>going to a psychologist tomorrow for the first time
What should I expect? I'm afraid that she (yeah I know, it's free though) will give me some meme "advice" like >just exercise and eat healthy! instead of actually taking me seriously and trying to help me turn my life around. I'm already on medication, btw.
Going to a psychologist tomorrow for the first time
>>just exercise and eat healthy!
She probably will. You should unironically do that. That way, after you put honest effort into getting better, she will know that you really have issues and aren't just another normie who is """depressed""" because they broke up with a gf or something.
I started exercising as well and believe me, it makes things better for a short time. When I lift, all pain goes away. So if you can, definitely do that.
Do not listen to her user you don't want to be a norman
>you don't want to be a norman
I know it's all pack mentality and everything, but why wouldn't he want to be a normie? Honest question. I just can't figure out a single reason.
Less time for anime.
exercise is really important for the human body
and diet has a huge affect on mood
Ask for a male therapist. Doesn't matter whether it's free, they should still accomodate you, especially considering women who've been abused by men specifically request female therapists. And we've undoubtedly been abused by women (at least mentally.)
Tell her everything, then blame her for the crimes of her peers.
>she will know that you really have issues and aren't just another normie who is """depressed""" because they broke up with a gf or something.
or you know she will just think you are lying about doing that shit. Unless its real obvious like you are fat and end up losing noticeably weight.
Just answer her questions honestly and try not to look for motives. I doubt you'll get any advice outright in one session.
mens sana in corpore sano
Original advice
Because people are garbage
i've had a total of four female psychologist/psychiatrist's over the years and they've all been shit-tier ice queens. if you can ask for a male one, they tend to be more empathetic to male patients. good luck, user.
Exercise and eating healthy isn't just meme advice. But you actually have to stick to it to see benefits. It's the same thing with most things therapists recommend that people on here scoff at. If you actually did it long enough it would improve your mood.
This. Remember what Necrofag said. Don't get a female therapist/psych
well have you tried exercising and eating healthy user? If you arent a fat fuck im sure she wouldnt ask you this
female psychologists are the worst, prepare to be treated like a snowflake and told whatever she thinks you want to hear
>everyone saying about how eating healthy and making exercises isn't a meme
please, i've been lifting for over 5 years and every day i wish a thug would shot me in the head on my way to the gym.
lifting and eating healthy will help you at the beginning. after a few years it'll stop
you're better off taking anti-depressants than exercising and eating healthy
Does spilling your guts on them work?
They seem to assume that your only issue is stress, so what would they do if you told exactly what is wrong with you?
You must observe whether you have mutual understanding and whether you can open up to her/him.
If that's not the case, then quit, it's a waste of time if you even have the slightest feeling that the psychologists does not understand your problems and/or you cannot open up.
Guys I think my therapist has a crush on me, what do I do?
Good advice. I've been exercising for 2 years now (running + gym) and eating healthy for 5 months. It feels good after a training session and my overall physical condition feels sharper but I still feel depressed as fuck. So try that before you dismiss it, but don't hope it will fix your mental problems (because it won't).
maybe you should stop being so gay?
If it's a good psychologist they'll try figure out your problems and then give specific solutions to them.
But most people don't really like their work so whatever.
But she's female and I'm not