How did these guys go from a really cool and underrated band to complete dogshit in the span of a decade?
How did these guys go from a really cool and underrated band to complete dogshit in the span of a decade?
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isn't their target audience like 14 year olds? hmmm i wonder dude
Cool and underrated? "people with any emotions other than anger are pussy faggots!" "waahh gimme sumptin to break!" That music was never cool, that band was never underrated, and you're a cock gobbler.
Have you listened to more than two of their songs?
>How did these guys go from a really cool and underrated band to complete dogshit in the span of a decade?
Who are they?
>listen to a couple of songs
>this band sucks
"But did you listen to their songs??" - You
No, faggot, I didn't. Because they're trash.
Limp Bizkit
No, but have you listened to more than just Rollin' and Break Stuff?
Faggot I graduated high school in '96, of course I've heard Limp Bizkit.
because after chocolate starfish, the group started to disband, then it goes to shit ...
also fred wanted to go full rap-rock (and not rock-rap)
like cypress hill great album then they wanted to go full rock-rap ..
i wish we could've had durst and b-real join together to make a new group that was a much heavier focus on rap than rock.
are you fucking retarded? limp bizkit's hasnt been decent since the fucking 90s
Fred Durst and B-Real? Fred Durst is angry smelly sweaty redneck trash, they aren't even close to the same level.
Nu metal stopped being cool
nobody said they were dipshit.
i wasn't comparing the two.
Yeah and like nobody that was alive in the 90s could possibly be in this thread right?
rap rock is a meme genre and they couldn't adapt to music trends
"____ is a meme" is a meme.
they were big as fuck back in the late 90s - early 00s. Kinda like kendrick now
you're right. rap rock is like niche genre. it's consumed as a novelty.
If that's you, and you're still unironically listening to Limp Bizkit, you're washed up.
They've been shit for 2 decades now and they werent even that good to begin with so who the fuck cares?
Fuck all of you guys. Limp Bizkit is partially responsible for the best intro to a sports videogame ever made.
I was alive in the 90s and I do not still listen to them, I haven't since 99.
I agree.
>partially responsible
>implying they did anything more than sign a contract that granted Midway use of the track in exchange for tens of thousands of dollarydoos