Go to gym four/five times a week, lift weights each evening

>go to gym four/five times a week, lift weights each evening
>TDEE is 2000
>BMR around 1680
>eat between 1400-1800 calories a day
>record what I eat and try to measure where I can

I haven't lost any weight (although I lost a few inches) and I've been living this lifestyle for well over a year. I feel like I'm getting something fundamentally wrong.

I spoke to my doctor who carried out tests for my thyroid, cortisol levels, etc, and everything came back perfect. He reviewed my food log, suggested decreasing my carbs further but said my diet and exercise was good. He then mentioned the birth control pill I'm on, and that he felt this could be the issue.

I don't really want to stop taking the pill, but I also don't want to have to drop my calories to 1200 because this isn't sustainable in the long run and will make my workouts much harder. There are no alternative pills for me to try.

Is there anything obvious that I'm doing wrong?

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you lost a few inches. how?

No idea. I know how weight isn't always the best indicator of how well you're doing, so I started measuring myself. I lost around 3 inches from my waist since I started. No change on the scale though.

>I haven't lost any weight (although I lost a few inches) and I've been living this lifestyle for well over a year. I feel like I'm getting something fundamentally wrong.
Check your thyroid. Jow Forums will bullshit as usual, but remember: Most people here are 25 year old virgins without fathers.

Anyway, I had the same problem, turns out it was Hashimoto's and if you have it, pray the hormones will work. They don't for me, but they work in 70% of cases iirc.

>tracking weight instead of ordering a pair of calipers online for like $5


Nigga my TDEE is about 3400 and I cut at 1850.

You need a bigger deficit

I've had my thyroid checked several times, the full test (including hashimoto's) and my results were all text book perfect every time.

I've accepted it's probably something I'm not doing right, or alternatively it's the pill. I just want to tweek things slightly in the hope that it triggers something and I don't have to stop taking the pill. Thank you for your suggestion though.

But I'm overweight - I need to lose weight to be in a healthy BMI range. Although I'm glad to have lost inches, I really want to see the pounds go down.

Thank you. So maybe drop my calories further to around 1200-1400?

> don't really want to stop taking the pill,
>I don't want to stop being a raging whore, I can't stop taking Tyrone's cum
And you really expect me to give a shit, fat whore? Die.

Try eating 500 calories a day. You will lose weight but it will be taxing mentally.

Might as well fast

But unironically

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>record what I eat and try to measure where I can

trying to measure is a red flag, you are likely severly underestimating what you eat. if you do it do it properly and weigh everything

> lifts weight 4/5 times a week
> become thinner
> same weight

You've increased your muscle mass and reduced the amount of fat on your body. You should track fat percentage, not weight.

If you've lost inches but not weight, you've gained muscle that weighs the same as the fat you lost. Muscle is denser than fat so occupies less space, and is in more aesthetic areas so is less noticeable.

If you want to be thinner, you're going to lose muscle and therefore strength, which will make your gym performance worse.

>birth control pills

gtfo roastie

1300 hundred minimum but make sure you're eating plenty and healthy. As in, cook meals, MFP everything and you'll be just fine.

>>record what I eat and try to measure where I can
Measure everything. Get a food scale. Bring food from home that's measured.

What are you eating for those 1400-1800 calories?

>1300 hundred minimum


>Is there anything obvious that I'm doing wrong?
yeah get off the birth control you fucking whore.

>try to measure
you are 50000% eating more than you think
also tits or gtfo


>I don't really want to stop taking the pill
is it that hard to stop dudes from nutting inside you 24/7?

either you are lying to yourself on what you are eating or your trdee is dead wrong.

Seriously. Similar thing happened to me. Also volume over intensity.

Just try it out for a month and see what happens

>haven't lost any weight

All you can do is eat less. If you got your TDEE from an online calculator it is an estimate. You should be checking your weight every day and recording it along with your calories, which I suppose you are doing. If your macros aren't resulting in weight loss then you have to turn your estimated TDEE down.

>thinks you can put on muscle as fast as you lose fat

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Probably need to cut a few more calories. Metabolism slowly adjusts to get closer to your intake over time. Gotta ramp it up.

BC tends to include side effect of weight gain. You're tricking your body into thinking its just pregnant enough to not ovulate.

>eat between 1400-1800 calories a day
I fail to see how you don't see this as a red flag

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>eat between 1400-1800 calories a day
why is there such a difference? at 1800 calories you might not even lose half a pound of fat a week, and at 1400 if your workout is quality and not brosplits or meme shit like crossfit, you shouldn't be having issues. I can understand fluctuating maybe 150 a day to vary the diet and keep interesting food, but 400 calories is a huge difference. post your food log for 1 week so we can look at it. Also, how much water are you drinking? I drink about 1 ounce of water per pound that I weigh every day because I retain water like a buffalo and drinking a lot helps pass that out quickly and if I drink too little I swell up really bad, and maybe thats happening to you as well.


gtfo roastie

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kek'd but you should know girls take the pill for other reasons like less painful and to regulate their cycle.


Look up Jason Fung and watch his videos on insulin and fasting. He explains exactly why you're not losing weight and why cutting more calories will not help.

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lmfao they don't
hurr durrr.

they all take it cause they want that cum. and you know it. anything else is massive cope.