General Jow Forums diet and food thread

I’ll start. Am I going to make it?

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Looks tasty brah, shame about the knife/fork mismatch

no, that is like really small, unless you eat five of those a day

Cheers lad, it’s the student life I’m afraid.

Really? I physically couldn’t eat 5 of those a day even when bulking.
How many cals are you on?

Attached: Tandoori Chicken Kabobs.png (525x747, 88K)

Attached: Creamy Butternut Chicken.png (776x1364, 178K)

Attached: Chunky Lentil Vegetable Soup.png (540x824, 91K)

Attached: Chicken Tertrazzini.png (853x1181, 145K)

Attached: Stuffed Bell Peppers.png (1088x1452, 554K)

White rice gives you short term blood sugar spikes & will be stored as fat unless you burn it off less than 2 hours after you consume it; it is a fast digesting carb. Limit your consumption of white rice & bread along with pasta to pre & post workout meals. During every other meal, slow digesting carbs should be a stable of your diet. Eat brown rice & brown bread.

I thought brown rice was just whole grain, with more fibres, vitamins and shit.
How is white rice ‘fast digesting’ and brown rice not ?

you also have to digest the bran and germ with brown rice. that slows things down

Attached: High Protein Cheesecake.png (540x854, 79K)

thanks user these are great

Attached: Braised Balsamic Chicken.png (636x784, 122K)

Attached: Quinoa Chicken Asparagus Skillet.png (894x1344, 256K)

fuck off retard.

10/10 meal but bake the chicken instead of fry it. And eat that everyday after you lift. Don’t let good food be a once-ina-while thing.

I eat white rice almost everyday after my workout and I’m jacked. Limit portion to 1/2 cup to 1 cup of cooked rice depending on the condition of your physique. Dont listen to that user who warns against fast digesting carbs: the best time to eat them is pre-, intra- and post-workout.

Made some udon since I'm cutting. (650 calories)

Attached: IMG_2810.jpg (1936x1936, 1.02M)

You don’t eat 5 chicken breasts. You eat two, then have a self made protein shake and also protein rich quark or greek yoghurt.

Attached: Chicken Chasseur.png (834x1282, 255K)

Attached: Chicken with tomato sweet pepper sauce.png (597x675, 33K)

Attached: Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes.png (1200x924, 44K)

mirin. that looks tasty as fuck

what do you do to make the broth?

Have any of you put something called Jeera seeds with your white rice? It makes it taste way better and is great with any protein.

Attached: rin_shibuya____cerasus_falls_by_lowlightk-d8e94qz.jpg (1024x528, 87K)

how do i make this. i always want to make asian shit and it never comes out right

For dinner today I had a peanut butter sandwich on very seedy wholemeal bread, with 2 slices of seedy wholemeal toast, and a shake. I am a cutting machine that cares for nothing but raw macros.

Attached: Creamy Shrimp Pasta.png (1081x1283, 187K)

you're based as fuck

Attached: Peanut Sesame Noodles with Chicken.png (826x1380, 275K)

fucking saint

I fucking love you.

Just trying to help. I love to cook tasty shit that fits my macros. Cutting at 1700 atm.
Save these images and cook what looks appealing to you.

Attached: Cajun Dry Rubbed Chicken with Black Bean Sweet Potato Salsa.png (1087x1233, 202K)

Attached: Pumpkin Spiced Cookies.png (734x1055, 153K)

crazy trips

what's the source for these recipes, Recipebrah?

saving them for future shitposting. based

You absolutely mogged my meal

All over. Most of them say at the top in blue text where I got the recipe, such as "Fit Men Cook", "Pioneer Woman", "Domestic Geek", "Paulette Mitchell", "Built Lean", "AllRecipes", or "Food Wishes". You can check them out yourself and take whatever recipes you like from them. Fit Men Cook on Youtube is pretty amazing for tasty, varied meals while you need to watch your macros.

