the strongest ghetto PCP, and smacked in the nutsack with a paddle good odds of beating a healthy male tiger.
>Pitbulls can take baseball bats to the head Sheltered white detected.
Nathaniel Moore
>people will reply to this in a serious manner
John Brown
A tiger weighs 700lbs just lmao at your life
Nolan Lopez
Cheap bait but its worth saying tigers biceps are bigger than a mans torso. They are possibly the scariest animals on land besides grizzly bears. It would be like fighting a 12 foot tall man with a brock lesnar physique and steak knives strapped to all his extremities, and less humanity than piano man
holy shit, look at this monster, OP. This thing would fucking murder you. Despite all your training, I just dont think you can compete with something like this.
Nicholas James
Nah OP will tag it on the jaw and that'll be all she wrote for it. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
Landon Johnson
Spotted the Aussie
Asher Stewart
did you ever end up taking on that silverback gorilla OP?
Elijah Reyes
mas oyama fought and killed bulls so maybe it's not totally impossible. i think a tiger probably has way more murdering power than a bull though
Liam Smith
Yeah like 500X more murder power.
Jaxon Brooks
Triple Dubs for the live stream
Caleb Young
>I wouldn't give the biggest alpha silverback injected with 10g of tren, given a quadruple hit of the strongest ghetto PCP, and smacked in the nutsack with a paddle good odds of beating a healthy male tiger. I would give that gorilla good odds of beating a grizzly. Tren gorilla, holy shit just imagine it. A normal male silverback can allegedly bench 4500lbs.
Owen Hernandez
is this pasta or you just created one?
Jacob Wilson
This is one of the most delusional things I've ever heard of. None of your skills will help at all.
Be sure to do a flip as you're flying through the air
Jeremiah Morales
You went from "I can beat a silverback gorilla" to "I can beat a pitbull". I thought you were starting to be reasonable, a tiger is way worse than both of those.
I was an amateur muay thai fighter a couple of years ago, went to Thailand and kicked banana trees for days, trained at a prison during the day and fought tiny Thai guys in bars at night for money during my college summers.
Last week I saw a pit bull a dude just got from the humane society rip a small dog to pieces at the dog park A group of 3 guys were stomping the shit out of it and it was completely unphased, still ripping chunks out of this dog like it was nothing - not even killing the poor thing. I ran over and shin kicked that fucker straight in the neck, hard enough to break a fucking quad of a human, and it had no give. I might as well have kicked granit. I didn't even get the dogs attention.
I always thought I could kill a grizzly if I had to, but animals aren't like us. They're made of different stuff.
Robert Jackson
This. Humans have large brains to counteract how relatively fragile our bodies are.
Anthony Roberts
roll only if you livestream it
Leo Hughes
why fight them when you can become friends with them? :3
Damn why hasn't anyone tried that? What if we pump gorillas full of roids, dress them in massive body armor, and just use them in warfare? Imagine a fucking huge 250 kg gorilla clad in tank plates charge into a group of jihadis and rip them apart.
That's essentially what Umbrella wanted to use hunters for.
Brody Kelly
And that faggot Leon ruined everything.
Gavin Myers
You better live stream it faggot
Kayden Sanchez
This fucker now wants to fight an orca
Chase Peterson
delet this
Justin Russell
This. You could have killed the pitbull with an axe though ( provided adequate training as well). Humans have become the apex predator through use of weapons. We used weapons for both hunting and war. Muay Thai and Grapling is stuff we invented to use against other humans when we don't want to kill them.
Joshua Martin
Carson Harris
I was thinking about this earlier. Even if you took gorillas and tigers and gave them human intelligence, they would still lose a war to humans because their limbs aren't made for using weapons effectively. Even with medieval weapons this would be the case. It's really amazing how good we are at using tools. No animal is even close.
Isaac Mitchell
>I can fight a tiger and dodge his attacks Are you fucking insane? There is probably not a single man on earth that would last longer than 5 mins against a grown tiger. When I was dyel, I once had to stop an amstaff/pit mix from mauling my dog. I managed to because that pit was somewhat domesticated and stopped eventually. If that thing was in full kill-mode, I probably wouldn’t have a chance even now that I’m much stronger. If you’re really trained, strong and expecting the fight, you can probably fuck up a pitbull or an amstaff with suffering some injuries yourself. But a tiger? No fucking way
Ryan Roberts
Bien mon clé?
William Collins
Fucking manlets. I swear to God if you post one more time...
Lucas Hill
only cause all tools are made by humans for humans you dumb brainlet. ofc having fingers is useful and gives us an advantage but if tigers made tools they would be for tiger use.
Jeremiah Anderson
It's an old meme which comes from a french forum of video games.
Honestly though the biggest cat a human could handle would be probably some serval, maybe a caracal. It seems easier than it actually is because the cat is smaller and you think you could handle it but those fuckers a agile af, it's not a dog that you just have to secure the neck and make sure they won't bite you, they have 4 paws to do even more damage and will twist and grapple like crazy so you wouldn't even be able to hold it for long. I'm afraid a fierce bobcat or a big Lynx could kill an average man if they were really pushed to do so.
Could a dude with a spear take down a tiger on his own?
Bentley Foster
If he entered his territory and actively tracked and attacked the tiger down, no.
Josiah Baker
what a fucking retard, you don't even realize the importance of fucking thumbs and you call somone else a brainlet.
Benjamin James
>5 mins lmao 5 seconds max
Jonathan Roberts
at heart they're just kitty cats
Charles Bennett
even though you warned me, i still felt it in my chest when i watched it holy fuck it's still here, it's not going away that fear, that electricity piecing through my chest and into my back/shoulder blades fugggg
Connor Hill
>tfw we're all manlets compared to tigers
Ryan Rodriguez
Ever seen a really angry cat? Its easy for niggers to kick them when they are domesticated but a wild cat can still be scary
Brody Thomas
The only way this is possible is if you had a spear and managed to empale the tiger when it leaps at you. Even then fuck you for making me reply OP.