What's the difference between a failed normie, incel, and robot? Let's define these terms once and for all.
What's the difference between a failed normie, incel, and robot? Let's define these terms once and for all
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There is no defining them. Any attempt you make at defining them will be met with replies calling you a retard because anyone who attempts to define these terms is a retard.
They're all meme terminology, except two come from Jow Forums and one (incel) from reddit.
Failed normie = Someone who tries to become a normie and fails.
Incel = Someone who wants to have sex and fails.
Robot = An incel pretending to be a volcel.
You are a retard. oringiiniainlly
I'll try my best
>failed normie
Has all the potential to become a normie, but can't become one because of various reasons (shit hobby, overall boring personality, mental illness...) Limited social life, but has a few close friends.
The nice guy meme you see everywhere, doesn't understand why women don't want sex with them despite being very nice to them and think they deserve better than asshole Chad. Is below average in looks and just boring overall. Very frustrated about not having sex. Social life depends on who he is, could have a group of friend and be the loser in it or not have any.
Staggeringly ugly and most likely aware of it, bad habits and hygiene, has mental illness(es) and most likely is autistic. Hates women with passion and is also very frustrated about not having sex. Doesn't have/never had a stable job and nothing resembling a social life outside of the occasional steam friend. No social skills.
Aren't all 3 of them involuntarily celibate though?
We're all just losers with slight differences.
>failed normie
Someone who's a normalfag but very low status. He thinks he's forever alone because he hasn't had sex in 6 months or his gf left him.
someone who can't have sex or romantic relationships with the opposite gender for various reasons
>real robot
a non-NT person with limited social contact and zero relationship history. He may or may not be NEET but robots are generally friendless IRL.
>Jow Forums "robot"
see failed normie
doesn't exist.
Normie = what robots wish to become
Failed normie = meaningless term
Robot = abnormal mental condition, does not take pride in it, wants to fix self
Incel = (in)voluntary celibate. whiny faggot, enjoys wallowing in self pity, enjoys being special and abnormal, participates in brojob circle jerks one-upping each other on how much they hate life and teh system and teh jews. projects self hatreds upon others, etc
Failed Normie: Had a chance to be a normie and blew it.
Robot: For them, the game has been rigged from the start
Incel: Can't get laid because of either looks, personality or sociability (Probably has more than one)
Incels are volcels
Robot probably isn't, because there's a certain point when you know you can't make it.
Incels and failed normie are though. Although failed normie probably could get a gf if he tried hard enough.
I'm not really an expert on the subject anyway
EXPLAIN uRself fgt
Your entire argument is that you can't get laid. Go to a prostitute
Cho Seung-hui tried to pay a prostitute for sex and she turned him down. Wouldn't even kiss him. $250 down the drain.
This is the correct definition.
illegal in most areas
whores can reject you or worse rob you
Find another one?
Thanks for reaffirming my argument that incels are volcels.
Get a job? Or are you 16 and still living with your parents? Get some fucking money.
On top of those reasons if you have to pay to get what the majority of people can get naturally for free then you haven't really accomplished anything. You're still a relationshipcel.
I have money but I don't believe in wasting it on stuff I don't need. It's better to invest $250 instead of throwing it away like a retard.
People project different things onto those archetypes.
Also I'd be feeding into the same whore culture that I despise.
Failed normie: had obvious potential and chances to rise a n d shine, a good childhood, etc. But crashed and burned at some point.
Incel: currently no relationships/sex thru no fault of his own.
Robot: male, virgin, 18+, no friends, NEET or stagnating career, little or no success.
>failed normie: potential to be a normie/was once a normie but for various reasons is no longer a normie, typically because of a mental block, can potentially be fixed if the person in question gives enough of a shit to try
>robot: a dying breed that has mostly migrated to wonderous places like wizchan, someone who is either very ugly, very socially retarded, or often both, who was basically doomed from the start and completely unfit to live in the modern world, very few however can actually qualify to be one, and it's honestly retarded how some see it as a popularity/edgy contest when it's anything but
>incel: someone who for various reasons (typically mentally, but some other factors such as height and looks are also at play for various people) cannot find a relationship/lose their virginity
Okay you win. I'm volcel for refusing to have sex with hookers, men, and animals.
