Ask someone who was pronounced legally dead anything

Ask someone who was pronounced legally dead anything.

Last night I overdosed on heroin/fentanyl and was pronounced dead by paramedics when they arrived but I was able to be resuscitated. They had to administer Narcan twice.

All i remember is doing a shot, going to sit down on the couch and then waking up on a stretcher.

I didn't see any white light or anything like that, it's just like being in a deep sleep

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you're not really different from anyone here who has no social life

Why the fuck did you start doing heroin of all drugs

MY friend od'd three times over the years before she finally died, when you are dead you see nothing right?
Also, why use heroin?'
I don't get it/

You are lucky you didn't suffer brain damage. I know of a woman who was dead for five minutes, when she came to, her personality had become completely different, like fucking demonic. and that's how her and my friend at the time, her son ended up on pills in the first place.

Do you have any brain damage?

who called the paramedics?

depression i guess. it gave me something to look forward to and i could just sleep all day.

5 minutes without oxygen to the brain is a long time. She's lucky she woke up at all.

Luckily no brain damage.

My poor roommate. He was terrified. Apparently he had to give my CPR while we were waiting on the paramedics.

Take a walk, draw some dues, socialize,

I think my friend od'd in her sleep, I remember one time she used in the woods, she was meowing and she turned blue for a few seconds till I called her name.

origngig based af

how mad are you?
I'd be fucking pissed at whoever called the ambulance.

What a fucking waste of narcan, should've let your junkie ass expire like all the other shit smears.

yeah dude i gotta do something.


actually pretty mad desu

It's speculative, I'd rather die than wake up to entirely altered brain chemistry that turned me into a monster like some shit straight out of Evangelion.

Are you going to jail or something?

how do you feel about there being no afterlife?

Get some methadone to taper off your addiction.

Also, what the fuck man? Depression one day, drug overdose the next. Find a better use of your time/money.

Thats called hell OP

im not even psychically addicted. I used to be but ive mostly just been smoking weed but decided to say fuck it one day.

thanks tho

People almost never get arrested after OD'ing. The doctor's job is to save your life, not get you in trouble.

That and junkies aren't worth anybody's time. You're worthless, empty husks, devoid of any value. Wander off into a ditch and die like all the rest of your vile kind.

Why do we bring these fuckers back again? Can't we just let them die?

Trust me I hate them as much as you but you have to consider that a lot of people got hooked because big pharma practically threw pills at any old lady with a foot problem.

Your tax money paid to have this worthless piece of shit resuscitated and it will happen again with him over and over. On top of that these same pieces of shit break into your house and steal shit or some card fraud to buy their dope. They OD, let em die.

Notice how OP thinks he's big shit and should be idolized for cheating death.


I know an old lady with a wrist problem and she took the prescription 3 days and destroyed the rest. Bunch of lazy fucks just want to stay high all day and lay around so they blame something else.

Wow cool vice article but no, they have wiped out entire towns of people in West virginia. Eat shit shill.

You should have that ol Naloxone around you so you don't die bro.

Also methadone could help ya.

Did she have a history of opiate abuse prior to this because they don't give out opiates for injuries that last 3 days. Plus who gives a shit of an old person is on pills, they're not doing anything else, they don't need to work, they get scripts so they don't have to steal from mommy like you NEETs.

>one person avoided it so the systemic issue doesn't exist

People who do drugs are losers but hey why should i care if you become homeless, right? see you on the streets soon, fags so i can laugh at your misfortunes.

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If you are taking your own scripts responsibly and not taking handfuls of 30s a day you are taking the medication as prescribed, if you go to the doctor with a bunion that never gets operated on and he throws you max grade opiates that you proceed to sell to 20 year olds THAT is where we have a problem.

>I didn't see any white light or anything like that, it's just like being in a deep sleep

Congrats on being the 82-91%, we already knew this:

The ones who see a white light during cardiac arrest are in a small minority, around 9-18%. But the fact that you didn't see that white light and hence are part of the majority doesn't change anything we didn't already know. A minority will still continue to see that white light when they come close to death and the majority will continue not to see that white light.

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You're going to end up on the streets but you're not on drugs? How can you fuck up that badly?

It's people like these who you can instantly tell are the true scummy fucking rejects of society, (surprise, it's R9k!).

The blatant lack of humanity, the disgusting pride in his vindication and lack of empathy, it's pathetic really. This is the type of person whose been hurt over and over until they internalized and radicalized all of their views.

