Tell me anons, how are you feeling today?

Tell me anons, how are you feeling today?

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Shit, but it's saturday so I plan to get drunk and shit post all night

i feel

+5 it's the weekend
-2 I don't plan to go out tonight
-3 Not motivated to go to the gym even though I told myself I would
-1 Wanna buy stuff but also saving money
+2 Good weather
Final score = +1 slightly positive mood

my buttplug slipped out and rolled onto the floor at work again and I'm pretty sure everybody saw. i could be losing my job soon.

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kittens dont cry
that means you need a bigger buttplug

>slipped out and rolled onto the floor
explain this in more detail

it''s already pretty big...
I think it might've been an issue with positioning rather than size if you catch my drift

i would say fine
but not really fine
i have enough
exhausted, didnt sleep well enough, lots of work awaiting me. ehhh

>wearing shorts cause it's fucking hot out
>woke up way early again
>have enough time for buttplay
>oh look at the time, I'm going to be late
>don't cum, instead just keep the plug in my ass and bike to work
>intentionally take the bumpy road this time
>get there
>everything's fine until the middle of the day
>crouch down to tie my shoe
>accidentally push
>plug flies out and hits the hard floor with a "clunk" sound
>everyone's staring
>don't know what to do
>sprint the plug into the bathroom, rinse it off, apply more lube and pretend nothing happened
>go home shamed and humiliated
>cum buckets

Hangovery and bloated from three days of drinking on a festival. Avenged sevenfold plays today but I dont know if I can handle all this alcohol and people.

every time i think about anyone younger than me i just feel like a waste of life

you put it in ur pocket and pretend it came out of there at least.

planning to get drunk and enjoy my saturday

I've never had one 'slip out'; is it not tapered properly? That shouldn't happen, it should have to be intentional to get it out.

Woke up in sweat and having headache.

I am just finishing shredding some old documents of my mother and her restaurant.
That's quite some work and I am a bit sweaty again from running up and down the stairs.
At least my headache disappeared.

Otherwise I am the same old gloomy lifeless loser.

>shredding some old documents
the fuck was she up to

i think i might've just applied to much lube?

Is it tapered like this? I know one's that aren't tapered like this can slip out easier, but a more aggressive tapering like this has less issues I find. If you use a water based lube it shouldn't be an issue, but silicone lubes leave you slimy all day, which I don't like, but some do.

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I hope you get fired, faggot. Serves you right.

Using nerve endings, as always

woke up midday so not a good start. Planning on getting some shit done this weekend, applying for a job and whatnot.
Still can't get over my crush that I haven't seen in a year, really tempted to ask her out, but we haven't spoken since September so I feel that it would be kinda weird.

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Open with having a catchup and offering to buy her a drink. use that as a litmus test user. then if all goes well ask her for a drink date

good luck user

>offer to buy her a drink
>if it works, offer to buy her a drink

Gf of 2 1/2y told me she wants to break up on whatsapp
I guess suicidal
also, i'm a long term poster who is on here for 10 years and thought i had an actual chance to escape this hellhole forever

youre kissing the point there friend. theres a difference between a date and a drink.
if youre serious you need to make moves. stop being a pussy and get off your ass and do something

user. grab a buddy and go for a drink, have a laugh andf dont take your phone.

your brain will need a night to recover, explain what happened with this friend and let your emotions out.

no, it's an ace of spades which is more notable for having a short/almost nonexistant neck. that might've done it.

Get one with a longer neck, it helps a lot and is more comfortable.

putting a bit of plastic in your ass doesn't make you gay, user.

you're probably right. but i like the shape of the spade so much ;_;

from what I remember, she barely drinks so I am thinking just going to lunch with her.
I got all summer to get with her so I want to take things a bit slow

Nothing, she is dumb but hard working.

It was piled up documents dating even back to 20 years ago.
I am gonna start another thread soon asking user to talk about their parents.

Anyways, I have finished her work. I am sweating already, so I might as well do some light bodyweight exercises and go to shower.

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>thinking just going to lunch with her
good idea user. if it works out, ask her if she'd like to get lunch sometime.

The fun thing is, this already happend once. She is kinda manipulative, but i love her to the moon and back (mostly because she accepts my absolutely autistic ways). She is pretty much into anything i'm doing, like Jow Forums, reading or photography, but jesus fucking christ, sometimes shit is insane.
This girl broke up with me right before christmas and my finals, ignored everything straight for a week and placed all my selfmade gifts infront of my door, it was a hell of a time and i seriously expected to never be in this situation again when we came back together 2 months after.