>those numerical digits
Confirmed volcel.
not only pic related is omega tier, but it is also a fucking jew. purge for all the kikes
Original Buddha is that you
normie comes from reddit, just like you. the problem is that both of you are here now and it is high time you go back there. you are a cancer on the internet. everything you touch becomes shit and just as cancerous
>Failed normal:
defines himself by his desire to fit in with society and his inability to do so
defines himself by his inability to function in society and his lack of desire to do so
defines himself by his lack of sexual activity.
All of the above have in common a strong victim complex
>failed normie
Had the chance to become a normie/was a normie
Virgin who blames all his problem on women
Never had a chance to be a normie
This one seems best so far.
this in the most original way conceivable
What is the definition of a cyborg?
cyborg == failed normalfag
Someone who has the potential to be a normalfag but choses not to
>failed normie
A decent looking man perceived to have chad potential but suffers from lack of confidence or motivation. In his case "just be yourself" and "just have confidence" would be good advice.
A man unable to get laid no matter how hard he tries. No matter what personality he tries to adopt. No matter what clothes he wears, fashion trends he adopts, haircut he gets, or gym membership he acquires. He always seems to run into bad luck. Feminists and chads are convinced his problem must be his personality because there's no other explanation right?
Basically incels who are ashamed of the incel label who pretend to be something different when there's no real distinction. Some of them will try to tell you "incels are from Reddit" and "robots are from r9k" but one look at archived threads of Jow Forums will show you the term incel has been used here since its inception.
Meaningless advice that revolves around your personality.
Meaningless advice that revolves around looksmaxing.
The only real advice for people who were doomed from the start. People might give you shit for not trying and contributing to the economy but little do they know you've tried your entire life.
Basically a cyborg is an average looking guy. He's not an A (alpha), he's not a B (brad). He's a C. Right in the middle.
We are the enlightened autists, we could be normalfags, some even chads, but yet we choose not to do so. Why? Cause it's boring as shit.
The problem is just this. Sitting at home, overanalyzing, categorizing people -> achieving nothing.
>implying we actually have choices in this life
What? Stay mad, volcels.
If you dont believe you have choices there is no hope for you. The only seperating factor between normies and failures is this en.wikipedia.org
oppositesexattractioncel here
I'm a failed normie.
Always trying, always failing. I listen to what I'm told and always fail.
Have less than 7 friends and 0 female friends.
Yeah totally. Look at this guy. He has all the potential in the world.
>failed normie
lazy guy who wants to live like normies
annoying sjw who wants women to play the role of man for him
someone who browses Jow Forums, often friendless.
your glass if half full (of sperm)
Failed normie:
>has a decent social life but nobody really likes him that much
>only hangs out with normies
>probably had sex, constantly belittles incels in order to distance himself from them
>No social life
>uses reddit and Jow Forums
>hates women and will do whatever possible to get what they desire
>malicious towards women
>in social terms, mostly the same as incel
>uses Jow Forums only
>hates women but most of the time would prefer to just avoid women and normies rather than confront them
He can still run into a burning house and save a baby no matter how he looks. I wont argue how that guys looks are fxable, even tho they are, cause you should realise that a persons worth isnt determined by how other people see them. If you read about a hero of war who saved 20 of his brothers in arms do you think any less of him if he was ugly? Someone who is happy by endulging in a hobby or in escapism is still by all means a happy person, just like the chad fucking 25 girls at once or whatever absurd shit you think you are missing out on by being an uggo
First off the picture on the right is highly edited. You changed the shape of his face, his head, you gave him hair follicles where he didn't have any. Also even after his "transformation" no woman would go on a date with him.
>He can still run into a burning house and save a baby no matter how he looks
If he ran into a burning building he would not be hailed as a hero. The news media and people on Twitter would find a way to spin the story and make him look like the bad guy.
I used my hours in paint to add his orignal hairline back. His hair would also have less volume were he decide to get that haircut.
Wasted trips, I'm sorry.
Thats horsecrap and you know it, leave the mental gymnastics to roasties. Let me change your worldview user, you know you need it.
