Thinking man's fetish

I see the footfags are out in force, which is nice

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Why not keep it to one thread then? You didn't need to kill a thread to make this shitty comment.

Feet are right next to the genitals in your body. If you have a foot fetish, that means your brain easily makes random connections that make no logical sense which suggests you're very bad at deduction and logic.

Someone's gotta tend to those smelly feet

Attached: Multi-Tassel-Foot-Chain-Harness-font-b-Toe-b-font-font-b-Ring-b-font-font.jpg (801x800, 120K)

>in your body
I meant in your brain.

If any of that were true you'd be the one that likes feet, not me

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Feet are a low-tier fetish except when it's 3D, then it's shit-tier.
Legs are where it's at, especially with pantyhose/stockings.

Attached: EZwypHx.jpg (3077x4500, 703K)

>he doesn't have a spiderweb of nueral connections in his brain
Sit down brainlet and drink some foot tea

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Get the fuck off of my board shitter

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Enjoy your chinese cartoon feet user, I'll stick to 3d they feel super nice against my dick

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>Feet are right next to the genitals in your body.

>most norman tier fetish
>it's content essentially takes over other fetishes
Legitimately the succubi of fetishes.

Most normalfags think feet are gross

gay ones and women with shamefully gross feet, I guess. Women with nice feet that they clearly enjoy taking care of seem to relish guys being attracted to them.

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still haven't gotten over the pain, disappointment and horror of seeing Hendricks feet. she's a goddess with a fatal flaw. fuck.

Id pay to drink that

Based feetposter

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Mods this is not r9k material
Delet this

doesnt it burn her feet

i wish i could be a woman's sandal/shoe for a day. just to experience pure pleasure.

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you are on the bottom in this webm

Attached: catgirl footslap and facestand.webm (1280x720, 968K)

>ywn lick her sweaty, dirty feet

Attached: Emily Youcis.png (800x600, 448K)

Trampling is retarded and ultra beta, gtfo this thread

>which suggests you're very bad at deduction and logic
The amount of autism in this post is insane even for Jow Forums standards

See now this is just foolishness. Why would you want this? Betas are into such weird non sex.

Attached: legs.webm (960x540, 1.91M)

if you dont want soles on your face then you need to gtfo.

If you are too retarded to understand the difference between trampling and just having soles covering your face, you need to gtfo and go punch a nig in your local ghetto

Who /footbull/ here aka forced his foot fetish onto his gf?

I'd force her to not wash them, not change socks and wear always the same shoes for a while

I forced it on my gf, now she also enjoys it

I just want to impregnate a qt while she rubs her feet on my face, is that too much to ask for?

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I don't know about forced but I just started doing that stuff and she likes it.

who is this original trouser arouser senpai?

the future mother of my children

Candid footage of female student's feet while they're studying in college libraries is prime foot fetishist material.

Attached: 1496202021131.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

salsa cabron


Sorry, pablo. It's a much longer video but the girl had it removed from the net.

Where can I find more of this? is there a subreddit or something

it's very rare for black women to have nice feet

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Why do all italians seem to have feet fetishes? I'm half italian and have a really bad feetish and whenever I see a group of cute girls I look at their feet.

Is it because italy is a feet?

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>Legs are where it's at, especially with pantyhose/stockings.
Ma nigga

As soon as I think I'm out, they pull me back in! Yummy

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kys by sniffing stinky vampire feet

Attached: the remi.jpg (850x1175, 135K)

Maybe if it were an attractive vampire

Attached: queen_deepfeet_p3_3_by_womensfloor-dbp0ywx.jpg (894x894, 169K)

Reimu had to throw out all her clothes after this since she couldn't get Remi's feet stink out of them.

Attached: remilia giving the reimu the stinke.jpg (1386x2000, 608K)

They're usually posted in creep or feet threads on /gif/. Or just search Tumblr.

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>Or just search Tumblr.
always low quality gifs right?

>tfw no qt Latina gf with qt feet to tease you with her friend

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