Guess what, she is doing it again, with the reason "we're fighting too much".
Well most anons on here have way more sit to go through, so crying over a relationship might be kinda over the top for this board, still thank you very much for the honest advice user

>how are you feeling today?
horny, 5th day of no fap

everytime someone mentions nofap, i have to try to remember the last time i fapped then i get annoyed because i remember most of the posters here really are 14-19 and that's why nofap is some monumental struggle instead of just simply not fapping for a while.

gonna propose to my gf in december. we'll be going to Venice again (same time last year more or less) and i thought about proposing to her in venice and/or on one of those boat/gondola things. what do you guys think? too cringe,/embarrassing for her? i need ideas. i asked my mum and she said i should propose to her in her home but then i mentioned going somewhere and she said to do that. my gf is also "surprising" me with some train trip to another part of northern italy i dont really know of yet. i think she wants us to be alone somewhere for a few days. thoughts, suggestions?

also iam 99.9% sure shes going to say "yes" , i just want to do it the "right way".

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Somewhat down
The desire for a gf is particularly strong this weekend, and it doesn't help that I tried using a dating app to try and make plans for this weekend and got absolutely nothing from any of the women I messaged. I managed to wake up early today so if I can at least get some work done I'll be able to consider the day as not wasted

That sounds nice, I don't see why you wouldn't go for it
Consider that most women probably get proposed to in a restaurant or at home, the ability to do it in a nice location like Italy seems like a prime opportunity

Laying under the covers smoking my vape...

So doing jack shit

What is Wojak doing here? Sitting on the floor and staring at the girl? Bit weird desu.

shes not really the restaurant type, shes very socially anxious. when ever we ate out somewhere she always wanted to sit in a far corner (dont blame her). i guess ill see what this train trip thing is (shes probably going to take me to Milan or the mountains).

not cringe. go for it.

Hungover. I didn't know you could get that way from pure stress, eating like shit, trying new meds, and late night crying. But it feels like a mild hangover.

the gondola/boat idea? its definitely on the table if its not too cringe.

Y l K E S
nice user

like shet
always like shet

>smoking my vape

>Saturday night
>Go walking around the city observing the normies and drunks out partying
>Some lady says "Why are you by yourself?" as she walks past with her friends.
>"Just walking home, heh heh"

That question weighed heavy on my mind on the walk home. Why am I by myself?

>Tell me anons, how are you feeling today?

unless you are very old your libido should be high, unless you are a faggot lowtest so.yboy, sick, druggie or fat as fuck

Cleaned apartment and went to gym.

I watched a video about a guy talking about how he hasn't had a girlfriend and is turning 30. I got very mad seeing the advice of shit like 'love yourself bro and chicks will love you' and other bee urself shit. Now i am just sad because i am reminded by how despite how much i have improved myself in 2018 and how i'm close to the ideal version of who i want to be that i'll never be normal.

How are my fellow functioning cyborgs doing, cause i'm having my usual existence crisis before i go to sleep like usual. Like the kind where i am putting in an actual good attempt to improve myself yet the only person who can congratulate me is myself.

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Because you're not a normie who requires nonstop social interaction to feel validated as a person.

>very old
if you're under 18 maybe
>faggot lowtest so.yboy, sick, druggie, or fat as fuck

i know it might be a hard concept to swallow but not everyone is focused on putting their dicks in things all the time

I'm suffering of love for a girl at uni.

It's odd. It seemed like she was into me staying after her classes just to talk to me, but it also seems like she's just friendly. The thought of her not liking me romantically or, worse, having lost it, makes me sad.

This, in turn, devolves into an existential crisis over my lack of power over the universe and the nature of what control is and how to obtain it.

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>coworkers having a bowling party for his birthday
>almost everyone at work got invited except me
T-thats ok, I didnt want to go anyway

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Wondering where all the time went and trying to fend off nicotine cravings and.

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>an existential crisis
>the nature of what control is and how to obtain it
try controlling yourself so you don't have an existential crisis over not getting the attention you want from a girl at uni, that's a good start.

>but muh fee fees

nigger im 26, you are just a low test chink or something, or maybe hard depression can lower your libido too, it does for me at least

Yeah but it might be nice to have some social interaction sometimes. I have no friends in this city, aside from walking the streets aimlessly I spend all day every day fucking around on the internet or making shit music that no one will ever listen to.