Seriously, what normal well-adjusted person sits on a Tibetan ice-fishing forum and writes these shitposts? Imagine three people having a conversation.

>A: "I think we need to support addicts through the state and assist them"

>B: "I don't agree with state responsibility, and think we need to focus on education and prevention."

>C: "I think drug users are worthless fucking scumbags who should all fucking die in the street like the worthless human trash they are."

Just try to imagine the kind of person who could genuinely say that. That's a person who lacks all basic life, socialization, and understanding of the world around them. In a way I suppose I should congratulate him, he's reached true robot tier of absolute autism.

People who do drugs are just degenerate fags i hope you become homeless so i may kek

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Based junkie with reading comprehension lmao make sure to panhandle hard for that dollar rofl

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>boohoo mommy sumwun was a meanie on the internets waaaaaaaahhhh waaaaahhhhhh

Be careful no studies show that there are some dangerous side effects do narcan

You aren't wrong but you have to consider how badly this issue has affected some people. I was lucky enough to get my friend back and he even quit methadone but that's rare. Most people have lost friends, parents, children. It's a deep and personal hatred that's directed toward the user because hating the drug itself is irrational, as it is an effective means of relieving horrible pain and we need to use it sometimes.

You appear to be terminally gay. Maybe you'd be better off on dope as an individual, at least you'd be helping some dope dealer feed his trash babies, moenigger.

Hating the user is much more irrational than hating the drug. Do you hate people who get cancer? Do you hate people who are depressed?

LMAOOOOOO imagine fucking your life so bad because you got addicted then someone says you are a worthless piece of shit and you go HELP PAY FOR MY DUMB DECISIONS. Lol little did you know you're actually paying right now in full.

My girlfriend is my only drug Sorry, not gay like you boy.

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I can't hate depression or cancer themselves but I can hate someone for having no willpower or sense of decency. But that can be said for fat people, drunks, gambling addicts, porn addicts, I can't hate food and sex because some people abuse their dopamine receptors.

Why should anyone sympathize for a retard who thinks escaping with drugs is the best way to relieve his depression?

Go overdose on aspirin you god damn short bus riding stepchild.

Right, because cancer patients steal your shit so they can get another hit of cancer to inject themselves with. Is that how it works?

>I hate the mentally ill
Fuckin epic, bro. I'm sure this attitude is going to help people with mental illness

No history of any drug abuse and they gave her enough for 10 days but she voluntarily stopped taking them after 3 and dealt with the pain. It was a nasty fall that snapped her wrist and very painful.

If you live in a country with socialized medicine then yeah, basically

most intelligent & successful people do drugs, thats just the side society doesnt want close minded fags like you to see. There are even studies on that.

I hope you OD next time.

you can deal with pain at a point instead of the lazy, easy way and keep doping for fucking ever

You're strawmanning and being burnt out on pills isn't a mental ilness. I'm not even disagreeing with you entirely but people have learned that addicts can and will abuse your compassion

and its exactly what they do or they swap medications they no longer need for shit to get high.

Uh, according to the daily show, all countries with socialism are unfettered visions of paradise and heaven, with no crime, sickness, or death.

Nice try, drumpfkin.

So chances are she saved the rest or sold them. Most people would rather take the money.

hoping somebody you dont know dies because of taking a substance as an individual without harming anyone else.
There is a better case to be made against someone like you deserving death you viscious anti social cunt :)

>Someone said the truth online
>If they tell me the truth, I call them mad, salty, or a whiner
>If they're mad, salty, or whining, their truth is invalid

You are like a child, raging after losing a game of League. Enjoy your braindead strawman arguments.

This is true user, thank you for a decently worded reply. You are correct about this.

>Hitler took many drugs and the nazis were high as fuck on speed.

fuck off Jow Forumstard

I made a pound of poppy seed tea last week and was buzzed out of my mind
I felt good for the first time in about 14 months

life is hard as fuck I wish weed was legal because I can't stand alcohol/tobacco and poppy seed (morphine) was the easiest substance to get

>addiction isn't a mental illness
simply epic

>people have learned that addicts can and will abuse your compassion
Believe me, I know, my dad is an alcoholic and I've been there. But as much as seeing that normally intelligent and kind man turn into a belligerent idiot kills me, I don't hate him because I recognize that he's sick.

