Let's have a thread for people to share contacts and find friends
Post your tags and interests
Disc friends
Looking for people to talk about animes and games
comfy conversations about kissing guys
I just need someone to talk to. Someone to hang out with would be nice too(please be in NJ)
what part of nj user?
There's a discord thread on though.
looking for someone to chat about feels and deep sort of thoughts
Lumberton, you?
atlantic city
Kai#9573 I like vidya and im shit at drawing so drawing friends to talk to would be nice
Looking for friendless people like me to build a bond with, without pressure. I play some games while sucking at them, used to watch anime in the past, like music and like to talk about anything specially if deep or polemic (respecting each other of course). I have to say that i'm kinda introvert but i'll do my best.
That's ok what's your discord?
are you a lonely socially crippled neet without a single IRL acquaintance?
do you like cute stuff and/or technology?
How many registers does the zilog z80 have?
do you have questioning thoughts about your sexuality and gender!?!?
well shit user, you've found the right place!
Come on down to Aero's harem and hang out with us! owo
I need someone to vc with when I'm bored.
I also play GTA SAMP and other gay shit.
Just looking for a friend
someone to talk to regularly would be nice
vidya, music, comfy chats (vc okay too), neet things.
if you want to talk
>are you a lonely socially crippled neet without a single IRL acquaintance?
What if you're just that?
add me if you want someone to talk with or play some vidya
Really just to talk to anyone
Dude this is a reiko server full of gross HRT beasts
fuck /soc/ though. I don't want to hook up. I'm uggo. Just let me talk to the other losers > : (
I believe you'd be much better suited over on my man
ah this thing again.
>be me
>go to /soc/
>post looking for robot or actual aspie because am actual aspie myself
>lol >>>>> you loser
>go to Jow Forums disc thread
you normie reee XD
>tfw have almost fully accepted that i will never have an aspie e-friend to discuss things with for hours and to share random bits of interesting stuff with
>actual robot
>on a thread for socializing
>on a program used primarily if not entirely by normalfags
gosh I can't imagine why you struggle to find one.
I don't wanna talk about anime, politics, religion, tfwnogf, lewd stuff, or memes.
I guess I'll just fuck off then.
I have not been outside where I live in literally 19 months.
I have a few serious health conditions.
I have zero irl friends.
I have zero family, anywhere.
I am diagnosed aspie among other things.
Please tell me user, what should I do to find someone to connect with online? I am interested in any advice you have.
Quit trying to socialize and just indulge in escapism and media consumption. Why do you need to socialize on shitty programs like discord? Why can't you just get your social fix off of sites like this or anonymous chat sites/programs.
I don't want to be a robot anymore. It's not fun.
But what is the point in communicating beyond shit like this? What difference will it make?
Joe Montana#2132
Punished Loftus.
>just indulge in escapism and media consumption
I've been doing that for almost exactly 20 years now. I am more than likely old enough to be your father.
>Why do you need to socialize on shitty programs like discord? Why can't you just get your social fix off of sites like this or anonymous chat sites/programs
Because I'm retarded and the only thing I want before I kms or die from some complication is to know that for once in my life, I wasn't an alien, I was able to relate with someone and they with me. The kind of thing that I don't think I can achieve on anonymous sites (I've been trying for about 9 years) because this requires talking to someone more than once and requires building rapport and trust.
If I was simply after social interaction of any type, I'd just namefag here all day and be a known namefag. This is not what I want, at all.
I've had an actual online friend before, for years, that filled this position. I know it's possible. That person killed themselves 3 years ago.
So what should I do user? What service, site, or program do you recommend to me? Thanks for your reply.
i like vidya, anime, computers. it's nice to talk about
You should get on hrt
Anywhere else. Anywhere socializing is meant for. As in the board I recommended originally, any chatting website, irc, whatever.
>Add people
>Have a pretty nice conversation during the first day, everything is new and good to talk about
>Next day
>Don't talk anymore cuz nothing to say
what do?
Gaybots post your discord.With gender
Do you think it would be at all difficult to find introverted aspies in a place that socializing is meant for?
Do you think there would be a better chance of finding that kind of person in a place where those kind of people often go?
I don't attempt to go beyond imageboard interactions so I have no idea, I just know these threads really don't belong here.
Oh okay, you don't have any real advice, just content policing.
Thanks for your replies user, it's been somewhat illustrative.
I'll leave the thread now since I don't belong here.
Why should I do that this comment is not originial
Because no one here will ever care about you more than just as a potential target for their amusement.
if you wanna recc music to each other and enjoy anime/films/drawing (bonus points if from europe)
I got banned from the aero discord immediately for no reason
what difference could there be between a long term friendship and brief, insincere, completely anonymous interactions based on memes, edginess, and being le funne troll? it's literally the same thing XD
Why do you need more than what this site offers?
more importantly, why post it here?
Gaybots that want to send me their dick please add me.
Fuck, forgot my discord. Gaybots who want to send me their dicks/lewds please add me.
why do you need to reply to me?
more importantly, why post at all, ever?
You just said how this is different and then act as if it's the same level of cancer.
why are you still replying to me lmao
Because this qualifies as minimal required interaction :^) unlike your kind it's suitable and there's no need for more than this.
earn the (you) next time kid
>actually caring about (You)s on a kazakhstani forging webring
This thread belongs on Norman.
i don't like anime or vidya, i do like talking to robots, sometimes
There is a whole board for what you want.
I tried to add you but it originally did not work.