>you are just a low test chink

and you're just a too much test basketball american

you definitely want attention.
>making shit music that no one will ever listen to
is proof to me that you care more about people hearing your music (and liking it) than you do about making it.

Sorry user but sexual desire is a big marker of health. As a healthy young mammal, you should have a desire to reproduce. If you don't, it's almost certainly a sign of underlying health problems.

what is young in this case?
>desire to reproduce
never in my life have i ever felt that, ever.

be nice to him he's had a rough day

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Sorry friendo but this is fucking retarded. Firstly I would argue that there is a strong correlation between caring about making music and caring if people listen to it and like it, I can't for the life of me understand why you would act like these two things are mutually exclusive.
I was just making it clear that I'm wasting time doing some stupid shit which doesn't serve any purpose but my own enjoyment, as opposed to making music other people will enjoy listening to which would be a productive use of time.

I'd be happy if a lot of people listened to it and liked it, it will probably be released on a small netlabel like the last EP I did, but the dude doesn't really promote it at all and I have no interest in promoting it either. I don't even show it to my friends.

>this is fucking retarded
you're the one that mentioned nobody listening to it so obviously that matters to you in some way. your daydream about a small netlabel and your previous EP backs that up, in my opinion.

i'm not saying your an attention whore, i'm just saying you want attention for your music. that's fine. whoring would be like if you had linked a soundcloud page in your first post or something.

>strong correlation between
in my case, no there's not. i've been making music for 15 years, never released one track, never played for other people. that's me though, most people do like to share their creations. i understand you're not me and i'm not you, i was just sharing.

maybe you should focus more on your music and getting your music out there to some people, online or local. that would help your feelings of artistic worth or merit or whatever you want to call it and also get you talking to more people, which you also want.

but lol i dunno, i'm fucking retarded.

You're a textbook filthy degenerate. That shit should be kept out of the workplace, it would serve you right to lose your job. Fucking disgusting

Im in love with pic related, shes a stacked qt beautiful abnd warm

what do anons im so scared shes been showing signs she likes me but i dont know

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>being that stacked

w-women cant actually be l;ike this right anons? if so ive just developed a new fetish

>obviously that matters to you in some way
I just explained why I said that

>your daydream about a small netlabel
My last EP was released on a small netlabel and he will likely release the next one when it's done too. What about that is a daydream?

>you want attention for your music
I wanted the validation of someone knowledgeable thinking it has some artistic merit, hence why I sent it to the label. I don't want anyone I know IRL to listen to it, I wouldn't mind if some anonymous strangers online liked it but I wouldn't go out of my way to make that happen.

>i've been making music for 15 years, never released one track, never played for other people.
In what sense do you make music? Like do you just play an instrument or do actually write and record your own music?

They look really nice too. It's hard to say how much work her bra is doing, but it looks like they are a great shape.

I had a gf with bigger titties than that but she was a bit fat. They were really good in a bra, a little saggier out in the open but still pretty good, but good lord I just went to town on those fuckin things I would so love to suck those fuckin titties again lord help me

There's a reddit page called small girls big tits or something along those lines, had a few good faps to that before I gave up porn

Alright, I think maybe you're reading much more hostility in my post than I'm intending.

I feel like you're being overly defensive for things I didn't intend to be provoking or offensive so I'll assume I'm not phrasing things well. My bad.

>I just explained
I know, that's why I said obviously.
wasn't meant dismissively, I was just using it as "a thing you've imagined or thought of (releasing your next EP on a or that netlabel)"

Again, I'm not accusing you of being an attention whore. Wanting attention for a thing (either because you want the thing to receive attention or you want to receive it for having done the thing) and being an attention whore are different things. Want attention and or validation for your stuff all you want, in fact I was trying to promote that. That's why I suggested getting your music out to more people, online or local, because you have done it and could do it again and I think it could be a positive thing for you to focus on that and the things surrounding it. I understand not necessarily wanting local people you know to hear it or caring if they'd like it. Sure you wouldn't go out of your way, I wasn't suggesting you should. You said you've already released an EP and implied that you could release another with the same label so I thought releasing another wouldn't be going out of your way.

>what sense
I play several instruments and write and record my own music, yes. I rarely listen to it but it does exist. I'm not trying to get into a personal justification thing with you, I wasn't trying to suggest anything other than that not everyone that makes music wants to release it or share it and that I'm one of those people that doesn't, that's all.

it's not like I was hurting anyone (or intending to.)
I just figured I would discreetly turn the whole day into a sex thing, it's not like I was jerking off in the women's bathroom or anything

clearly it wasn't very discreet since it fell out of your fucking ass

cant find it with "small girls big tits"

that wasn't my intention, I wasn't expecting that.

play stupid games, lose your job and be outed as a degenerate

I wasn't reading it as hostile, just disagreeing with some of the things you said, and since this is the internet I think I have to call you a retarded faggot if I disagree with anything you say.