>so what if this systemic issue exists? It's possible to avoid it so we should just ignore the problem

My point was that any sort of sickness causes societal problems, whether it be in the form of theft or sky-high medical bills. Socialized medicine is actually a pretty great system.

no you stupid fuck. I tamed the dope and alcohol monster inside me and know it can be done so have no sympathy for an addict or alcoholic that takes no personal responsibility for getting where they are and haven't the guts to get out.

>my liberal politics are the TRUTH
>why u mad tho

wow it's like I'm really on facebook

Allied forces took all that shit too, retard.

I bet you believe there was a holocaust too LMAO.

no she destroyed them so you can't get your hands on them

Nigger you're the one who responded to a relatively insightful post with infantile mockery. You're the one who is fucking seething.

>addiction isn't a mental illness
It's not, it's a predisposition, synthetic opiates don't exist naturally in your brain, it's like saying diabetics are mentally ill too. Get your 12 step faggotry out of here loser.

>used to smoke meth daily
>realize my life was shit
>cleaned myself up
>got a job
>stayed clean
>life is easier now

Although, I can relate I still have no sympathy for people who have no will power to change.

Anybody who has actually gone out and lived life (inb4 normie) can tell you the world isn't black and white and we're all a lot better off when we're in something together. This is evident in everything from the dawn of time. Numbers and focus makes innovation and success.

Do I agree with the current take on things? No. But do I believe we can go a lot farther singing a song of progress than a song of death? More likely.

but it does harm and cost others

I can't even take them. They make me puke. I can never know what it's like to even enjoy them.

>Allied forces took all that shit too, retard.
How is that relevant? Hitler was still a meth addict no matter who else did it too

I thought they pronounced after they can't revive you. Why would they call death then keep trying

>being this mad because I mocked your retarded libshit politics with some baby talk

Take those meds, you crazy kid.

go to some rehab lad, you can't cure your depression with drugs

Going to clock out of here now because of how fucking stupid this has gotten. Ironically, I'm about as right-wing as they come. When you're done being a shitty, toxic video-game-addicted NEET you'll get some actual life experience and understand the basics of the world around you, you bitter, sad little men.

Well, RETARD, it means you have no moral high ground from which to condemn his drug use.

Get it, MORON?

>u mad tho????
>y u mad??
typical braindead rightist with no argument

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As a sidenote, adderall is fucking awesome. I had a crack problem for about 3 months so I know what it's like to have a "thing" that's nearly irresistible but you DO have to be a selfish retard to let it ruin you or your loved one's lives. That's why as much as I like it, I can't even let myself fully enjoy it knowing I will only want for more.

drugs make us better at stuff until we abuse them and don't allow our levels to be replenished

maybe they got tired of waiting for him to show up?

>ugh just like get a life

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My opinion on drugs is simple and logical:
The individual input of substances into a persons body should be up to their free choice.
>This comes with only 1 exception;
As long as you dont harm or endanger other individuals in the process.

oh hey that does sound kind've nice. i've decided that if my depression gets so bad i want to toss my life away im definately becoming a junkie

Wasn't even me who wrote that post.

Look at you mate. I feel genuine pity for you. When you speak like this I can only imagine what a toxic, bitter, angry, hateful person you must be. It's a lot easier to convince yourself the world is color coded than it is to open your eyes and see the rainbow.

Hope you find your peace user, out :)

I'm calling you out on your hypocrisy, because you called drug addicts degenerates while posting a pic of a drug addict you worship

>u mad tho????
>y u mad??
typical braindead lefitist with no argument

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>Ironically, I'm about as right-wing as they come
The Jow Forums version of "Believe it or not, I actually *like* people"

I'm sure your parents are proud, well done.

Except I didn't do any of that because only in your deluded schizo mind are two separate, individual posters the same poster

I hate drug addicts so god damn much
they are ruining my town that I live in, living next to a city is suffering
>some video of a jogger throwing some homeless junkies """house""" into a lake telling him to gtfo just recently went viral in my area
god that felt so good, gonna start doing that too

>When you speak like this I can only imagine what a toxic, bitter, angry, hateful person you must be.
In my experience it's only the most insufferable retards who say things like this. How could anyone find peace when people like you exist?

I'm not even the same guy who initially responded to the hitler pic lmao

You are wise user

It's baffling the way people will Kiss the ass of a thug who joined the army to shoot villagers or a politician selling them into slavery but someone who gets high is the lowest scum in their eyes