>First off the picture on the right is highly edited.
Thanks sherlock, almost didnt notice
>failed normie
a former normie who has hit rock bottom or someone who has the characteristics of a normie butt is to unadjusted to be fully normie
losers who are mad because they can't get pussy
Borderline autistic introverts, these guys will never be normie no matter how hard they try. And frankly they don't really want to. They exist in an entirely different state of mind from everyone else, a bleak yet comfy mindset.
Would you agree that all 3 groups are involuntarily celibate?
celibacy is always voluntary
Wow. Imagine being this retarded. Good God.
Of course not since they can have sex with animals or rape a child.
imagine not knowing how to look up the definition of words or how they are used.
All you newfags get it wrong
Normal people, your everday folk partying and bullying you in highschool
>failed normie
That one fat kid trying to "make friends" by being clingy and annoying everyone with his stinking breath
Everyone using r9k. Its in the board name. Board culture developed around being social outcasts tho but its not a condition its a lifestyle
some group of fucktards from reddit I never cared enough about
>not just failed normie
you never learn
the failed normie can get laid sometimes the incel is involuntarily celibate and the robot is voluntarily celibate.
I tried to unjust him.
>involuntarily celibate
fat skinny
Maybe not the media calling him a bad guy but I can definitely still see people belittling him. Like I could see a woman saying
>LMAO imagine getting saved by a guy that looks like that! no thanks...
And she would be a vapid whore and chad would walk away in disgust
so failed normie is just a synonym for cyborg?
Failed normie: Unpopular normalfag
Incel: Normie virgin, obsessed with getting laid
Robot: Friendless shut in
this is him now buddy
fembot here would smash
>Failed normie.
Person who wanted to be a normie, but couldn't quite achieve it due to social anxiety or some other factor. The name explains itself.
Frustrated normies who can't get sex, nothing else to it.
Mentally ill person who has a hard time functioning in society, sometimes they're NEETs sometimes they're wageslaves.
Usually depressed as well.
I could describe a more detailed definition, but it'll be subjective and not apply to everyone.
Nailed it in an original fashion
failed normie: normie goals, normie mentality, but socially awkward/lacks enough social skills and possibly unattractive.
incel: pic related and really wishes to touch a woman/pretends to not wish for a woman but can't stop talking about them (i'm talking about you mgtow)
robot: also pic related but since he's so much of a degenerate he acknowledges he won't ever be in contact with normie material (social life, relationships etc) so he just embraces magic
Normie is a functional adult with prospects, ambition, goals, discipline and drive.
Incel is a person that claims he cannot get a sexual/romantic partner, regardless of his efforts. It's deceptive, since the vast majority of self-proclaimed incels do not make any effort whatsoever. A minority of incels genuinely will most likely never manage to get a long term romantic partner due to mental illness or physiological deformities.
Robot is pretty much an incel that is so deep into cognitive dissonance, his superiority/inferiority complex has metastized from a coping mechanism to a dominant character trait. Commonly comorbid with psychological and/or mental disorders.
Roughly 14% of males are virgins in the 22-35 years old range, it's an expected outlier in dinomial distribution models. People on Jow Forums and incels forums simply for victim to confirmation bias and selection bias.
Do you think to be a robot one also has to be a virgin? This is said a lot here and I really don't think I agree.
As described earlier in my post, incels are the ones who can't get sex.
Not to say robots can get sex easily, it just doesn't apply to them.
You can be mentally ill and still have had sex before.
People confuse robots with incels a lot, they're not the same.
ichabod crane lookin ass
Failed normie used tho be normal but out of choice drove all his friends away.
Incel cant get girls and is sour grapes about it.
Robot cant understand how the human (normie) works and is a misfit in society. eventually doesn't understand emotions like love and happiness either
Failed normie started off normally enough but either through freak accident or their own complacency they ended up alone/horribly poor/suicidal or some combo of the three
An incel is that faggot who kept trying to get laid by sending dick pics and being a tool, and failed miserably.
A robot either never tried to succeed or ended up a failure due to genetics, leaving them a hollow shell of a human being.
Girls will flat out refuse to carry a conversation a guy who is below a 6/10.