Fell for the gay meme

>fell for the gay meme
>got fucked
>didnt even feel good

what a waste of time

you faggots are were LARPing the whole time

Attached: download.jpg (215x235, 6K)

It's fun when it's a guy you actually love and not some random grindr loser on the internet

>Idiots getting turned on by overly feminine guys that look like girls
>"Oh boy I must be gay"
>They get fucked in the ass by some random ugly dude
>"Wait I wasn't gay?"
Its so fucking funny each and every time.

i'm talking 100% about the physical sensation, it feels no better than taking a shit and unless you jerk off you dont even get to have an orgasm

this is a nearly universal post, just replace the first line with any other meme

>you dont even get to have an orgasm
what you had was bad gay sex

just tell him to give you a bj it would feel better
if ur the trap then ur fucked and fell for reikos tricks

Attached: days without reiko's tricks.jpg (600x396, 31K)

>fell for the frog meme
>got fucked
>didnt even feel good

what a waste of time

you faggots are were LARPing the whole time

You have to actually be gay to like gay things.duh. you can't just become gay. You are born gay. Sorta. You can become gay when you do gay things before and during puberty but the cut off is after puberty stops. That's it buddy.

you can drop the act already, i fucked a few guys, even one who was into bdsm and had his own little kink dungeon in his basement, its the same shit every time. just a tingling sensation if your prostate is stimulated and its not even close to being as good as you people act like it is

>fell for the job meme
>got fucked
>didnt even feel good

what a waste of time

you faggots are were LARPing the whole time

i pretty much am full on bisexual and used to crossdress in my sisters clothes before i even hit puberty

i fantasized about this shit for years and years before trying it, now i dont even care anymore

you've just had bad gay sex user, it's okay. you can achieve full and complete orgasm from prostate stimulation alone. you simply haven't experienced good butt stuff.

just shut up already, ive spent hours trying to achieve that using multiple toys and ended up jerking off out of frustration

i'm really sorry that you haven't figured it out or whatever user, i don't know what to tell you except keep learning and trying or just stop trying and stop being such a bitch about not being able to milk yourself or be milked.
is there some more whining you'd like to do now or is this thread done?

nope, im just calling you out so more people dont listen to your lies and end up as disappointed as i am

>fell for the everything is going to be fine meme
>got fucked
>didnt even feel good

what a waste of time

you faggots are were LARPing the whole time

> be 18yo beta incel
> still have some social skills and friends
> meet some guy in the internet on the other side of a continent
> write stupid shit about how I love him
> decide that I'm bi, comes in the package with wanting to get fucked
> the whole thing was awkward as fuck but he had no friends and I supplied him with shit he couldn't torrent because of his uni campus internet
> we have argument a year later so I block him

> go out on IRL dates with dudes
> one is druggie who lives in a hostel and works at a construction site
> talks about meetings with other imageboard users (popular local chan)
> what the fuck
> second guy is another beta
> only whines about how his university sucks, can't say anything about himself
> awkward walk around the park that ended in me going straight to the exit while the guy tags along

> realize there is no difference in homo- and heterosexual relationships
> realize that people are just mostly dumb
I'd still suck that dick though.

So you ARE gay
also do you look like a female or just like a beta incel male?

user, i'm not the spokesman for butt stuff. i already implied i don't care that it didn't work for you, you already said you're disappointed and don't want to try it anymore.
what now? more whining?
>> realize there is no difference in homo- and heterosexual relationships
>> realize that people are just mostly dumb
see, mostly dumb

>taking dick in you bowels because people on the internet said so
are you actually retarded?

Congratulations. You're a faggot now

Perhaps cause your whole statement about homo and hetero relationship is complete utter idiocy and I'm not even going to stop at that point.
And if you stopped being such an opinionated and arrogant little negro you'd probably see that the points you are making while claiming to be top of the pack are as smart as my dog's shit

>your whole statement about homo and hetero relationship
that wasn't me, i was quoting.
>the points you are making
i haven't made any points except to say that obviously butt stuff isn't for you and that's cool.
>being such an opinionated and arrogant little negro
that literally is, like, you're opinion, man.
>claiming to be top of the pack
>smart as my dog's shit
nice one on following through with the dog thing tho

wtf? Gay men can't love. What are you talking about? All they want is dick

You'll never live this one down. Never.