What is your reason for making music? Just because you like to do it?
And why not play with other people? Playing music with others is really fun.

I slept in for work and was told to not even bother coming in and now all of my coworkers (one of whom is related to me) is super mad at me

Feels bad, man

what made you this way?
did a buttplug kill your mother?

Felt ok but then I took nap and now I'm pissy.
Wanna have a mcdank but am too scared to complete this task myself. This angers me. FUCK i want friends why am
I such a spaz

I'm having a bad day. Monday through Thursdag was good; I got stuff done and did some light exercise every day which helped my mood. Yesterday and today i fell back into the bad habits. Didn't do any of the walking I had planned, went too heavy on the snacks and slept during the day, which just messes with my nightly sleep. Friends I haven't seen for months asked me to come have a few beers, but I am so ashamed of my life right now that I just can't face them.

Add to this I'm costantly stressing over not finding any work. Will have to ask my parents for money soon and I'm fucking 26 years old jesus christ.

>since this is the internet I think I have to call you a retarded faggot if I disagree with anything you say.
fair enough.
>Just because you like to do it?
Playing with others is okay and everything but it's not for me. I've tried a few times, different scenarios and stuff. I can see how it would be great if you were into it but I'm not.

I'll spend however long it takes to get something to where I don't feel compelled to fuck with it more then I go "cool." and move on to something else. Sometimes it's archived, sometimes not.
Maybe I setup a deadman's switch to post mega links and torrents for my stuff when I die, maybe I didn't.

We'll see.

Me and my autistic nonsense will rightly fade from history within days of my death, thankfully.

>Felt ok but then I took nap and now I'm pissy.

Day time sleeping is a dangerous thing. I so often find it messes with my mood and energy levels, but it can be so hard to resist laying down for nap.

Do you think you are making good music though? Would people listen to it if they knew it existed?
I hope to make something great one day, although I know I probably never will. If I ever feel like I made something truly special I would go out of my way to get it heard.

>Do you think you are making good music though
I think I like what I'm doing. I don't care if anyone else likes it, I'm not making it for them.
>Would people listen to it
People like all kinds of things, so, probably at least one person would, yes.
>If I ever fee like I made something truly special I would go out of my way to get it heard.
That's cool, I hope you make many great things and have much exposure.
I just don't want any exposure or attention for myself or my music.

Fucking free from headaches again.
Rotating between playing Quake Live and doing some bodyweight exercises.

She wants a 10/10 Chad to sit next to her so badly. Why does this world have to be so hard for these lonely girls?

fine, I've basically not left the house in a week and the only reason I'm up(it's 4am) is because I ran out of weed and now I'm overly caffeinated, but whatever, I'm used to it.

I keep thinking about a girl who I work with that I'd really like to get to know better but I never get to see her due to shifts, and after the other week when one of my mates hung out with her and I got this seething jealousy that I'm aware I have no reason to really feel and I'm just constantly questioning why that is. I don't even really know her well enough so I'm aware it's more lust than love and partially being super lonely and just wanting some sort of company.

god I'm lonely.

you want to unironically talk user? gib email if you want.
not a gril sorry

ehh, don't have an email that doesn't give away who I am so I'll pass.
Really if I wasn't so neet-y most of this shit would be easy.
I mean it really would be as easy as "Hey wanna grab a coffee some time?" but I don't even want to add her on shitbook because of my own insecurities... and my shitbook being shitpost city.

Fucking shitty I want to be dead or non existant so fucking bad. Anthiny Bordain had the right idea

I usually submit to drowsiness when tfw no gf starts to bother me

Fucking fantastic.
Hanging out at a friends house just started my vacation for 2 weeks.
Work was literal hell for the last 2 weeks so not showing up and getting paid is going to be fucking awesome.
Flying out soon to see some family.

>ehh, don't have an email that doesn't give away who I am so I'll pass
honestly if you can't rub two caffeinated brain cells together and figure out to make a new email address, i doubt we'd have much good conversation anyway, sorry.
>shitpost city
yeah, nah, don't gib email. i hope it works out for you tho user.

moreover I can't be fucked, plus I'm not really one with opening up to random strangers more than I already do on this board hey