What do you look for in a bf?, or just hunky chads like yourselves xd
Jow Forums Gays
Skinny, slight otter mode and hairless
>First r9gay
>now this
Fuck it, I'm blocking Jow Forums in my host file
>tfw you will never have a bf that will look like a nippon animu trap
What's the point of gains if I can't even find my dream bf
seriously they spread like a disease
Lol cishet scum, if you were worth something more than me you wouldnt be here
This is how my ideal husband looks like. Ideally these titties should lactate
Go chase some roasties, you hetero pieces of shit.
Being gay is a fucking godsent when the only other option is to pray for some dumb bitch to notice your existence. Meanwhile, I will go grab a beer with my gaybros.
I don't know i'm still on trap phase
I would like to be the manly bisexual guy that fucks gym bros though
can you fags please just leave my board alone Jow Forums is the only board i actually browse anymore so please don't ruin it with your weird fetish, thanks
I would have the following hopes for three body types:
Muscular guy:
>Minimal facial hair and body hair (I really hate hair)
>Not complete uggo face
>preferable to have hair but desu I can't be too picky
>versatile in bed
>enjoys working out with me
Average guy:
>Some facial hair, maybe a mustache. Absolutely no beard it's too masc
>Preferable for someone average to have a bigger dick, anywhere between 7-8.5 is perfect, don't really care about girth
>enjoys cuddling and staying in, but goes out enough that I have an excuse to meet them somewhere
>enjoys the same hobbies I do
>Skinny (duh)
>Doesn't necessarily need much muscle definition, don't even mind a lil gut
>Would be awesome if they had a big dick, but purely preference, I wouldn't turn someone down even if they had a microdick
>Enjoys all my activities
>cuddling a must
>must be down for me squatting them multiple times a week
that's about it.
NO bears!?!?!?
this nigga looks like he's about to turn into a wearwolf
>Those conditions
Lower your standards, you are never going to be happy
>/lgtb/ once again tries to fish out alpha males out of their territory.
Get back to your fucking board, fucking trap
Hair is gross dude. I don't even like my own body hair, if it wasn't for the fact most grindr hookups liked it I would shave it all off. Matter of fact once I'm done with my cut I'm probably gonna try and shave off everything, ass and balls included.
They're preferences, not standards. I'd be happy with a twink with a microdick who likes the same stuff I do. But facial hair is a huge turnoff for me, like as much as being 40 pounds overweight is.
>you'll never be happy
sounds like an improvement :')
You're beta af
losing your board to a bunch of trannies and gays lmao
the greeks were gay as fuck as well as being alpha as fuck
As a black metal enthusiast I have to say that's a fantastic costume though
Enjoy the free STD
Your "gaybros" are more retardedly overdramatic and abusive on average than even the worst Stacies.
Physically? I like them either trappy as hell or big bara muscles. Dicks of all sizes, big and small, are welcome as long as they don't have STDs.
Mentally? Enjoys working out with me, has a car, has a job (doesn't matter what), enjoys frequent sex, and has a good moral center. Bonus if they enjoy D&D.