White Nationalist here and blackpilled, how can I be a better ally to the incel community...

White Nationalist here and blackpilled, how can I be a better ally to the incel community? I recommend non-fed controlled escort services to incels.

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If you're reccomending escorts then you have no idea why any of us are angry in the first place, fuck off normal nigger we want love and to be wanted a whore can never provide that

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Normal women will never love a spergy little virgin who hasn't even touched a woman before, faggot. If you're not willing to take the first step you'll always be alone you fuckin' loser. So fuck you.

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Just what I'd expect from some false-flagging nigger lover.

and thus user revealed his true colours, kill yourself kike

Fuck up pussy I'm a fuckin' Japanese Nazi supremacist, bitch. But unlike you, I've actually had sex. So FUCK you. You've probably never even TOUCHED a bitch before, FAGGOT.

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we have to learn how to turn the incel's virgin rage into political anger

don't they realize that their true enemy is the liberal establishment for forcing feminism into society?

Hitler was wrong, there is no master race, ALL humans are vile worthless creatures and deserve nothing but death, especially (You)

"incels" are the natural byproduct of how human mating works, except they have a flailing inability to accept their place in the world and become pity-obsessed and entitled. they are genetic waste and should be disposed of, not empathized with, just as all genetic waste should be

t. worthless virgin pig stewing in his own rage due to a lack of feminine attention

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dont worry user, whites will be the first to die off then the world will be plunged into chaos and my dream of human exinction can finally have a chance of success

unfortunately as a white ill be long dead before it happens but I already know the outcome and its perfect

>White Nationalist
No you're not

That isn't happening, we Japanese and certain whites are the only races intelligent enough to survive an extinction event or successfully navigate through a world conflict. Also, you're not white, you've never been laid. Bitch.

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so you're an asian kike ok then user, your extinction event comes not too long after us whites

Who cares, unlike you I've already fucked bitches' pussies before, faggot. Fuckin' nothing to lose. I just got some new pussy last Wednesday, and I'm already abandoning her and moving on. 19 year old blonde girl, sex skills weren't up to par for this dick. Period. Every day you don't get laid is another day you have to endure in horror, wondering if you're going to permanently die a virgin, lmao, and I can die at literally any time completely fulfilled.

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>Black pill
>White nationalist
If you're here on Jow Forums you should remember that you're not part of any political ideology. The black pill is that all ideologies are normie parties you're not invited to. If you want to help incels, help spread MGTOW content and stuff that exposes female nature.

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the MGTOW section should contain images of escorts.

Or high quality companion/sex dolls to show women are indeed becoming obsolete.

good pic

Don't be white nationalist please.

Bitch, shut the fuck up you little faggot ass nigger. Fuck you, you fuckin' shitskin motherfucker.

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>White Nationalist
>small peepee,but boast about fucking everyday,though he can't prove it
At least you make a good show,user

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By killing yourself OP


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> a 22cm penis is small
t. autistic virgin desperate to respond and defend his pitiful little shreds of dignity

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