Attached: Cheesy Chicken Pasta.png (746x1066, 165K)

Attached: Shakshuka.png (671x935, 119K)

Attached: Slow Cooker Pulled Pork.png (725x1097, 183K)

Making my day.

Attached: Chicken Curry with Coconut Milk.png (741x1051, 128K)

Attached: Butternut Squash Soup with Applen & Bacon.png (746x997, 180K)

Thanks, I don't usually cook like this but watched a bunch of "cooking with dog" videos and felt inspired.
Threw the chicken into mildly boiling water, once it turned white (had to skim scum off the surface first though) added some chopped up garlic and ginger, 2 small pieces of dried chili, miso paste, söy sauce and sesame oil. Didn't have mirin so threw in some vinegar and half a teaspoon of sugar.
I basically made the easier poorfag and approximated version of this.

Keep going Ill just be there.... updating.

Not him but normally there's 3 components to good Asian soups, there is the tare, a thick sauce that provides the taste profile, the oil that provides the aromatic profile, and the broth that emulsifies both the oil and the tare and also adds richness.

For the broth and tare you start with the base and a seared piece of meat (normally super fatty at ramen stops). A fool proof base is onions, carrots, celery, mushrooms, saute with light oil until very lightly brown, add some leaks and ginger then add seared meat and water and dry spices (star anise+bay leaf is enough for me), lightly salt. For the tare you do a similar thing but instead of meat you add a savory element like seaweed, baby shrimp flakes or a tough mushroom like portebello or shiitake when adding water. Then add a few tablespoons of rice vinegar, white wine, mirin (or just extra white wine with a heavy concentration of sugar), and s o ysauce or miso paste. Boil down to a quarter of the liquid, strain, add copius amounts of sugar and salt. You only need tare in a 1:10 ratio with broth.

For oils, scallion oil is the easiest. It's just scallions in canola oil, cook til golden and crispy, strain and mix 1:10 with seasme oil.

Portion your broth out, add your veggies/cooked meat, then pour into a bowl of oil/tare. 1:5:50 oil:tare:broth. Separately cook noodles slightly less done than desired, though if you're lazy you could just cook your noodles in the broth, then add to hot bowl of soup.

looks good, post on /ck/ for mires

>Eat brown rice & brown bread
Piss off shitskin, White for me.
Go eat your poo poo food.

was this necessary

Attached: Coq Au Vin.png (772x1382, 181K)

Any of you got a good kidney beans recipes?
Am looking for a rice with beans recipe mostly, the rest will be a bonus.
God bless you childs of Jesus

Attached: IMG_2944.jpg (335x409, 53K)

Thanks for making this. I like /ck/, but the recipes you guys posted are more related to what I can easily make/afford and what I'm trying to eat for my macros. Please keep going I

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Attached: Lentil Pate.png (529x530, 67K)

Attached: Thai Chicken Coconut Soup.png (711x1295, 177K)

Are tortillas Jow Forums?
Please say yes.

No. They are simple carbs, high glycemic index, low fiber, and low in micronutrients. Whole wheat tortillas are a little better than flour or corn, but still bad.
You should use lentils, black beans, oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, faroe, and millet for your carbohydrate sources.

Attached: Coconut Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce.png (737x1405, 188K)

life is suffering. Thank you for the recipes. Saved all of them

Jow Forums doesn't seem to have good opinions on corn or flour in general. If you have them in moderation you should be fine they're not fantastic carb options. Still doing better than many if you aren't eating shit macros of equally shit foods. Keep your diet as on point as you can stand and keep working to improve it over time.

Pic related is kind of gross but I wanted to post it.

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brown rice is barely lower GI than white rice bucko

>eat brown rice

That shit still has the endosperm attached to it. Big time anti-nutrient full of phytates. Enjoy your no gains fag.

>White rice instead of brown.

How do you guys eat 1 gram of protein for pound body weight? I would need to eat like 6 chickenn breasts a day

I’ve taken the wheatpill, oats in the morning aren’t enough. Any of you guys have some wheat based snacks recs for a 155 6’1” skelly for some extra intake throughout the day.